VET150 Muscular system- Extrinsic muscles of thoracic limb and related areas

cutaneous trunci muscle

tightly adhered to skin, twitches skin

Superficial pectoral muscle: descending and transverse

origin: cranial sternum
insertion: crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus
action: adduct the limb

Deep pectoral muscle

Origin: full length of the sternum
Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus
Action: adducts and pulls limb caudally

Brachiocephalicus muscle: a "Y" shaped muscle with three parts.

Origin: clavicular intersection
Insertion: distal humerus (cleidobrachialis), cervical vertebrae/cranium (cleidocephalicus) mastoid process of temporal bone (cleidomastoideus)
Action: to advance the limb; to extend the shoulder and draw the neck and head

trapezius muscle

Origin: Dorsal aspect of neck
Insertion: Spine of scapula
Action: Elevates and abducts limb; holds scapula to

Rhomboideus muscle

origin: Occipital bone
insertion: dorsal border of scapula
Action: Elevates forelimb, holds scapula to

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Origin: Last 7 thoracic vertebrae and spinous process of lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: proximal humerus
Action: Draws limb caudally Flexes shoulder joint

Serratus ventralis muscle

Origin: cervical vertebra and ribs
Insertion: Dorsomedial scapula
Action: Supports trunk, Holds scapula to

Sternocephalicus muscle

Origin: sternum
Insertion: Occipital bone
Action: Draws head side to side

Platysma muscle

Origin: raphe on doral midline neck skin
Insertion: Attaches to muscles of lips
Action: draws commissures of lips caudally

Temporalis muscle

Origin: Parietal bone of skull
Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible
Action: closes mouth when chewing

Masseter muscle

Origin: Zygomatic arch
Insertion: Lateral side of the mandible
Action: Elevates the mandible to close the mouth when chewing

Digastricus muscle

Origin: Occipital and temporal bones
Insertions: Ventral mandible
Action: opens mouth


Origin: Medial mandible
Insertion: Median raphe between mandibles
Action: Raises floor of mouth


the junction of a skeletal muscle to bone. 3 types: tendon, aponeurosis and fleshy


Attaches muscle to bone: an extension of the epimysium that consists of dense connective tissue


strong sheet of tissue that acts as a tendon to attach muscles to bone or muscle


an apparent direct attachment of muscle to the bone; in reality the muscle attaches to the periosteum of the bone by very short tendons


attachment of a muscle that remains relatively fixed during muscular contraction


The attachment of a muscle tendon to a moveable bone or the end opposite the origin


the body movement that a contraction of the muscle will produce


depression on the abdomen marking site of entry of umbilical cord

Costal arch

caudal ventral border of the rib cage formed by the costal cartilages of the 10th, 11th and 12th ribs; the 13th rib does not attach to the costal arch.

Clavicular intersection

Divides the brachiocephalicus into two parts. Origin of both parts.

Jugular groove

Formed by the edges of the brachiocephalicus and sternocephalicus muscles. Jugular vein lives in the groove.