Spanish 1 - Oral Final Exam

�C�mo te llamas?
Me llamo .../Yo soy .../Mi nombre es...

Question: What's your name?
Answer: My name.../I am.../My name is...

�C�mo est�s?
Muy bien, gracias. �Y t�?

Question: How are you?
Answer: Very well, thanks. And you?

�De d�nde eres?
Yo soy de Estados Unidos.

Question: Where are you from?
Answer: I am from the United States.

�Cu�ntos a�os tienes?
Yo tengo treinta y cinco a�os.

Question: How old are you? (how many years do you have)
Answer: I am 35 years old.

�D�nde vive tu familia?
Toda mi familia vive en el sur de california.

Question: Where does your family live?
Answer: All of my family lives in Southern California.

�D�nde vives t�?
Yo vivo en Rancho Cucamonga.

Question: Where do you live?
Answer: I live in Rancho Cucamonga.

�Tienes una familia grande?
Si, la tengo. Si, mi familia est� grande.

Question: Do you have a large family?
Answer: Yes, I do.

�Tienes hermanos? �Cu�ntos?
Si, yo tengo cuatro hermanos.

Question: Do you have siblings (brothers or sisters)?
Answer: Yes, I have four brothers.

�Tienes novio o esposa?
No, no lo tengo.

Question: Do you have a boyfriend or spouse?
Answer: No, I do not.

�C�mo son tus padres? �C�mo se llaman?
Mis padres son muy simpaticos y trabajandos. Sus nombres son .... y ..../Mi madre se llama ...., mi padre se llamo ....

Question: How are your parents? What are their names?
Answer: My parents are good. Their names are .... and ..../My mother's name is ...., my father's name is...

�Qu� tienes que hacer hoy?
Yo tengo que tomar mi oral examen de espa�ol hoy.

Question: What do you have to do today? (tener que - obligations, what you have to do)
Answer: I have to take my oral exam in Spanish today.

�Qu� tienes ganas de hacer esta noche?
Yo tengo ganas de ir a ver una pel�cula esta noche.

Question: What do you want (feel like) doing tonight? (tener ganas de - want to do or feel like doing)
Answer: I feel like going to a movie tonight.

�Qu� clases tomas?
Estoy tomando �lgebra, anatom�a y espa�ol este semestre.

Question: What classes are you taking?
Answer: I am taking Algebra, Anatomy, and Spanish this semester.

�Qu� hay en tu mochila?
Hay libros, lapices y cuadernos en mi mochila.

Question: What's in your backpack?
Answer: There are books, pencils, and notebooks in my backpack.

�Trabajas? �D�nde?
No, yo no trabaja. S�lo voy a la escuela ahora mismo.

Question: Do you work? Where?
Answer: No, I do not work. I only go to school right now.

�C�mo pasaste tus ratos libres el fin de semana pasado?
El fin de semana pasado pas� mi tiempo libre estudiando mucho para ex�menes finales.

Question: How did you spend your spare time last weekend?
Answer: Last weekend I spent my free time studying alot for final exams.

�Qu� hiciste anoche?
Yo estudi� mucho anoche.

Question: What did you do last night?
Answer: I studied alot last night.

�Qu� vas a hacer el fin de semana que viene?
Voy a ir de compras este fin de semana

Question: What are you doing next weekend?
Answer: I am going shopping this coming weekend.

�Qu� quieres hacer esta noche?
No s�, puedo ir a cenar con mis padres esta noche.

Question: What do you want to do tonight?
Answer: I don't know, I may go to dinner with my parents tonight.

�Ad�nde vas esta tarde despu�s de la clase?
Despu�s de la clase yo voy a ir a mi casa.

Question: Where are you going this afternoon after class?
Answer: After class, I'm going to my house.

�Sales mucho? �Cuando sales? �Con qui�n(es)?
No, no salgo mucho. S�lo en ocasiones especiales con mis mejores amigos o mi familia.

Question: Do you go out much? When do you go out? With whom?
Answer: No, I do not go out much. Only on special occasions with my best friends or my family.

�Sabes hablar otras lenguas? �Cuales?
S�, yo s� hablar espa�ol, un poco.

Question: Do you know how to speak other languages? Which ones?
Answer: Yes, I know how to speak Spanish, a little.

�Conoces alg�n pa�s hispano? �Cual (es)?
S�, conozco El Salvador, pero no personalmente, de mis amigos que vivieron all� muchos a�os.

Question: Do you know any hispanic countries?
Answer: Yes, I know of El Salvador, but not personally, from my friends who lived there for many years.

�Qu� pa�s hispano quieres visitar? �Por que?
Yo quiero visitar Costa Rica porque tienen muchas bonitas playas.

Question: What hispanic country do you want to visit? Why?
Answer: I want to visit Costa Rica because they have many beautiful beaches.

�Qu� haces cuando est�s de vacaciones?
Cuando estoy de vacaciones yo relajo, turismo y visito los monumentos.

Question: What do you do when you are on vacation?
Answer: When I am on vacation I relax, sightsee, and visit monuments.

�Qu� est� haciendo tu mejor amigo en este momento?
Mi mejor amiga est� trabajando en este momento.

Question: What is your best friend doing at this moment?
Answer: My best friend is working at this moment.

�Qu� ropa llevas en el verano?
La ropa que llevo en verano es camisetas, pantalones cortos y sandalias.

Question: What clothes do you wear in the summer?
Answer: The clothes I wear in the summer are t-shirts, shorts, and sandals.

�Qu� tiempo hace hoy?
Hace buen tiempo hoy/El tiempo es fresco hoy.

Question: What is the weather like today?
Answer: The weather is good today./The weather is cool today.

�Cual es tu estaci�n favorito? �Por que?
Mi estaci�n favorito es invierno, porque me gusta fr�o tiempo.

Question: What is your favorite season? Why?
Answer: My favorite season is winter, because I like the cold weather.

�Cual es tu tienda de ropa favorita? �Por que?
Mi tienda de ropa favorita es Old Navy porque es siempre muy barata.

Question: What is your favorite shop to buy clothes? Why?
Answer: My favorite shop to buy clothes is Old Navy because it is always very cheap.