Intro to Business Chapter 1

Basic economic problem

the mismatch of unlimited wants and needs and limited economic resources.

Capital resources

products and money used to produce goods and services


the private ownership of economic resources by individuals rather than by the government

command economy

an economy in which resources are owned and controlled by the government


the rivalry among businesses to sell their goods and services


buisnesses offering very similar products to the same customers


a person who buys and uses goods and services


the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy

demand curve

the graphic view of the demand for a product or service. the demand curve for a product for example. illustrates the relationship between the price of the product and the quantity demanded by consumers

economic decision-making

the process of choosing which needs and wants will be satisfied

economic resources

things available to be used to produce goods and services

economic system

the method a country uses to answer the three economic questions


someone who takes a risk in starting a business to earn a profit

factors of production

economic resources including natural resources, human resources, and capital resources.

freedom of choice

the freedom to make a decisions independently while accepting the consequences of those decisions


things you can see and touch, they are products you can purchase to meet your wants and needs

human resources

people producing goods and services, people who work for a business

market economy

an economy in whjich the resources are owned and controlled by the people of the country

market price

the point where supply and demand are equal


anywhere that goods and services are exchanged

mixed economy

An economy that combines elements of the command and market economies.

natural resources

raw materials supplied by nature


things that are required in order to live

opportunity cost

the value of the next-best alternative that you were not able to choose


the amount of money available to the businesses after all costs and expenses have been paid


not having enough resources to satisfy your needs


activities provided for the satisfaction of others that are consumed at the same time they are produced.


the quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to provide.

supply curve

the graphic view of the supply for a product or service. the supply curve for a product for example. Illustrates the relationship between the price of a product and the quantity businesses will supply


what you make when you give something up to have something else

Traditional Economy

an economy in which goods and services are produced by the way they have always been produced. it is used in countries that are less developed and are not yet participating in the global economy.


things that add comfort and pleasure to your life

True or False: Your needs and wants never end


True or False: Products and money used in the production of goods and services are called natural resources


True or False: The mismatch of unlimited wants and needs and limited economic resources is called the basic economic problem


True or False: The first step in the economic decision-making process is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each choice


True or False: The US could best be characterized as a command economy


True or False: The right of private property means you can own, use, or dispose of things of value


True or False: In a market economy, buying decisions are made by consumers


True or False: If heavy competition for a product keeps its price low, businesses will be very motivated to offer the product for sale


True or False: If many consumers want a particular service, its price will probably go up


True or False: The higher the price, the higher the producer's profit


Example of a want

Fine jewelry

The means through which goods and services are produced

Economic resources

Example of a non-capital resource


The value of the next-best alternative that you did not choose

Opportunity Cost

When a country decides to focus on advanced technology and a skilled labor force, it is primarily answering which of the basic economic questions?

Which wants to satisfy

Personal economic freedom is most limited in a

Command economy

Which of the following is not a characteristics of a capitalistic economy: freedom of choice; government ownership of resources, the profit motive, competition among businesses

Government ownership of resources

Which of the following is a consumer: a business, an individual, the government, all of the above

all of the above

The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy is called


In which of the following situations is demand most likely to be reduced?

Customers cannot find a good substitute for a product they want

Things that add comfort and pleasure to your life


People producing goods and services

Human resources

Things that are required in order to live


Things that you can see and touch


When you give up something to have something else


Those who determine which products and services will be available for sale


Raw materials supplied by nature

Natural Resources

Not having enough resources to satisfy every need


Things that are intangible and have no physical characteristics


Those who buy and use goods and services


Economic resources are sometimes referred to as:


The process of choosing which wants, among several options, will be satisfied is called:

economic decision making

In a(n) _____ economy, goods and services are produced the way they have always been produced.


The rivalry among businesses to sell their good or service


The point where supply and demand are equal is called

market price