Intro to Business Chap 1


-Never end (Unlimited)


Things that are REQUIRED in order to live
-Ex. Food, water, clean air, clothing & shelter
-Ex. Good Education, Good Job & Safety, Transportation to/from school & work, Health care & medicine


Things that add Comfort and Pleasure to your life
-Change from day to day

MAIN difference between a need and a want

NEED: Is REQUIRED in order to live
WANT: NOT required and adds comfort & pleasure to your life




ACTIVITIES provided for satisfaction of others that are consumed at the same time they are purchased

Largest producer of Goods & Services in the World

United States

Economic Resources (3)

-Businesses produce goods & services using economic resources.
-Economic resources are the things available to be used to produce goods & services
a/k/a Factors of Production (3 types)

NATURAL Resources

-Raw material supplied by Nature
-Supply is LIMITED, Increased consumption & damage to the environment threaten availability
Ex. Oil, Minerals, Nutrients needed to grow Crops & Forests, Rivers/Lakes/Oceans sources of food & water, Air.
All Products consum

HUMAN Resources

-The people who produce goods and services
Ex. Farmers, Factory workers, Managers use equipment designed by engineers and manufactured by employees of other businesses to process the food.
Truck drivers, salespeople, advertisers etc.

One Type of Human Resource



A Risk taker who uses resources to create a new product or service.
-Without the creative ideas of entrepreneurs and their belief that they can develop a successful business, there would be fewer employment opportunities.
Ex. People on shark tank and DC (

CAPITAL Resources

Products & Money used in the productions of goods & services
-People must have access to tools & equipment in order to convert natural resources into products.
ex. buildings, equipment & supplies, including money needed to build a factory, buy vehicles, p

Resources are LIMITED

All economic resources have a limited supply

What is the BASIC Economic Problem

-Individuals & Businesses have UNLIMITED wants & needs
-Economic Resources that can be used to meet their needs are LIMITED

What is Scarcity

NOT having enough resources to satisfy every need.
-People with limited income have to carefully choose the best way to spend their money just to meet their basic needs.
-Countries with few natural resources or poor education systems may not be able t

What does Scarcity do to your choices

Forces you to make choices among alternatives

Economic Decision Making

The process of CHOOSING which needs and wants will be satisfied.
-Helps you select the best & most satisfying alternative from among a set of choices.
-Once you learn the process, your decision making will be easier and the process may lead to better choi


When you give up something to have something else
ex. you aren't able to buy a pair of shoes because you decided to spend your money on a movie and pizza with your friends


The value of the next best alternative that you were not able to choose.
-In making a decision, part of your choice will be what you are GIVING up by the choice you make.
-The benefit you get from your choice should be greater than the benefit front he ne

Example of Opportunity Cost

-If a business uses money to purchase land for a new building, what choices must they give up?
Would there be greater value if they spent the money to purchase new equipment that is faster and more reliable?
Part of the cost of the land is the missed oppo

6 Steps in the Decision-Making Process

1) Define the problem
2) Identify the Choices
3) Evaluate the advantages and Disadvantages of Each
4) Choose the best alternative
5) Act on your choice
6) Review your decision

What are the THREE Economic Questions

1) WHAT goods and services WILL BE PRODUCED
2) HOW will the goods and services be produced?
3) WHAT NEEDS & WANTS will be satisfied with the goods and services produced?

Economic System

The method a country uses to answer the 3 economic questions

Types of Economic Systems (4)

-Command Economy
-Market Economy
-Traditional Economy
-Mixed Economy

# 1 Command Economy

The resources are owned & controlled by the government
-Limited choice & supply of consumer goods (basic
goods like bread
-Command Economic System = COMMUNISM
-government officials decide what & how goods are produce

# 2 Market Economy

The resources are owned & controlled by the people of the country
-3 economic questions are answered by individuals through buying & selling of goods & services in the marketplace


Anywhere that goods & services exchange hands
-No one directs consumers to make a particular
purchase or tells businesses what they must
-The government has limited involvement in a market
page 19

Economic Decisions

-When you decided to buy a good or service
-Consumers & Businesses make decisions based on
their own self-interest
-Every time consumers buy products in the
marketplace, they "vote" with their dollars
Examples of Economic Decisions
-order a movie on deman

# 3 Traditional Economy

-Goods & Services are produced the way it has always
been. Established by TRADITIONS, generation after
-Centered on on meeting the basic needs of people
food, clothing & shelter
-Lack the many formal structures found in more
advanced systems, u

# 4 Mixed Economy

-Most nations operate a mixed economy
-Combines elements of the COMMAND & MARKET
-Gov't makes many of the decisions about how the
country's resources will be used to develop schools,
hospitals, roads, and utilities.
-As people become educated &

What is the US Economic System

Free Enterprise or Private Enterprise


The Private ownership of economic resources by individuals, rather than by the government.

Four Important Principles of Capitalism


What is a Consumer


What is a Producer


What is Demand

The quantity (amount) of goods or services that consumers are willing and able to BUY
Consumers Set demand

What is Supply

The quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to PROVIDE
Producers establish Supply

What is Determining Price


Factors that influence Demand


Factors that influence Supply


What is Market Price
