neuron-target synapse

-NE on A or B adrenergic receptor
-ACh on muscarinic receptor

Somatic motor pathways

have single neuron that originates in the CNS and projects it axon to a skeletal muscle

Neuromuscular junction

site where a motor neuron synapses with a skeletal muscle

motor end plate

region of muscle membrane contains concentration of ACh receptors

Somatic motor division
-# neurons in efferent path
-Neurotransmitter/receptor @ neuron target synapse
-target tissue
-neurotransmitter released from
-effects on target tissue
-peripheral components found outside CNS
-summary of function

-skeletal muscle
-axon terminals
-excitatory only muscle contracts
-axons only
-posture and movement

-# neurons in efferent path
-Neurotransmitter/receptor @ neuron target synapse
-target tissue
-neurotransmitter released from
-effects on target tissue
-peripheral components found outside CNS
-summary of function

-ACh/ muscarinic or NE A or B adrenergic
-smooth and cardiac muscle some endo and exo glands some adipose tissue
-varicositites and axon terminals
-excitory or inhibitory
-preganglionic axons, ganglia, postganglia, neurons
-visceral function including

3 categories of gated ion channels
which type is most involved in the initiation and conduction of action potentials

-Mechanical (some sensory neurons)
-chemical (ligands such as neurotransmitters)
-voltage (changes in membrane potential)
Voltage gated ion channels are most involved.

ohms law equation
increase in

V= I X R (voltage = current X resistance)

Neurons/ nerve cells

Structurally specialized to carry electrical signals rapidly
-long thin processes
-release: neurotransmitters and or neurohormones


is released into the blood stream
-probably acts on a distant tissue


act on a neighboring cell
-act quickly


acts on a neighboring cell
-causes a slower response

Neurons work together that results in emergent properties such as

intelligence, consciousness, etc.

The nervous system consists of

The peripheral nervous system PNS. everything outside the CNS
The Central Nervous System CNS brain and spinal chord

The periphrial nervous system PNS consists of

-Sensory division: Afferent division send info to the CNS through afferent (sensory) neurons
-Efferent: Send info to CNS through efferent (sensory) neurons

Autonomic Nervous system

Nervous system controls involuntrary muscle contraction and other cells

Sympathetic Nervous system

promotes Fight or Flight responses

Parasympathetic Nervous system

promotes "rest and digest" responses

Enteric Nervous system

Gut, digestion (considered a seperate intergrating system)

Somatic Nervous system

motor neurons control voluntary muscles


region where an axon terminal communicates with its postsynaptic target cell


carry signals to the cell body


carry signals away from cell body

Synaptic Cleft

space between pro and post synaptic cells

Axon Hillock

region where axon begins

Myelin sheath

insulating substance wrapped around a axon of some neurons

Functional categories of neurons

sensory neurons(afferent), interneurons of CNS, Efferent neurons


one axon
ex. efferent neurons


2 axons
ex sensory neurons


have no apparent axons


lack long axons


completley in the CNS

Slow axonal transport happens by

movement due to diffusion through cytoplasm

Fast axonal transport

uses the cytoskelton and microtubules, with motor proteins


one type of protein fibers of the cytoskeleton motor proteins that are also involved

Retrograde transport

back to nucleus fast

Anterograde Transport

to axon terminal

Glial cells are

support cells for neurons

Oligodendrcytes and Schwann cells are found where... do what...

Oligodendrocytes found in CNS
Schwann found in PNS can also secrete neurotrophic factors
both form myelin sheaths


multiple layers of phospholipids membrane wrapped around an axon
-insulates neuron > faster transmission of electrical signals
-provides protection

Satelite cell found...does what

found in PNS
Support cell bodies

Glial Cells found in the PNS

schwann cells
satellite cells

Glial cells found in CNS

-ependymal cells
-Microglia (modified immune cells): act as scavengers/phagocytes

blood brain carrier

prevents cells and many chemicals/substances from moving from the blood into the brain

