EP Spanish 1 L 64

El cumplea�os

The birthday

El beb� naci� el 9 de septiembre

The baby was born September 9th

Un regalo

A gift

Un pastel

A cake

Una vela

A candle

Una fiesta

A party


To give


To invite

�Cu�ntos a�os tiene?

How old are you? (formal)

�Cu�ntos a�os tienes?

How old are you? (informal)


To have....in years (to state age)

Tiene un a�o

He/she is one year old

Tiene catorce a�os

He/she is fourteen years old

Tengo doce a�os

I am twelve years old

La familia

The family

Los padres

The parents

El padre

The father

La madre

The mother

El hijo

The son

La hija

The daughter

Los ni�os

The children

El hermano

The brother

La hermana

The sister

El t�o

The uncle

La t�a

The aunt

El primo

The cousin (male)

La prima

The cousin (female)

El abuelo

The grandfather

La abuela

The grandmother

El perro

The dog (male)

La perra

The dog (female)

El gato

The cat (male)

La gata

The cat (female)