bus-100 unit II

Top-level managers differ from first-line managers in the amount of time ________.

spent on the various management functions

What is the first step in the planning component of the management process?

Goal setting

Which level of manager is responsible for the overall performance and effectiveness of the company?

Top managers

Which of the following is one purpose of a strong corporate culture

To direct employees' efforts and to help everyone work toward the same goals

The purpose of goal setting includes all of the following, EXCEPT which one?

Goal setting guarantees company success.

How can managers optimize their time?

Manage time wasters.

manager's job is complicated by all the following, EXCEPT which one?

Educational expectations

The process of helping an organization maintain an effective alignment with its environment is known as ________.

strategic management

Alan Mulally did all the following as a manager to change the leadership culture at Ford, EXCEPT which one?

Decentralized activities

When managers transmit relevant information back to others in the workplace, they are serving as what?


Which best describes the link between corporate strategy and business strategy?

What business a company operates and how it can be successful.

When setting goals for their own department, managers should ________.

jointly agree with each employee

13. Why is it important for a company to develop contingency plans?

To identify in advance how to cope with changes that might occur

Corporate culture is defined as ________.

the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization

Which of the following is one of the key management skills necessary for the 21st century

Global management

To develop effective strategies a manager should first ________.

perform a SWOT analysis

Which of the following best describes conceptual skills?

Refers to a person's ability to think in the abstract, to diagnose and analyze different situations, and to see beyond the present situation

Which area of management is responsible for production, inventory, and quality control?

Operations managers

If a person wants to become a good manager, the first step is ________.

knowing what basic management skills are necessary

When managers work to guide and motivate employees to meet the firm's objectives, what are they doing?


What period of changing culture is typically characterized by conflict and resistance?

Analysis of the company's environment highlights extensive change as the most-effective response to its problems.

When individuals are given a promotion from first-line manager to middle manager, what changes do they need to make?

Plan on reallocating time spent on each basic management function.

Determining what the organization needs to do and how best to get it done requires _________.


Job titles such as supervisor, office manager, project manager, and group leader reflect which level of management?

First-line managers

Leading causes of wasted time for managers include all the following, EXCEPT which one?

Problem solving

wo of the main factors playing a part in determining organization structure are? _______

the? organization's mission and strategy

Which of the following best describes an organization that is structured around separate products and has? full-profit responsibility


When a company organizes around a divisional? structure, it typically resembles? _________.

?free-standing business units

The United States Army is an example of which type of? organization?


A key activity in developing an organizational structure is specialization. This activity involves determining? _______

who will do what

How can a company create a small business environment within a large bureaucratic? structure?

By encouraging innovation and flexibility

Popular new forms of organizational structure include all the? following, EXCEPT which? one?

Matrix organization

Managers know that the industry they are in is highly dynamic and? ever-changing. Decisions in this industry need to be made? quickly, and change can come often. What type of organization should managers? have?


Building blocks of organizational structure include all the? following, EXCEPT which? one?


To successfully use intrapreneurship to encourage creativity and? organization, the organization must find people to fill all the following? roles, EXCEPT which? one?

Financial manager

Types of departmentalization include all the? following, EXCEPT which? one

Cultural departmentalization

Basic forms of organizational structure include all the? following, EXCEPT? _______


A company may decide to centralize decision making to? ____

maintain standardization

The process of delegation includes all the following? steps, EXCEPT which? one?

Forming a work team

The informal organization consists of? ________.

everyday social interactions among employees that transcend formal jobs and job interrelationships

Job specialization is defined as? ________.

identifying specific jobs that need to be done

An informal communication network that can permeate an entire organization is known as? ________.

a grapevine

Functional departmentalization is used to? ______

divide an organization based on a? group's activities

The type of authority that flows up and down the chain of command is? ________

Line authority

What does an organizational structure? detail?

Jobs to be performed and how they relate to one another

A? top-level manager who approves of and supports a project in the intrapreneurial process is known as? _________.

a sponsor

A company unit responsible for its own costs and profits is referred to as? ________.

a profit center

In which structure does relationships between group functions and activities determine? authority?


Advantages of job specialization include all the? following, EXCEPT? _________.

jobs are narrowly defined

An organization chart is used to? _________.

clarify structure

Which of the following is the framework based on the classical work of Carl? Jung, which differentiates people in terms of four general? dimensions?

?Myers-Briggs framework

Each of the following is one of the? big-five personality? traits, EXCEPT which? one?


Each of the following is an example of employee contributions EXCEPT which? one?


The Hawthorne Effect demonstrated that productivity increases if which of the following? occurs?

Workers are given special attention.

Which of the following is the term used for the conflict and anxiety a person experiences when two sets of perceptions are contradictory or? incongruent?