Ependymal cells function

-create barriers between fluid filled compartments
-source of stem cells

Astrocytes function

-take up K+ water neurotransmitters
-secrete neurotrophic factors
-help form blood brain barrier
-provide substrates for ATP production
found in CNS


modified immune cells
Found in CNS

stem cell

can divide and differentiate into other cell types


Form myelin sheath
found in CNS

Schwann cells

form myelin sheath
secrete neurotrophic factors
found in PNS


support cell bodies
found in PNS

Neurotropic factors

chemical mediators that act on 2 neurons


cluster of neuron cell bodies in the PNS
-satellite cells concentrated around ganglia


cluster of neuron cell bodies in CNS

node of ranvier

a section of unmyelinated axon membrane between two schwann cells
direct contact between neurons plasms membrane and ECF

The goldman-Hodgkins-Katz (GHK) equation

calculates membrane potential including contributions from all ions that can cross the membrane

Eion =

equilibrium potential of that ion

Ions most important for excitable cells are


Depolarization can be caused by

membrane potential becomes more positive
- a few Na+ ions move into the cell

Hypopolarization can be caused by

membrane potential becomes more negative
- a few K+ ions into the cell


returning to resting membrane potential


ease with which an ion flows through the channel


minimum voltage change needed to activate (open) a channel can start an action potential

For the whole neuron threshold refers to

the voltage charge needed to generate an action potential

Current in a cell/organism refers to

the movement of positively charged ions

V in ohm's law


R in ohm's law


An ions current refers to

the flow of electrical charge carried by that ion


the force that opposes movement of charge etc.

Resistance to current flow comes from

the resistance of the cell membrane (can be changed by changing permeability to ions by opening/closing ion channels) and of the cytoplasm (fairly constant)

Graded potential

variable strength(max strength changes) short term changes that lose strength as they spread down the cell

action potential

all or none" do not lose strength as they move along the cell

Graded potential type of signal? occurs where? Types of gated ion channels involved? Ions involved? Strength of signal? what initiates the signal? unique?

-input signal, depolarizing or hypopolarizing
-Dendrites and cell body
-mechancally, chem, voltage gated channels
-Na+ Cl- Ca2+
-depends on initial stimulus can be summed (in time/space)
-entry of ions through gated channels
-no min, level to initiate
2 s

Action potential type of signal? occurs where? Types of gated ion channels involved? Ions involved? Strength of signal? what initiates the signal? unique?

-regenerating conduction signal depolorizing
-trigger zone through axon
-voltage gated channels
-Na+ and K+ Different in muscles
-all or none cannot be summed
-above threshold graded potential at the trigger zone opens ion channels
-threshold stimulus req

trigger zone

the physical location in the neuron where action potential can be generated it includes the
-axon hillock
-initial segment
*voltage gated sodium channels

*SEE slide graded potentials can trigger action potentials


summary of an action potential

watch video on a&p flicks

Refractory Period

the time needed for a cell to return to resting membrane potential or atleast to a point where another action potential can be generated

What is responsible for refractory periods following an action potential

Voltage gated Na+ channels

Absolute refractory period

No stimulus can trigger another action potential

Relative Refractory period

Only larger than normal stimulus can initiate a new action potential

Conduction speed is increased with

-increasing neuron size (in diameter)

Action potential cant go backwards down the axon because

refractory period

Saltatory conduction

leeps from node to node
"saltaire": to leap


look up

electrical synapse

gap junctions
neurons of the CNS, cardiac and smooth muscle, glial cells
-allows rapid transmission synchronized networks of the cells

Chemical Synapses

-via release of neurotransmitters (fast acting act at synapse) or neuromodulators (slower acting and can act outside the synapse)
-this is most synapses of the nervous system


ion channel receptor


GPCR generate a response to rough signal transduction

Synaptic transmission

transmission of a signal across a chemical synapse

Steps of neurotrasmitter release

-action potential depolarizes the axon terminal
-the depolarization opens voltage gated Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ enters the cell
-Calcium entry triggers exocytosis of synaptic vesicle contents
-neurotransmitter diffuses across the syaptic cleft and binds wi

