Flirting in spanish

Hi beautiful

Hola linda/ Hola hermosa/ Hola guapa(o)

You're very good looking

Te ves muy bien

You look very pretty

Est�s muy bonita

You're very pretty

Eres muy bonita

What a beautiful smile

�Qu� bonita sonrisa!

You have beautiful eyes

Tienes ojos muy bonitos

You are perfect to me

Eres perfecto(a) para m�.

Would you like to dance

�Quieres bailar?

You dance very well

Bailas muy bien.

Would you like something to drink

�Quieres algode tomar?

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend

�Tienes novio/novia?

Will you give me your phone number

�Me das tu tel�fono?

Will you give me your email

�Me das tu email?

what are you doing later? Would you like to go out?

�Qu� vas a hacer mas tarde? �Te gustar�a salir?

I'll take you out to eat later

Te invito a comer m�s tarde.

Don't worry its on me

No te preocupes. Yo invito.

I like you very much

Me gustas mucho

When can I see you again

�Cu�ndo te puedo ver otra vez?