Cognitive dissonance

Each of the following is one dimension of emotional intelligence EXCEPT which? one?

Ability to learn new concepts

Which of the following terms refers to the overall set of expectations held by employees and the organization regarding what employees will contribute to the organization and what the organization will provide in? return?

Psychological contract

Which of the following programs is NOT used to increase satisfaction in jobs that are significantly lacking in motivating? factors?

Formation of work teams

Alexander Kjerulf stated? that, "Happiness at work is the? #1productivity booster." Each of the following is one of the reasons he cited EXCEPT which? one?

Happy people? don't care enough to create problems

A sales manager needs to get more productivity from the sales team. Which of the following should the manager? consider?

Manage by objectives? (MBO).

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about key? work-related attitudes?

High levels of job satisfaction lead to higher levels of productivity.

Each of the following is a major motivation? theory, EXCEPT which? one?

Hawthorne Effect

Each of the following is a type of employee behavior EXCEPT which? one?

Rebellious behaviors

Each of the following is a factor in promoting or minimizing organizational citizenship? behaviors, EXCEPT which? one?

Level of salary

Each of the following is an approach to human relations in the workplace EXCEPT which? one?

Person-job fit

Which of the following describes a good? person-job fit?

One in which the? employee's contributions match the inducements the organization offers

Absenteeism and turnover are two examples of which of the? following?

Counterproductive behavior

Which of the following term refers to a set of? work-related behaviors that the organization expects employees to? display?

Performance behaviors

Each of the following is an example of an employer inducement EXCEPT which? one?

Social Security benefits

Which of the following terms refers to the extent to which people believe that their behavior has a real effect on what happens to? them?

Locus of control

Which of the following is the term for the set of forces that causes people to behave in certain? ways?


A manager who believes that most employees are? unmotivated, lazy, and uncooperative would be considered which of the? following

Theory X manager

Each of the following is one of the different approaches to working hours and the workweek EXCEPT which? one?

Establishing client relationships

Each of the following is a type of? reinforcement/behavior modification, EXCEPT which? one?

Do nothing

Job redesign is usually implemented in one of the following ways EXCEPT which? one?

Job rotation

Which of the following is the final step in the Rational Decision Making? Process?

Follow up and evaluate the selected alternatives.

Each of the following is a part of the? decision-making process, EXCEPT which? one?

Decide whether the decision is programmed or nonprogrammed.

Effective leadership enables managers to do which of the? following?

Influence their employees.

Which of the following is TRUE about situational approaches to? leadership?

According to the situational? approach, a manager has to vary his leadership style when he is interacting with different kinds of people.

Which of the following approaches to leadership focuses on identifying essential leadership? qualities?


Which of the following is used as a broad concept to encompass both international differences and? diversity-based differences within one? culture?


Which of the following is NOT true about early approaches to the study of? leadership?

Managers and leaders? can't be both ?task-focused and? employee-focused.

Which of the following best describes the form of leadership required to respond to the emerging pressures for stronger corporate governance? models?

Ethical leadership

Each of the following is a kind of leader behavior identified in the? path-goal theory of situational approaches to leadership EXCEPT which? one?

Autocratic leader behavior

Each of the following is a factor that can be considered a neutralizer?,
EXCEPT which? one?


Each of the following is an? early-approach leadership trait EXCEPT which? one?


Which of the following are individual tasks and organizational characteristics that outweigh the need for a leader to direct organizational? performance?


Which of the following is the defined term used for factors that negate the influence of a leader even when that individual is attempting to exercise? leadership?

Leadership neutralizers

Which of the following refers to the extent to which a decision maker is willing to gamble when making a? decision?

risk propensity

Which of the following is TRUE about leadership and? management?

Leadership is closely related to activities such as agenda? setting, aligning,? inspiring, and monitoring.

Which type of approach to leadership attempts to identify various forms of leader behavior that result in contingent outcomes and consequences


Many people have lost faith in corporate leaders. Which of the following is NOT needed to correct this? perception?

Business leaders are called upon to meet the same ethical standards as their competitors.

Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements for transformational? leadership?


A good manager also needs to be an effective? leader, which means the manager needs to do which of the? following?

Gain the respect and trust of others.

Which of the following is NOT a situation approach to? leadership?


Which of the following is especially needed for organizations with alternative workplace? options?

Virtual leadership

Which of the following is TRUE about leadership? substitutes?

A leadership substitute is a leadership alternative.

Each of the following is an approach to leadership through the eyes of followers EXCEPT which? one?


Which of the following is the one significant difference that has arisen in some cases between the leadership styles of men and? women?

Women are more democratic.

Employees may work only at the pace of the moving? line, so performance quantity and quality are constrained by the speed of the line and simplicity of each individual task. This is an example of which of the? following?

Elements of the job neutralizer