Steps/ways neurotransmitters are terminated

-can be returned to the axon terminal to be reused or are transported into glial cells
-enzymes inactivate neurotransmitters
-can diffuse out of the synaptic cleft


a single presynaptic neuron may branch and synapse with multiple target cells


many presynaptic neurons may synapse with a small number of postsynaptic neurons
(come together)

In CNS up to _____ presynaptic neurons per postsynaptic cell


Synaptic plasticity

the ability of the nervous system to change the activity at synapses

Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP)

Depolarize the cell, closer to threshold

Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)

hyperpolarize the cell further from threshold, harder to generate an action potential

Neurotransmitters act through?
fast slow?

chemically gated ion channels

Neuromodulators act through? fast slow?

g coupled proteins

Spatial summation occurs when

the currents from nearly simultaneous graded potentials combine

Temporal Summation occurs when

2 graded potentials from one presynaptic neuron occur close together in time

In presynaptic inhibition

an inhibitory neuron synapses on one collateral of the presynaptic neuron and selectively inhibits one target


neurotransmitter (mainly CNS)

Long-term potentiation important for

memory formation

NMDA receptors are normally blocked/closed by 2 things:

-an activation gate
-a Mg2+ ion

Summary of long-term potentiation

see notes chapter 8

Which phylum has the first nervous system

Cnidaria: jellyfish sea anamones have
-nerve net: sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons

name First organism with integrating system (primitive)

planarea flatworms No CNS/PNS distinction


contains cerebrum, changes in size
-fish is tiny
-birds little bigger
-humans biggest


location of integrating centers that give the organism affective behaviors (feelings emotions) and cognitive behaviors (thinking/intellect)

Cognitive behaviors

thinking intellect

Affective Behaviors

feelings and emotions




coordination of movement, balance

Gray matter

consists of unmyelinated nerve cell bodies, dendrites, and axon terminals
-found in brain and spinal chord

White matter

mostly composed of myelinated axons

meninges and list them

membrane that lie between the brain/spinal cord and the bones surrounding them
-dura mater, arachnoid membrane, and pia mater

dura mater

really tough, outer most


spongy structure, spider web looking, looser

pia mater

thin and delicate. innermost layer

subarachnoid space

filled with CSF. cerebral spinal fluid


fluid filled with CSF cavity in the brain

Choroid plexus

CSF produced here. Continuously produced and reabsorbed

CSF produced and reabsorbed by

arachnoid villi

Spinal reflexes

the spinal chord can act as the integrating center for some simple reflex pathways without input from the brain
-pain reflex, hit knee with hammer, etc.

Parts of the brain

Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata

Cerebral cortex

outermost part of cerebrum

pons and medulla oblongata part of? controls?

brain stem, primitive part of the brain

Parts that make up the brain stem

medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain,


relay/integration center for sensory and motor information


coordinates breathing and rate of breathing


controls eye movement

reticular formation

active when awake
not active when sleeping/coma
aka reticular activating system(RAS)

Frontal lobe controls

-motor association
-integrating movement info.
-motor cortex
-motor association area

Parietal lobe controls

-somatic sensory cortex (pain touch pressure temp ect)
-sensory association area

temporal lobe controls

auditory cortex

occipital lobe controls


crossing over/ decussation

occurs in the brain, nerve tracts cross over
-ex you have left frontal lobe damage, you will see affects on the right side of body

right half of cerebral cortex

is the site where spatial-related skills
-art, creativity, recognizing 3D

left half of cerebral cortex

verbal/ analytical skills


awareness of the bodys position in space/ bodys movement (conscious and subconscious)

