McCurnin Ch8 - Preventive Health Programs


�Serum hormone that may be high in senior cats and low in senior dogs


�Combination vaccine for cats
�Including herpesvirus, calicivirus, and panleukopenia


�Retrovirus that causes immunosuppression, anemia, and lymphoma in that cat


�Herpesvirus that causes sneezing, ocular, and nasal discharge and fever


�Upper respiratory disease in cat that causes oral ulcerations


�Parvovirus in cats that causes leukopenia, fever, lethargy, anorexia, dehydration, vomiting, and diarrhea


�Lentivirus that causes immunosuppresion in cats


�Paramyxovirus that causes fever, respiratory disease, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, dehydration, seizures, ataxia, and paresis in dogs


�One of the causes of canine infectious tracheobronchitis that gives cross-immunity for infectious canine hepatitis


�Highly contagious virus in dogs that proceeds vomiting, diarrhea, leukopenia, and fever


�Combination vaccine for dogs, including distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus type 2, and parainfluenza

Spaying before the second heat cycle in cats and dogs decreases

�Mammary carcinoma

Older dogs may requite more frequent nail trials because of decreased exercise associated with


Passive immunity int he puppy and kitten primarily occurs

�By injection of colostrum within 24hr of birth

To maximize the chance of successful treatment in the event that vaccine-induced sarcoma develops, it is now recommended that feline vaccines be administered

�Distal to the shoulder or hip

For vaccines for the cat are

�Feline viral rhinotracheitis

For vaccines in the dog protect against


Many of the core feline combination and canine combination vaccines are administered every

�3 years

Cats should test negative before vaccination against

�Feline immunodeficiency virus

What noncore feline vaccination is recommended for multicast households with a past history of bacterial upper respiratory infections

�Chlamydophila felis

Disease process in dogs that manifest as a dry honking cough that is transmitted dog to so through respiratory secretions caused by

�Bordetella bronchiseptica

For most core vaccines, a recommended length of time between initial and booster vaccines during the initial vaccine series in dogs, cats, livestock, and horses is generally

�4 weeks

Foals born to unvaccinated mares are routinely vaccinated at what age

�3-4 months

Head tossing, excessive chewing of the bit and bucking in the horse can be signs of

�Dental issues

Young horses and horses with dental issues should have dental exams

�Every 6 months

Upper cheek teeth int he hose can be removed by driving the tooth root into the oral cavity from the

�Maxillary sinus

To maintain proper balance and avoid problems with lameness int he hose, hooves should be trimmed

�Every 6-8 weeks

Thrush is treated by frequent cleaning of the sole of the foot and application of

�Copper-or iodine-based solutions

Anemia is prevented in piglets with supplementation of


Piglet tails are docks to prevent

�Chewing by other piglets

Before entering the breeding hear, pigs are vaccinated for


To prevent disease transmission, newly acquired pigs are not introduced to the rest of the heard for

�30 days

Passive immunity blocks active immune response in calves that are vaccinated when younger than

�3 months

Bovine leukosis virus in cattle causes


Dairy cows are vaccinated against mastitis caused by

�Escherichia coli

Dairy cows should have their hooves trimmed


During the first few weeks of life, either tail docking or castration in sheep can be performed by

�Applying a tight elastic band around the tail or to the scrotum

Diarrhea in sheep and goats is caused by single-called parasites called


Core vaccination in sheep and goats protects against

�Clostridium perfringes
�Clostridium tetani

Sheep and goats can be rapidly screened for anemia by checking the
