Contemporary Business ch. 1


All profit-seeking activities and enterprises that provide goods and services necessary to an economic system


Rewards for businesspeople who take risks involved in blending people, technology, and information to create and market want-satisfying goods and services

Not-for profit organizations

Business-like establishments that have primary organizations other than returning profits to their owners.

Private Enterprise System

Rewards firms for their ability to identify and serve the needs and demands of customers.


Battle among businesses for consumer acceptance


Person who seeks a profitable opportunity and takes risks to set up and operate a business


Name, term, sign, symbol, design to identify a company and differentiate it from other companies

Relationship management

collection of activities that build ongoing, mutually beneficial ties between a business and its customers and other parties


Using outside vendors to produce goods or fulfill services and functions that were previously handled in-country / in-house


The relocation of business processes to lower-cost locations overseas.


Outsourcing production or services to locations near a firm's home base.

Factors of Production

Four basic inputs: natural resources, capital, human resources, and entrepreneurship.


An affiliation of 2 or more companies that help each other achieve common goals.

Strategic Alliance

A partnership formed to create a competitive advantage for the businesses involved.


The process of creating an identity in consumers' minds for a good, service, or company.

Transaction Management

Where businesses concentrate on building products in the hope that enough customers will buy them to cover the costs with acceptable profits.

Social Responsibility

Management philosophy that includes contributing resources to the community, preserving the natural environment, and developing or participating in non-profit programs designed to promote the well-being of the general public.

Business Ethics

The standards of conduct and moral values involving decisions made in the work environment.

Competitive Differentiation

The unique combination of organizational abilities,products, and approaches that sets a company apart from competitors in the minds of consumers.