Simple receptors

neurons with free nerve endings may be myelinated or unmyelinated

Complex neural receptors

have nerve endings enclosed in connective tissue capsules

Special senses receptors

cells that release neurotransmitter onto sensory neurons that initiate an action potential


detect chemicals like glucose oxygen pH ect


Baroreceptors: pressure
osmorecptors:cell stretch


heat cold



Receptive field

specific area in which a sensory receptor can detect a stimulus

Stimulus intensity and duration

check out the figure in the book

adaptation of a sensory neuron

stop responding to a stimulus

tonic sensory receptors

-fire a rapid burst of action potentials slow down but never stop
detect things like blood pressure and things that need to be constantly monitored

phasic sensory receptors

-fire a rapid burst of action potentials in response to stimulus and will stop firing even when stimulus still present

somatosensory cortex

integrates information from sensory neurons


pain perception (can be chemo- mechono- thermo-)

auditory ossicles

middle ear bones

tympanic membrane AKA


Sound transmission through ear list steps

see diagram

Hearing goes from the cochlear nerve to

medulla > thalamus > Temporal lobe (auditory cortex)


amount of light going into the eye
-iris has muscles that change its size

light travels in these steps to get sight

cornea > pupil > lens > retina

Refraction of light

bending of light


bends light to focus it on the retina

aqueous humor

thin liquid filling front part of the eye

optic disc

the region where the optic nerve and blood vessels leave the eye


back of the eye that contains photoreceptors


the region of sharpest vision, has the most photoreceptors


the center of the visual field

high acuity

very sharp of focus


function in low light and night vision (black and white)


responsible for high acuity vision and color vision during the daytime

20: 1 ______ to ______
except in ____ only ____

rods to cones
*except in fovea all RODs

sight leaving the eyeball goes to (steps)

optic nerve > optic chiasm > thalamus > visual cortex in occipital lobe

focal point

area at which the rays of light converge into a single point

autonomic nervous system 2 divisions


autonomic nervous system

involuntary" functions like heart rate, cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, some glands, some adipose tissue

sympathetic nervous system

fight or flight response

parasympthetic nervous system

rest and digest

initiate autonomic, endocrine, and behavioral responses

hypothalamus, pons, and medulla

limbic system


Autonomic control centers are located in the

hypothalamus, pons, and medulla

most internal organs are under

antagonistic (both branches of autonomic nervous system)

list autonomic control centers

temperature control
-water balance
-eating behavior
-bladder control
-secondary respiratory control
-blood pressure control
-respiratory control

preganglionic neuron

originates in the CNS

Postganlionic neuron

has cell body in the ganglion and projects an axon to the target tissue

vagus nerve

major parasympathetic tract

heart -sympathetic response

-increases rate and force of contraction
-slows rate

arterioles veins -sympathetic response

-constricts dialates

lungs -sympathetic response

-bronchioles dialate
-bronchioles constrict

digestive tract -sympathetic response

-decrease motility and secretion
-increase motility and secretion

adrenal medulla -sympathetic response

-secretes catecholamines

autonomic varicosities

swollen regions
release neurotransmitter over the surface of target cells

A1 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

-most sympathetic target tissues
-norepinephrine > Epinephrine
-activates phospholipase C

A2 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

gastrointestinal tract and pancreas
-norepinephrine > epinephrine
-decreases cAMP

B1 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

heart muscle, kidney
-Norepinephrine = epinephrine
-increases cAMP

B2 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

certain blood vessels and smooth muscle of some organs
-Epinephrine > norepinephrine
-increases cAMP

B3 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

-adipose tissue
-norepinephrine > epinephrine
-increases cAMP

the ____ secretes epinephrine into the blood

adrenal medulla

adrenal cortex

true endocrine gland

adrenal medulla

modified sympathetic ganglion

chromatin cell

modified postganglionic sympathetic neuron


neurohormone that enters the blood

Point of CNS origin

-1st thoracic to 2nd lumbar segments
-midbrain, medulla and 2-4 sacral segments

location of peripheral gland

-primarily in paravertebral sympathetic chain
-on or near target organs

Structure of region from which neurotransmitter is released


neurotransmitter @ target synapse


inactivation of neurotransmitter at synapse

-uptake into varicosity by diffusion
-enzymatic breakdown, diffusion

ganlionic synapse

-ACh on nicotinic receptor
-ACh on nicotinic receptor

neurotransmitter receptors on target cells


Neurons/ nerve cells

Structurally specialized to carry electrical signals rapidly
-long thin processes
-release: neurotransmitters and or neurohormones


is released into the blood stream
-probably acts on a distant tissue


act on a neighboring cell
-act quickly


acts on a neighboring cell
-causes a slower response

Neurons work together that results in emergent properties such as

intelligence, consciousness, etc.

