Personal Wellness Final


Thin walls that permit exchange of oxygen, C02, Nutrients and waste products with body cells


4 Chambered pump the size of your fist

Upper Chambers

Atrium receive blood from the body

Lower Chambers

Ventricles pump blood out


Carry Oxygenated blood away from the heart


Carry deoxygenated blood to the heart


A circulatory impairment that often reduces blood flow and limits the heart blood and oxygen supply. A condition known as ischemia

Myocardial Infarction

Heart Attack, normal blood supply being blocked from the heart


Abnormally fast heart beat


Abnormally slow heart beat

2 Types of Strokes

Ischemic and Hemorrhagic

Systolic Pressure

The first number, the pressure applied to the walls of the arteries when the heart contracts

Diastolic Pressure

The second number, the pressure applied to the walls of the arteries during the hearts relaxation phase


Sustained high blood pressure


Caused by reduced oxygen flow to the heart, often feels like pressure or squeezing in the chest or pain in the shoulders, arm, neck, jaw or back

Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

avoid tobacco use, modify dietary habits, exercise regularly, manage stress levels and psychological factors, maintain a healthy weight, control diabetes and blood pressure


Enclosed in a fibrous shell or capsule that prevents spreading to the rest of the body. Non Cancerous


Not enclosed in a protective capsule so they can spread to other parts of the body. Cancerous

Categories of Cancer

Carcinomas, Sarcomas, Lymphomas, Leukemia


tissue covering body surfaces


middle layers of skin tissue


Develop in lymphatic system


cancer in the blood

Specific Types of Cancer That Are More Commonly Diagnosed

Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Colon/Rectal Cancer, Skin Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer

Colon and Rectal Cancer

3rd most commonly diagnosed cancer In men and women, 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths, rates of death declining

Breast Cancer

A group a diseases that cause uncontrolled cell growth in the breast tissue, particularly in the glands that produce milk and the ducts that connect those glands to the nipple

Skin Cancer

Most common form of cancer, affecting over a million people, 1 in 5 adults

Lung Cancer

The leading cause of death for cancer in the United States

Risk Factors of Diabetes

Being Overweight or obese, Having a parent, brother or sister with diabetes. Being African American, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Or Hispanic American heritage Having a prior history of gestational diabetes or birth of at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds.Having high blood pressure measuring 140/90 or higher.Having abnormal cholesterol with HDL ("good") cholesterol is 35 or lower, or triglyceride level is 250 or higher.Being physically inactive�exercising fewer than three times a week.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Thirst, Excessive Urination, Weight Loss, Fatigue, Nerve Damage, Blurred Vision, Poor Wound Healing, Increased Infection

Diabetes Treatment

Weight Loss, Exercise, Pay Attention to foods glycemic index and glycemic load


The distribution and determinants of health related states and events in specified populations

How to identify a Stroke

Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty

Heart Attach Symptoms

Chest discomfort, Discomfort in upper body areas, Shortness of breath, nausea or lightheadedness

Factors that can lead to Coronary Heart Disease

Age, Sex, Family History, Smoking, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Cholesterol, Diabetes, Overweight or Obesity


Most dangerous form of skin cancer, develop when unrepaired DNA damage to skin cells triggers mutations, Look like moles can grow larger and have an abnormal color or shape. most likely to form on chest and back

Basal Cell

Most frequently Occurring Form of Skin Cancer, abnormal, uncontrolled growth or lessons that arise in the skins deepest layer of the skin. Look like a small pearly bump or flesh colored mole that doesn't go away

Squamous cell Carcinomas

2nd most common form of skin cancer. Usually found on areas of the body damaged by UV rays. Appear as persistent, thick, rough, scaly patches that may bleed


Asymmetry, Border Irregularity, Color, Diameter

Natural Immunity

Natural immunity does not require prior sensitization to an antigen.

Artificial Immunity

an be induced by a vaccine, a substance that contains antigen

Innate Immunity

1st and 2nd line of defense

Adaptive Immunity

3rd line of defense

Viral STDs

HIV, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts(HPV), Hepatitis B

Bacterial STDs

Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis


Caused by parasites

Disease Causing Pathogens

Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protozoa


A serious public health problem in the United States that ranges from infants to elderly, affects all stages of life

Types of Violence

Child Abuse, Violence by spouse, rape, assault, harassment, suicide, bullying, gang, peer


conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear

Sexual Harassment

unwelcome sexual conduct related to any condition of employment or evaluation of student performance

Emotional/Physical abuse

In an intimate relationship this may include constant criticism, verbal attacks, display of anger, or controlling tendancys

Social Contributors to Sexual Violence

Minimization, Trivialization, Blaming the Victim, Male Misconceptions, Situational Factors

Communicable Diseases

Spread to other people and they are caused by viral, bacterial, or fungi infections

Noncommunicable Diseases

Also known as non- infectious disease, are not transferred and are typically caused by heredity, deficiencies in neutron or factors involving the environment

Examples of Non Communicable diseases

Respiratory Disorders, Diabetes, Headaches, Arthritis, Skin Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease/Disorders

Types Rape

Aggravated, Simple, Marital, Aquaintance

3 keys to good communication

Self Disclosure, Listening, Feedback