
Pregnancy Toxima happens in what animal?

Does and Ewes

Gestation Period for Companion Animals?

69-62 days Dog
56-69 days cat

Gestation period for horse?

330-342 days

Gestation period for hamster?

19-29 days

Gestation period for Guinea pig?

63-68 days

What are some external Parasites and how are they caused?

Ear Mites- transfer from one pet to another HIGHLY contagious
Fleas- From Pet or environment
Mange- Depending on type

What is the normal Temperature for a dog?


What is the normal temperature for a cat?


Name for guinea pig male and female ?


Gestation Period for mice?

19-21 days

Gestation Period for Rabbits?

30-32 days

Gestation Period for ferrets?

42 days

Temperature for puppies and kittens?


What makes gerbils unique?

They suffer from seizures when they get scared.

What makes hamsters unique?

They have cheek pouches

Some internal parasites and how do they get them?

Roundworms- transmitted through mother
Fleas- Environment
Tapeworms- In jested Flea
Giardia- Infested Water
Ear Mites- Very contagious - from environment

What are some zoonotic diseases?

Rabies, Giardia, Ring Worm, Leptosporosis Scabies

What is Sarcocystis?

Passes from fecal matter, can be found in meat - Mostly in cattle

How much do horses eat?

There stomach holds 5 pounds


Where rodents establish dominance

How do you hold a bird for wing clipping?

Bewtween Radius and Digits

What disinfectant should not be use around cats?

Phenols ( Pinesol)- Chemical compound

What are the four compartments of a stomach?

Ruman- mixed and hurned
Reticulum- acts as a passage way for food
Omasum- Grinds up food water absorbs with bicarbonmate
Abomasum- True stomach- Initiates chemical digestion

Canine Vertebrae?

C7 T13 L7 S3

Canine Dental Formula?

I 3/3 C1/1 P4/4 M 2/3 = 42 teeth

Feline Dental Formula?

I 1/1 C 1/1 P 3/2 M 1/1= 30 teeth

In a healthy heart the heartbeat is initiated by?

SA node

What side of the heart receives the blood?

Left and Right Atrium receive blood

What side pumps out the blood?

Left and right ventricles pump blood out

What are the heart vales?

Right Atrioventicular/ Triscuspid valve
Left Atrioventricular / bicuspid/mitral valve

What are the 3 layers of the heart?
