Spanish II Reflexive Verbs (With Conjugations)


To go to bed

Me acuesto

I go to bed

Te acuestes

You go to bed

Se acuesta

He goes to bed

Nos acostamos

We go to bed

Se acuestan

They go to bed


To shave

Me afeito

I shave

Te afeitas

You shave

Se afeita

He shaves

Nos afeitamos

We shave

Se afeitan

They shave


To take a bath

Me ba�o

I take a bath

Te ba�as

You take a bath

Se ba�a

He takes a bath

Nos ba�amos

We take a bath

Se ba�an

They take a bath


To brush (oneself)

Me cepillo

I brush

Te cepillas

You brush

Se cepilla

He brushes

Nos cepillamos

We brush

Se cepillan

They brush


To wake up

Me despierto

I wake up

Te despiertas

You wake up

Se despierta

He wakes up

Nos despertamos

We wake up

Se despiertan

They all wake up


To go to sleep

Me duermo

I go to sleep

Te duermes

You go to sleep

Se duerme

He goes to sleep

Nos dormimos

We go to sleep

Se duermen

They go to sleep


To shower

Me ducho

I shower

Te duchas

You shower

Se ducha

He showers

Nos duchamos

We shower

Se duchan

They shower


To go

Me voy

I go (away)

Te vas

You go (away)

Se va

He goes (away)

Nos vamos

We go (away)

Se van

They go (away)


To wash (oneself)

Me lavo

I wash

Te lavas

You wash

Se lava

He washes

Nos lavamos

We wash

Se lavan

They wash


To get up

Me levanto

I get up

Te levantas

You get up

Se levanta

He gets up

Nos lavantamos

We get up

Se lavantan

They get up


To put on makeup

Me maquillo

I put on makeup

Te maquillas

You put on makeup

Se maquilla

She puts on makeup

Nos maquillamos

We put on makeup

Se maquillan

They put on makeup


To put (on)

Me pongo

I put (on)

Te pones

You put (on)

Se pone

He puts (on)

Nos ponemos

We put (on)

Se ponen

They put (on)


To stay

Me quedo

I stay

Te quedas

You stay

Se queda

He stays

Nos quedamos

We stay

Se quedan

They stay

Me seco

I dry off

Te secas

You dry off

Se seca

He dries off

Nos secamos

We dry off

Se secan

They dry off

Me siento

I feel

Te sientes

You feel


To get dressed

Me visto

I get dressed

Te vistes

You get dressed