Ch. 12 Hematology and Cytology

Plasma protein determination can be determined using a(n)


High reticulocyte counts of more than 60,000/mL in dogs and more than 50,000/ml in cats are compatible with

Regenerative anemia

Which of the following statements regarding automated hematology analyzers is not true?

Instrument settings for the size of each cell type are universal to all species

_______________ are important mediators of hypersensitivity reactions and contain substances that can damage and kill some parasites



Circulate in low numbers in health

________ is the average amount of hemoglobin in a specific volume of blood and is calculated from the hemoglobin concentration and HCT


In some species, neutrophils are called ___________ because of the intense staining of the granules


In evaluating a blood smear

the counting area, where most of the evaluation takes place, is between the body and the feathered edge

Another name for nucleated RBCs is


Fluid collected from throacic and abdominal effusions can be put in EDTA tubes to

prevent clotting in case sample is contaminated with blood

Two tests that can evaluate the intrinsic and common pathways of the coagulation cascade are the activated clotting time (ACT) and the _____________________, which measures the time it takes for the primary platelet plug to form

bleeding time

What are the two pathways of the coagulation cascade?

Intrinsic and extrinsic

Measuring the hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, and _______________ can be used to determine the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood

RBC count

When collecting blood for a complete blood count (CBC), what statements are true?

If clots are present, a new sample should be collected
2ml of blood is sufficient for a CBC from any animal species
The collection tubes should be inverted 10-15 times before further processing to ensure the RBCs, WBCs, and platelets are evenly dispersed

In a blood smear, oxidative damage results in ________________, which are RBCs in which the hemoglobin has shifted to one side of the cell, creating a clear area outlined by a thin rim of membrane


RBCs from ____________ have the largest diameter and the least anisocytosis


Anisocytosis can be determined using ____________ as a mathematical index


Unstained smears being sent out to a reference laboratory should be

stored at room temperature

You examine a microhematocrit tube after centrifugation. The buffy coat

contains white blood cells and platelets and is the middle layer between plasma and RBCs

Manual determination of WBC counts can be made using a(n)

PCV card and grid

Red-topped fluid-collection tubes

do not contain EDTA

Hemoglobin is

the protein in RBCs that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues

________________ are the predominant type of circulating cell in cattle, sheep, and goats


______________ result from antibody binding to the RBC surface and removal of a portion of the membrane by macrophages; this occurs in immune hemolytic anemia, which is most commonly recognized in dogs



RBCs that lack a central zone of pallor and often appear slightly smaller and denser than normal RBCs

How do spherocytes form?

Antibody binding to the RBC surface and removal of a portion of the membrane by macrophages in the spleen

A modified Wright or Wright-Giemsa stain

will stain mast cell granules and granules in some lymphocytes purple

A Rouleaux formation

is normal in horses and often shows RBCs appearing like stacked coins

Platelets in mammals

do not have nuclei

Platelets in birds and reptiles

have nuclei and are called thrombocytes