The nervous system consists of

The peripheral nervous system PNS. everything outside the CNS
The Central Nervous System CNS brain and spinal chord

The periphrial nervous system PNS consists of

-Sensory division: Afferent division send info to the CNS through afferent (sensory) neurons
-Efferent: Send info to CNS through efferent (sensory) neurons

Autonomic Nervous system

Nervous system controls involuntrary muscle contraction and other cells

Sympathetic Nervous system

promotes Fight or Flight responses

Parasympathetic Nervous system

promotes "rest and digest" responses

Enteric Nervous system

Gut, digestion (considered a seperate intergrating system)

Somatic Nervous system

motor neurons control voluntary muscles


region where an axon terminal communicates with its postsynaptic target cell


carry signals to the cell body


carry signals away from cell body

Synaptic Cleft

space between pro and post synaptic cells

Axon Hillock

region where axon begins

Myelin sheath

insulating substance wrapped around a axon of some neurons

Functional categories of neurons

sensory neurons(afferent), interneurons of CNS, Efferent neurons


one axon
ex. efferent neurons


2 axons
ex sensory neurons


have no apparent axons


lack long axons


completley in the CNS

Slow axonal transport happens by

movement due to diffusion through cytoplasm

Fast axonal transport

uses the cytoskelton and microtubules, with motor proteins


one type of protein fibers of the cytoskeleton motor proteins that are also involved

Retrograde transport

back to nucleus fast

Anterograde Transport

to axon terminal

Glial cells are

support cells for neurons

Oligodendrcytes and Schwann cells are found where... do what...

Oligodendrocytes found in CNS
Schwann found in PNS can also secrete neurotrophic factors
both form myelin sheaths


multiple layers of phospholipids membrane wrapped around an axon
-insulates neuron > faster transmission of electrical signals
-provides protection

Satelite cell found...does what

found in PNS
Support cell bodies

Glial Cells found in the PNS

schwann cells
satellite cells

Glial cells found in CNS

-ependymal cells
-Microglia (modified immune cells): act as scavengers/phagocytes

blood brain carrier

prevents cells and many chemicals/substances from moving from the blood into the brain

Ependymal cells function

-create barriers between fluid filled compartments
-source of stem cells

Astrocytes function

-take up K+ water neurotransmitters
-secrete neurotrophic factors
-help form blood brain barrier
-provide substrates for ATP production
found in CNS


modified immune cells
Found in CNS

stem cell

can divide and differentiate into other cell types


Form myelin sheath
found in CNS

Schwann cells

form myelin sheath
secrete neurotrophic factors
found in PNS


support cell bodies
found in PNS

Neurotropic factors

chemical mediators that act on 2 neurons


cluster of neuron cell bodies in the PNS
-satellite cells concentrated around ganglia


cluster of neuron cell bodies in CNS

node of ranvier

a section of unmyelinated axon membrane between two schwann cells
direct contact between neurons plasms membrane and ECF

The goldman-Hodgkins-Katz (GHK) equation

calculates membrane potential including contributions from all ions that can cross the membrane

Eion =

equilibrium potential of that ion

Ions most important for excitable cells are


Depolarization can be caused by

membrane potential becomes more positive
- a few Na+ ions move into the cell

Hypopolarization can be caused by

membrane potential becomes more negative
- a few K+ ions into the cell


returning to resting membrane potential


ease with which an ion flows through the channel


minimum voltage change needed to activate (open) a channel can start an action potential

For the whole neuron threshold refers to

the voltage charge needed to generate an action potential

Current in a cell/organism refers to

the movement of positively charged ions

V in ohm's law


R in ohm's law


An ions current refers to

the flow of electrical charge carried by that ion


the force that opposes movement of charge etc.

