SPIN Selling Chapter 2

success in the major sale depends on this stage

Investigating stage


a behavior used by the seller which implies or invites a commitment, so that the buyer's next statement accepts or denies commitment

closing technique in large sales

Closing techniques are both ineffective and dangerous. They lose more business than they gain

success rate on closing calls research

Only 11 of the high-close calls resulted in a sale, while 21 of the low-close calls did so

possible outcomes in a simple sale

order: where you take the business
no sale: where the customer turns you down


where the customer makes a firm commitment to buy


where an event takes place, either in the call or after it, that moves the sale forward to a decision


where the sale will continue but where no specific action has been agreed upon by the customer to move it forward


where the customer actively refuses commitment

good closers

people who consistently aim for Advances rather than Continuations are often described as this

the four successful actions to obtain commitment

1. giving attention to Investigation and Demonstrating Capability
2. Checking that key concerns are covered
3. Summarizing the benefits
4. Proposing a commitment