Terminology of Movement


Bending a joint to bring bones closer together, decreasing angle of the joint
Ex. Bending the elbow, bending the knee


Straightening a joint from a flexed position, increasing the distance between bones.
Ex: Straightening the elbow, straightening the knee


Moving a limb, wrist, or finger away from the midline of the body or midline of the hand.
Ex: Sideward movement of the upper arm away from the trunk, as in the first half of a jumping jack movement; spreading the fingers apart


The return movement from abduction; moving closer towards the midline of the body or hand
Ex: Bringing the arms back down to the side

Internal rotation

Moving a bone around a longitudinal axis so that the anterior surface of the limb turns towards the midline.
Ex. Arms at side, palms forward, rotating inward at the shoulder

External Rotation

Opposite Movement of internal rotation.
Ex. Arms at side, palms facing backwards, rotating outward at the shoulder.


Rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces backwards


Rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand is turned to face forward


Turning the foot inward so that the sole is closer to the midline of the body.


Turning the foot outward so that the sole is farther away from the midline of the body


A movement of the ankle which brings the toes and foot closer to the anterior surface of the lower leg


A movement of the ankle which points the toes and foot away from the anterior surface of the lower leg.


Protraction a forward movement of the shoulder blade (scapula) or lower jaw.


A backward movement (pinching together) of the shoulder blades or backward movement of the lower jaw.


Moving the shoulders upward (shrugging)


Pressing the shoulders downward.


A circular movement that combines flexion, abduction, extension, adduction, and rotation.
E. Moving arms at the shoulder joint in large circles