Resistance to current flow comes from

the resistance of the cell membrane (can be changed by changing permeability to ions by opening/closing ion channels) and of the cytoplasm (fairly constant)

Graded potential

variable strength(max strength changes) short term changes that lose strength as they spread down the cell

action potential

all or none" do not lose strength as they move along the cell

Graded potential type of signal? occurs where? Types of gated ion channels involved? Ions involved? Strength of signal? what initiates the signal? unique?

-input signal, depolarizing or hypopolarizing
-Dendrites and cell body
-mechancally, chem, voltage gated channels
-Na+ Cl- Ca2+
-depends on initial stimulus can be summed (in time/space)
-entry of ions through gated channels
-no min, level to initiate
2 s

Action potential type of signal? occurs where? Types of gated ion channels involved? Ions involved? Strength of signal? what initiates the signal? unique?

-regenerating conduction signal depolorizing
-trigger zone through axon
-voltage gated channels
-Na+ and K+ Different in muscles
-all or none cannot be summed
-above threshold graded potential at the trigger zone opens ion channels
-threshold stimulus req

trigger zone

the physical location in the neuron where action potential can be generated it includes the
-axon hillock
-initial segment
*voltage gated sodium channels

*SEE slide graded potentials can trigger action potentials


summary of an action potential

watch video on a&p flicks

Refractory Period

the time needed for a cell to return to resting membrane potential or atleast to a point where another action potential can be generated

What is responsible for refractory periods following an action potential

Voltage gated Na+ channels

Absolute refractory period

No stimulus can trigger another action potential

Relative Refractory period

Only larger than normal stimulus can initiate a new action potential

Conduction speed is increased with

-increasing neuron size (in diameter)

Action potential cant go backwards down the axon because

refractory period

Saltatory conduction

leeps from node to node
"saltaire": to leap


look up

electrical synapse

gap junctions
neurons of the CNS, cardiac and smooth muscle, glial cells
-allows rapid transmission synchronized networks of the cells

Chemical Synapses

-via release of neurotransmitters (fast acting act at synapse) or neuromodulators (slower acting and can act outside the synapse)
-this is most synapses of the nervous system


ion channel receptor


GPCR generate a response to rough signal transduction

Synaptic transmission

transmission of a signal across a chemical synapse

Steps of neurotrasmitter release

-action potential depolarizes the axon terminal
-the depolarization opens voltage gated Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ enters the cell
-Calcium entry triggers exocytosis of synaptic vesicle contents
-neurotransmitter diffuses across the syaptic cleft and binds wi

Steps/ways neurotransmitters are terminated

-can be returned to the axon terminal to be reused or are transported into glial cells
-enzymes inactivate neurotransmitters
-can diffuse out of the synaptic cleft


a single presynaptic neuron may branch and synapse with multiple target cells


many presynaptic neurons may synapse with a small number of postsynaptic neurons
(come together)

In CNS up to _____ presynaptic neurons per postsynaptic cell


Synaptic plasticity

the ability of the nervous system to change the activity at synapses

Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP)

Depolarize the cell, closer to threshold

Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)

hyperpolarize the cell further from threshold, harder to generate an action potential

Neurotransmitters act through?
fast slow?

chemically gated ion channels

Neuromodulators act through? fast slow?

g coupled proteins

Spatial summation occurs when

the currents from nearly simultaneous graded potentials combine

Temporal Summation occurs when

2 graded potentials from one presynaptic neuron occur close together in time

In presynaptic inhibition

an inhibitory neuron synapses on one collateral of the presynaptic neuron and selectively inhibits one target


neurotransmitter (mainly CNS)

Long-term potentiation important for

memory formation

NMDA receptors are normally blocked/closed by 2 things:

-an activation gate
-a Mg2+ ion

Summary of long-term potentiation

see notes chapter 8

Which phylum has the first nervous system

Cnidaria: jellyfish sea anamones have
-nerve net: sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons

name First organism with integrating system (primitive)

planarea flatworms No CNS/PNS distinction


contains cerebrum, changes in size
-fish is tiny
-birds little bigger
-humans biggest


location of integrating centers that give the organism affective behaviors (feelings emotions) and cognitive behaviors (thinking/intellect)

