Mammal Exam 1


lower crowns relative to root


Higher crowns relative to root


disease transmitted between humans and animals

masseter muscle

for chewing and biting attached to the lower part of the mandible (dentary). larger in herbivores than carnivores because of chewing and grinding food.

Type of teeth associated with Omnivore diets

Bunodont, rounded (4) additional cusps

type of teeth associated with Herbivore diets?

1. Lophondont- lophs on crowns (elongated ridges)
2. Loxodont- extreme version of ^
3. Selenodont- crescent shaped ridges on crown

Type of teeth associated with Insectivory diet?

Dalambdodont- (W-shaped crest)
Zalambdodont- ( V shaped crest)

Type of teeth associated with Carnivore diet?

carnassial cheekteeth with shearing force

What factors of the Hard anatomy distinguish mammals from other vertabrates?


What factors of the Soft Anatomy distinguish mammals from other vertebrates?


Two advantages of Hindgut Fermentation?

-Fast 2x
-Can handle large quantities of LOW quality food

Two DIS advantages of Hindgut Fermentation?

-Need large volumes of food in short time
�No digestion of microorganisms (lost nutrients)
�Must absorb toxic chemicals or transport to liver
�Can't use small intestine for absorption

Two advantages of Foregut Fermentation?

�Highly efficient
�Re-mastication breaks food down further
�Microorganisms can detoxify compounds
�Absorb products from both forms of digestion in small intestine

Two Disadvantages of Foregut Fermentation?


What features distinguish montremes from other mammals?

monotremes are the egg laying mammals
Hard Anatomy: -Egg tooth
-No auditory bullae
-Cervical ribs
-Epipubic bones
-Therapsid likepectoral girdle
-Jugal reduced/absent
Soft Anatomy: -cloaca
-lays eggs (oviparous)

What feature distinguish metetherians from eutherians?

Metatherians: (Marsupials) -smaller brains
-less specialized mouth and limbs
lower mbr, few chromosomes
-short gestation
most marsupials, more investment in lactation
epipubic bones and modified feet
-skeletal and dent

Changes in digestive systems for Omnivores?


Digestive systems of sanguinivores and nectarivores

-need to process high volume of liquids
-stomach: long tubular, well vascularized, allows for storage and water absorption
-small intestine 2x length of stomach and thin walled

digestive systems of Herbivores


Major adaptations for animals maintaining thermal balance in Heat?


Major adaptations for animals maintaining thermal balance in Cold?

large animals in cold environments
-terrestrial: Fur
-Marine: blubber
-Vasoconstriction, reduces heat loss by narrowing blood vessels
- extremities maintained at lower temp than core
- Behavior: group huddles, posture, hibernation

List three methods of data collection:

1. Direct: trapping, measuring, sonar, calling, kill traps, spotlight, aerial surveys- population modeling
2. Indirect: track, scat, burrows... I.D species, species presence in area, determine diet. et cetera
3. Standard Measurements: weight, length, mark

What factors contributed to the diversification of mammals through evolutionary history?


What are some diseases that are conservation concerns for populations of wild animals? what are the effects? How are they transmitted?

1. Lyme Disease:
-spread: tick bite
- symptoms: fatigue, fever, muscle pain, rash
2. Mad Cow Disease (spangiform encephalopathy)
-symptoms: chronic wasting, attacks nervous system and brain tissue in deer and elk, etc
-spread by nose to nose contact with

Classification of Mammals:

K: Animalia
P: Chordata
C: Vertebrata
O: Mammalia

Mammalian origins (5)


Widely used defining feature of mammals?

Dentary-squamosol articulation as the jaw joint
(also- jaw joint seperate from ear)

Parts of the intestinal tract

-oral cavity
-pyloric sphincter
-small intestine
-large intestine

Stages of feeding: (CITPS)


Animal based diets compared to plant based

Animal based vs. plant based
-easy digestion hard to digest
-high nutrients/energy low nutriens/energy
- harder to get abundant


form of swallowing

Foregut Fermentation process

1. Rumen: moistend, kneaded, mixed with microorganisms, fermented, fatty Acids produced, large particles float to the top and move to the next chamber
2. Reticulum: cud formed, further fermented, produce and absorb FA's, cud regurgitated, rechewed and re


disease causing organism


carrier, host of pathogen


source, often mammalian

