Book Thief

Who places Liesel Meminger in foster care?

Her Mother

Who is the narrator?


How does the reader know that Liesels brother is sick?

He is couching

How are Liesel and her brother traveling to the foster care system?


How many armed guards escort Liesel when she helps to bury her dead brother?


Which German city is Liesel brought to


What adjective would describe Rosa


What instrument does Hans play?


What activity does Hans convince Liesel to do after weeks being in the house?

Take a bath

Why does Liesel struggle in school.

She cannot read.

What is BDM?

Band of German Girls

What does Rosa do for a living?

Rosa is a laundress

What does Liesel clean off the door frame every day by Frau Holzapfel?


What sport does Liesel play with the kids?


Which of the sports does Rudy play?

Track and Field

What does Rudy use to darken his body as Jesse Owejns?


Who teaches Liesel to read?


What does Hans do for a living?

He is a painter

What holiday does Liesel finish reading "The Gravedigger's Handbook


What is the name of the street where they live?

Himmel Street

What does Himmel mean?


What does Hans sell to buy Liesel two new books?

Hand-rolled cigarettes

Why is Rosa fired by various customers while Liesel is learning how to read?

Because of the declining economy

Why does Liesel steal money from Rosa?

To pay for postage stamps for the letters.

How does Rosa react when she realizes Liesel is stealing from her?

Rosa beats Liesel.

To which of the following institutions is the Fuehrer most closely tied?


What event does the city stage in celebration of the Fuehrer's birthday?

A bonfire.

How does Liesel feel about the scheduled book burning?


Why is Hans Jr. embarrassed to be seen with his father?

Because his father has not yet joined the Nazi party.

Which of the following books does Hans Jr. think is the most valuable book ever written?

Mein Kampf

Which of the following political parties does Liesel think her mother belonged to?


Which body part does Liesel's school friend break while attending the book burning?

His ankle

What part of her body is burned when Liesel steals a copy of "The Shoulder Shrug"?

Her ribs.

Where does Liesel sit and wait for Hans to come and pick her up from the book burning?

At the church

How does Liesel describe the sensation of being burned at the book burning?

As painful.

From where does the shadow witness Liesel stealing a book from the bonfire?

An alleyway

How does Rosa feel about Liesel writing letters to her mother?

Rosa is offended that Liesel still wants contact with her birth mother.

How does Hans react when he finds out Liesel stole a book from the bonfire?

He understands why she stole it and does not punish her.

Who sees Liesel steal the book from the bonfire?

THe mayor's wife. Frau Hermann

Which of the following customers is Liesel so afraid of that she skips over her house whenever possible?

Frau Hermann

How does Liesel react when she sees Frau Hermann's library?

She is overwhelmed.

Which of the following mysterious characters is described as living in the dark shadows of Stuttgart?

A young man.

When the mysterious character living in the shadows is brought food and keys, which character is the
mystery character urged to locate?

Hans Hubermann.

Which book does Liesel spend all of her time reading during her first summer with the Hubermann

The Shoulder Shrug

Who is Rudy steiner?

The boy that liesel likes and plays soccer with.

Who is Alex Steiner?

Rudy's father who is drafted into the war and later returns to find his town in ruins.

Who is Ilsa Hermann? (Frau Hermann)

The mayor's wife, she spots Liesel stealing the book in the Firepit. She then lets Liesel come into her house to read in her library.

Who is Frau Holtzapfel

The Hubermanns' neighbor. She initially comes across as mean and uncharitable, as she has an ongoing feud with Rosa Hubermann and is rude to Liesel, but she turns out to be extremely vulnerable after the death of her son.

Who is Michael Holtzapfel?

Frau Holtzapfel's son, who survives the war. Michael is destroyed by guilt over having survived, and wanting to continue living. (fun fact he lost fingers)

Who is Robert Holtzapfel?

Michael's brother. He dies and blows his legs off and dies in hospital.

Who is Frau Diller?

Owner of the candy store. One of the most patriotic figures in the book, she is a rule-follower and a mean, ungenerous character. She embodies the Hitler ideal of the "good" German who blindly follows orders.

Hans Hubermann, Junior

Rosa's and Hans's son. Like Frau Diller, he is deeply patriotic, and unquestioning in his faith in Hitler and the regime. He and his father do not get along.

Who is Tommy Muller?

Rudy and Liesel's friend who is physically weak because of his bad ears, he is often pathetic and pitiable.

Who is Arthur Berg?

The first leader of the apple-stealing gang. Tough but fair, he shares the loot equally with the other kids.

Who is Walter Kugler?

The man who helps Max escape. Walter is brave like Max. (They fought eachother in the past at school but became good friends.)

Who is Franz Deutscher?

The leader of Rudy's Hitler Youth group. A sadist who represents the Nazi ideal, he takes special pleasure in tormenting and humiliating Rudy. Rudy is scared of this man so he disqualifies himself in the race.

Who is Victor Chemmel?

The second leader of the apple-stealing gang. Like Franz, he is a sadist who exploits his own power.

Who is Reinhold Zucker?

The man who trades seats with Hans on the bus, saving his life. Zucker is young, impetuous, and a bad loser. His temper gets him killed.

What is Max's Mothers reaction when Hans offers to bring the accordion back?

To keep it because it brings back good memories that make her sad.

What happens when Max visits Hans in the night?

Hans is nervous but treats him like family despite the poor conditions and lack of food.

What do they cover max up with in the basement?

Sheaths and paint cans.

What was the title of the Journal that Max gave to Liesel?

The word shaker

What is Hans duty in the war?

Putting out fires.

What reaction does Liesel have when she hears communist?

Liesel is instantly reminded of her mother and she gets upset.

How does Liesel die?

Liesel dies naturally of old age, and has kids and a husband. She dies in Sydney Australia

What gift does Frau Hermann give to Liesel after she agrees to stop stealing?

A black notebook for Liesel to write in at her home. Frau Hermann decided to give this to her after she wrote an apology letter and said that she was a good writer. The title of the journal was The book thief.

How did Rudy perform at the youth carnival?

Rudy won 3/4 races but disqualified himself at the last race to prevent the humiliation of his instructor.

How does Liesel celebrate her first christmas?

She finishes the Gravediggers handbook and Hans sells cigarretts to buy her two new books.

What times does death visit Liesel?

In the graveyard in the beginning, the end of the book after the town is bombed, the time when the plane pilot crashes into the town, and finally when Liesel passes away and death takes her.

What is the order of books Liesel stole and what are they?

The Gravediggers Handbook (Graveyard), The Shoulder Shrug (Firepit), The Whistler (Frau Hermann's library), The Dream Carrier (Frau Hermann's library), A Song in the Dark (Frau Hermann's library), The Last Human Stranger (Frau Hermann's library)

Why is Gravedigger book important?

This book is very important to Liesel as it is the last thing that reminds her of her brother and mother

Why is the Shoulder Shrug book important?

If Ilsa Hermann, the mayor's wife, wouldn't have seen Liesel steal the book, Liesel would've never been invited to Ilsa's library.

Why is The Whistler an important book?

She steals it out of anger, after the Hermanns fire Rosa because they can't pay her anymore. The Whistler is the first book Liesel reads during the air raids

The Dream Carrier is important why?

She steals this book during the period that Max is sick and reads it to him.

Why is A Song in the Dark important?

She stole it without Rudy's help, and she picked the book because it was green.