Cognitive behaviors

thinking intellect

Affective Behaviors

feelings and emotions




coordination of movement, balance

Gray matter

consists of unmyelinated nerve cell bodies, dendrites, and axon terminals
-found in brain and spinal chord

White matter

mostly composed of myelinated axons

meninges and list them

membrane that lie between the brain/spinal cord and the bones surrounding them
-dura mater, arachnoid membrane, and pia mater

dura mater

really tough, outer most


spongy structure, spider web looking, looser

pia mater

thin and delicate. innermost layer

subarachnoid space

filled with CSF. cerebral spinal fluid


fluid filled with CSF cavity in the brain

Choroid plexus

CSF produced here. Continuously produced and reabsorbed

CSF produced and reabsorbed by

arachnoid villi

Spinal reflexes

the spinal chord can act as the integrating center for some simple reflex pathways without input from the brain
-pain reflex, hit knee with hammer, etc.

Parts of the brain

Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata

Cerebral cortex

outermost part of cerebrum

pons and medulla oblongata part of? controls?

brain stem, primitive part of the brain

Parts that make up the brain stem

medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain,


relay/integration center for sensory and motor information


coordinates breathing and rate of breathing


controls eye movement

reticular formation

active when awake
not active when sleeping/coma
aka reticular activating system(RAS)

Frontal lobe controls

-motor association
-integrating movement info.
-motor cortex
-motor association area

Parietal lobe controls

-somatic sensory cortex (pain touch pressure temp ect)
-sensory association area

temporal lobe controls

auditory cortex

occipital lobe controls


crossing over/ decussation

occurs in the brain, nerve tracts cross over
-ex you have left frontal lobe damage, you will see affects on the right side of body

right half of cerebral cortex

is the site where spatial-related skills
-art, creativity, recognizing 3D

left half of cerebral cortex

verbal/ analytical skills


awareness of the bodys position in space/ bodys movement (conscious and subconscious)

Simple receptors

neurons with free nerve endings may be myelinated or unmyelinated

Complex neural receptors

have nerve endings enclosed in connective tissue capsules

Special senses receptors

cells that release neurotransmitter onto sensory neurons that initiate an action potential


detect chemicals like glucose oxygen pH ect


Baroreceptors: pressure
osmorecptors:cell stretch


heat cold



Receptive field

specific area in which a sensory receptor can detect a stimulus

Stimulus intensity and duration

check out the figure in the book

adaptation of a sensory neuron

stop responding to a stimulus

tonic sensory receptors

-fire a rapid burst of action potentials slow down but never stop
detect things like blood pressure and things that need to be constantly monitored

phasic sensory receptors

-fire a rapid burst of action potentials in response to stimulus and will stop firing even when stimulus still present

somatosensory cortex

integrates information from sensory neurons


pain perception (can be chemo- mechono- thermo-)

auditory ossicles

middle ear bones

tympanic membrane AKA


Sound transmission through ear list steps

see diagram

Hearing goes from the cochlear nerve to

medulla > thalamus > Temporal lobe (auditory cortex)


amount of light going into the eye
-iris has muscles that change its size

light travels in these steps to get sight

cornea > pupil > lens > retina

Refraction of light

bending of light


bends light to focus it on the retina

aqueous humor

thin liquid filling front part of the eye

optic disc

the region where the optic nerve and blood vessels leave the eye


back of the eye that contains photoreceptors


the region of sharpest vision, has the most photoreceptors


the center of the visual field

high acuity

very sharp of focus


function in low light and night vision (black and white)


responsible for high acuity vision and color vision during the daytime

20: 1 ______ to ______
except in ____ only ____

rods to cones
*except in fovea all RODs

sight leaving the eyeball goes to (steps)

