Veterinary Medical Terminology - Suffixes

-algia" as in arthralgia or "-dynia" as in arthrodynia

~ joint pain

-itis" as in hepatitis

~ inflammation of the liver

-malacia" as in osteomalacia

~abnormal softening
~ abnormal softening of bone

-megaly" as in cardiomegaly

~enlargement of the heart

-osis" as in cardiosis

~abnormal condition
~abnormal condition of the heart

-pathy" as in enteropathy

~disease of the small intestine

-sclerosis" as in arteriosclerosis

~abnormal hardening
~abnormal hardening of the heart

-um" as in paricardium

~the structure of the heart

-centesis" as in cystocentesis

~surgically puncture to remove fluid or gas.
~a surgical puncture of the urinary bladder with a needle to remove fluid (urine)

-gram" as in electrocardiogram

~record of
~the electrocardiographic hard copy record

-graph" as in electrocardiograph

~instrument that records (or used as a record)
~the machine that records the electrical activity of the heart

-graphy" as in electrocardiography

~the procedure that records
~the procedure used to record the electrical activity of the heart

-lysis" as in urinlysis

~separation or breakdown
~separation of the urin into its constituents

-scope" as in endoscope

~instrument to visually examine
~instrument used to visually examine inside the body

-scopy" as in endoscopy

~procedure to visually examine
~the procedure of visually examining inside the body

-therapy" as in chemotherapy

~treatment with chemical substances or drugs

-rrhagia" or "-rrhage" as in hemorrhage

~bursting forth
~bursting forth of blood from the vessels

rrhaphy" as in enterorrhaphy

~to suture
~suturing of the intestines

-rrhexis" as in myorrhexis

~rupture of the muscle

-ectomy" as in mastectomy

surgical removal
surgical removal of the breast or mammary glands

-pexy" as in gastropexy

suture to stabilize
surgically stapling the stomach to the abdominal wall

-plasty" as in rhinoplasty

surgically repair
surgically repair of the nose

-stomy" as in colostomy

surgically created opening
surgically created opening between the colon and the body surface

-tomy" as in laparotomy

cutting into
incision into the abdomen

-ac"= cardiac

pertaining to heart

-al" as in renal

pertaining to kidney

-ic", as in enteric

pertaining to the intestines

-an" as in ovarian

pertaining to ovary

-ar" as in lumbar

pertaining to loin or lower back

-eal" as in laryngeal

pertaining to laryngeal

-ine" as in uterine

pertaining to uterus

-ous" as in cutaneous

pertaining to the skin

-tic" as in necrotic

pertaining to kidneys