Duolingo Spanish 59. Verbs: Modal


must, owe, should


would be able to, could


was able to, were able to


wanted, used to want, was wanting, were wanting


owed, used to owe, was owning, were owing


should, would owe


be able to, could


see, watch, imagine

Ellos no pudieron dormir.

They were not able to sleep.

Yo deber�a leer el art�culo.

I should read the article.

Usted quer�a caminar.

You wanted to walk.

Podr�amos comer fruta.

We would be able to eat fruit.

Debo correr.

I must run.

Debo ir a ese monte.

I must go to that mount.

Yo no deb�a decir nada.

I did not have to say anything.

Si ella pudiera correr.

If she were able to run.

�l no pudo continuar sus estudios.

He was not able to continue his studies.

La polic�a local debe participar.

The local police must participate.

Debes eliminar al testigo.

You must eliminate the witness.

El doctor me dijo que no deb�a comer tanto.

The doctor told me that I must not eat so much.

Deber�as decirme.

You should tell me.

�Podr�a decirme?

Could you tell me?

�Podr�a venir conmigo?

Could you come with me?

Usted deber�a beber m�s agua.

You should drink more water.

Yo quer�a verte.

I wanted to see you.

Podr�a llover esta noche.

It may rain tonight.

�l debe de estar cansado.

He must be tired.

Podr�amos comer fruta.

We could eat fruit.


must, will owe


wanted, loved


will be able to, will be capable of


could, was able to, were able to, used to be able to


owed, due


would like, want


wants, want

�l quiere vender su coche, y yo quiero comprar uno.

He wants to sell his car, and I want to buy one.

Yo quisiera tener un mundo en paz, con justicia para todos.

I would like to have a world at peace, with justice for all.

Yo quise ver las pel�culas.

I wanted to watch the movies.

Ellos podr�n hacer ejercicio.

They will be able to do exercise.

�l nunca debi� leer mi diario.

He should have never read my diary.

Quise caminar al castillo.

I wanted to walk to the castle.

Yo quer�a caminar al castillo.

I wanted to walk to the castle.

Yo no pod�a comer.

I could not eat.

Usted deber� dormir esta noche.

You must sleep tonight.

Mis amigos dicen que no quieren comer en ese restaurante.

My friends say that they do not want to eat in that restaurant.

Mis hermanas quisieron comer en mi casa.

My sisters wanted to eat at my house.

Nosotros queremos participar.

We want to participate.

La mujer ha dicho que no te quiere ver.

The woman has said that she does not want to see you.

La mujer ha dicho que no los quiere ver a ustedes.

The woman has said that she does not want to see you.

�Quieres tocar la flauta y el viol�n?

Do you want to play the flute and the violin?

Ellas no pod�an creer las noticias.

They could not believe the news.

Ella no quiso ir a la fiesta.

She didn't want to go to the party.

Ella deber� obtener m�s informaci�n sobre el an�lisis.

She must get more information about the analysis.

Los ni�os quisieron caminar en la calle.

The children wanted to walk in the street.

Mis amigos dijeron que te quieren ver ma�ana.

My friends said that they want to see you tomorrow.

�Quieres ser padre?

Do you want to be a father?

�Qu� quiere comer tu esposa?

What does your wife want to eat?

Nosotros vamos a la escuela porque queremos aprender.

We go to school because we want to learn.

No quiero participar en la ceremonia.

I do not want to participate in the ceremony.

Ellos quieren beber agua.

They want to drink water.

Ella no quiere matar a ese animal.

She does not want to kill that animal.

Eso es porque no quiero estar solo.

That is because I don't want to be alone.