optic nerve > optic chiasm > thalamus > visual cortex in occipital lobe

focal point

area at which the rays of light converge into a single point

autonomic nervous system 2 divisions


autonomic nervous system

involuntary" functions like heart rate, cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, some glands, some adipose tissue

sympathetic nervous system

fight or flight response

parasympthetic nervous system

rest and digest

initiate autonomic, endocrine, and behavioral responses

hypothalamus, pons, and medulla

limbic system


Autonomic control centers are located in the

hypothalamus, pons, and medulla

most internal organs are under

antagonistic (both branches of autonomic nervous system)

list autonomic control centers

temperature control
-water balance
-eating behavior
-bladder control
-secondary respiratory control
-blood pressure control
-respiratory control

preganglionic neuron

originates in the CNS

Postganlionic neuron

has cell body in the ganglion and projects an axon to the target tissue

vagus nerve

major parasympathetic tract

heart -sympathetic response

-increases rate and force of contraction
-slows rate

arterioles veins -sympathetic response

-constricts dialates

lungs -sympathetic response

-bronchioles dialate
-bronchioles constrict

digestive tract -sympathetic response

-decrease motility and secretion
-increase motility and secretion

adrenal medulla -sympathetic response

-secretes catecholamines

autonomic varicosities

swollen regions
release neurotransmitter over the surface of target cells

A1 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

-most sympathetic target tissues
-norepinephrine > Epinephrine
-activates phospholipase C

A2 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

gastrointestinal tract and pancreas
-norepinephrine > epinephrine
-decreases cAMP

B1 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

heart muscle, kidney
-Norepinephrine = epinephrine
-increases cAMP

B2 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

certain blood vessels and smooth muscle of some organs
-Epinephrine > norepinephrine
-increases cAMP

B3 receptor
-found in
-sensitive to
-effect on second messenger

-adipose tissue
-norepinephrine > epinephrine
-increases cAMP

the ____ secretes epinephrine into the blood

adrenal medulla

adrenal cortex

true endocrine gland

adrenal medulla

modified sympathetic ganglion

chromatin cell

modified postganglionic sympathetic neuron


neurohormone that enters the blood

Point of CNS origin

-1st thoracic to 2nd lumbar segments
-midbrain, medulla and 2-4 sacral segments

location of peripheral gland

-primarily in paravertebral sympathetic chain
-on or near target organs

Structure of region from which neurotransmitter is released


neurotransmitter @ target synapse


inactivation of neurotransmitter at synapse

-uptake into varicosity by diffusion
-enzymatic breakdown, diffusion

ganlionic synapse

-ACh on nicotinic receptor
-ACh on nicotinic receptor

neurotransmitter receptors on target cells


neuron-target synapse

-NE on A or B adrenergic receptor
-ACh on muscarinic receptor

Somatic motor pathways

have single neuron that originates in the CNS and projects it axon to a skeletal muscle

Neuromuscular junction

site where a motor neuron synapses with a skeletal muscle

motor end plate

region of muscle membrane contains concentration of ACh receptors

Somatic motor division
-# neurons in efferent path
-Neurotransmitter/receptor @ neuron target synapse
-target tissue
-neurotransmitter released from
-effects on target tissue
-peripheral components found outside CNS
-summary of function

-skeletal muscle
-axon terminals
-excitatory only muscle contracts
-axons only
-posture and movement

-# neurons in efferent path
-Neurotransmitter/receptor @ neuron target synapse
-target tissue
-neurotransmitter released from
-effects on target tissue
-peripheral components found outside CNS
-summary of function

-ACh/ muscarinic or NE A or B adrenergic
-smooth and cardiac muscle some endo and exo glands some adipose tissue
-varicositites and axon terminals
-excitory or inhibitory
-preganglionic axons, ganglia, postganglia, neurons
-visceral function including

3 categories of gated ion channels
which type is most involved in the initiation and conduction of action potentials

-Mechanical (some sensory neurons)
-chemical (ligands such as neurotransmitters)
-voltage (changes in membrane potential)
Voltage gated ion channels are most involved.

ohms law equation
increase in

V= I X R (voltage = current X resistance)