the book theif

who is the narrator

the death

who places liesel meminger in foster care

her mother

how does the reader know liesel's brother is sick

he's coughing

how did she and her brother get to the foster home

by train

what instrument did hans play

the according

what did hans make liesel do after a few weeks

take a bath

why does she struggle in school

she cant read or write

what sport does she play


what sport does rudy play

track and field

who teaches her to read


what is the street that they live on called

himmly street

what does hans sell to buy liseal two new books

hang rolled cigarettes

what event does the city stage in celebration of the fueher's birthday

bon-fire or book buring

who is in the shadow that saw her steal the book at the book buring

the mayors wife

what does she and her brother plan on doing all summer


what does rudy's father do for a living and herr steiner

rudy's dad is a tailor and herr is a bisnuss owner

which war did death apper to hans in
