Abnormal Psychology - Chapter 16 Quizzes

Which of these disorders has the poorest prognosis?

Conduct Disorder

Susan refuses to have her daughter Zoe vaccinated against any of the common childhood diseases because Susan is afraid that vaccines can cause autism. As stated in the text, ____.

Susan's concerns are unwarranted because the research study suggesting that childhood vaccinations cause autism has been proven to be fraudulent.

Which statement about conduct disorder (CD) is accurate?

Youths with CD who exhibit callous, unemotional personality traits with no remorse for their behavior may exhibit antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.

Schools that schedule recess for children would likely find that ___.

recess is beneficial in reducing the inappropriate behaviors of children with ADHD

What is considered to be evidence based behavioral and psychosocial treatment for ADHD?

self-control training and classroom management strategies

Nicole interacted with her parents in a normal manner until she was one year old. Then, at one, she stopped and became increasingly alone and bizarre. There was no medical reason for this change. What is an appropriate diagnosis for Nicole?

autism spectrum disorder

LuAnne is described by her teacher as "a shy and anxious daydreamer who cannot keep on task and fails to pay attention to details. It takes LuAnne twice as long to complete worksheets as other students." If LuAnne has a childhood disorder, it is probably

ADHD, predominantly inattentive type

Kendall, a popular first grader, is continuously in the principal's office. His teacher complains that he does not listen to instructions, he fails to finish his schoolwork, he fidgets and squirms in his seat, he often leaves his seat without permission,

No disorder; his behaviors only appear to occur in one situation - school.

Leff and Crick (2010) assessed bullying among boys and girls. What did they find?

Girls are more likely than boys to demonstrate relational bullying.

Two children are thought to have intellectual disabilities, but one is suspected of being autistic, too. Which of the following situations would best help to identify the child with autistic disorder?

The child shows splinter skills

A splinter skill is said to exist when a ___.

child does very well on one or more isolated spatial and rote memory tasks but poorly on those requiring language

Which of the following is true with respect to the use of drug therapy for treating autism?

Only one medication, the antipsychotic risperidone, has received FDA approval fro the treatment of autism.

Which of the following is one of the central nervous system areas to be associated with ADHD?

The prefrontal cortex

The most commonly used class of drugs for treating ADHD are ____.


Children with this condition unusually demonstrate facial abnormalities, central nervous system dysfunction, and altered brain development. These children experience difficulty with attention, learning, memory, regulation of emotions, and executive functi

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Which disorder is characterized by the DSM-V as qualitative impairment in social interaction and/or communication; restricted, stereotyped interests and activities; and delays or abnormal functioning in a major area before the age of three?

Autism spectrum disorder

Ricky sits in his bed and rocks back and forth for hours while staring off into space. It is likely that Ricky also ____.

Has an IQ below 70

When a child has a disorder that involves impaired development of the brain and central nervous system as well as affects psychological functioning in areas of social interaction, communication skills, and display of stereotyped interests and behaviors, t

Neurodevelopmental disorder

Dr. Branch tells his pregnant patient, "Because you are 38 years old, we are going to do amniocentesis to see whether there is a normal number of chromosomes in your baby." What disorder is Dr. Branch concerned about?

Down syndrome

Ever since Steve was a toddler her was irritable, difficult to please, and often engaged in long temper tantrums with his parents and other children. As a child Steve continues to have anger episodes and outbursts, which are particularly pronounced when h

temper dysregulation disorder with dysphoria

Which of the following has been shown to help children with ADHD?

Giving more structure to their day

A researcher reports that in a long-term follow-up of comprehensive, early intervention and treatment with high-functioning autistics, many improved and exhibited self-sufficiency and reasonable functioning, although odd behaviors remained. The researcher

Quite realistic

What research findings provide an optimistic outlook suggesting that many children with ADHD eventually outgrow the disorder?

Neuroimaging studies that have found developmental delays in the prefrontal regions of the brain

Which of the following statements about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is accurate?

It is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder.

Which psychiatric disorder of childhood is characterized by chronic irritability and severe mood dysregulation as well as recurrent episodes of temper triggered by common stressors?

Temper dysregulation disorder with dysphoria

Audrey, an autistic child, would be expected to respond best to ____.

Inanimate objects

Which category of childhood disorders is characterized by academic functioning that is substantially below that expected in terms of a person's chronological age, measured intelligence, and age appropriate education?

Learning disability

Jason's mother claims that he can multiply large numbers in his head. She says he can figure out, for example, what day of the week it was on February 2, 1846. However, Jason was tested for intelligence and his IQ scored was below 70. What is a reasonable

Your son sounds as if he is an autistic child with splinter skills.

Looking at the concordance rates for autism found in twin studies and family studies, Newschaffer and colleagues (2007) believe that autism is ____.

The result of genetic and environmental factors

Which of the following is a difficulty in diagnosing ADHD in preschool children?

There is great variability in the attentional skills and energy level of preschoolers.

A news reporter defines neurodevelopmental disorder as "relatively mild childhood disorders that affect social interactions and communication skills. These disorders involve hallucinations or delusions but involve behavioral abnormalities that are not nor

It is accurate to say that these disorders affect social interactions and communication skills.

The parents of a child with autism spectrum disorder ask you for advice on the best treatment to eliminate the child's repetitive behaviors and improve his ability to verbalize. Your advice should be: ____.

Behavior modification has been used effectively for both symptoms.

The most common mental health disorder in childhood and adolescence are ____.

Anxiety disorders

The term autistic disorder comes from the Greek autos. This reflects which key characteristic of people with the disorder?

Profound aloneness and detachment

Helen is administering an intelligence test to children to determine if they have a learning disability. She should be sure to ____.

Be aware of each student's linguistic and cultural background

Jack, Jim, and Justin all have intellectual disabilities. Jack's mother was a chronic alcoholic. Jim's mother beat him on the head repeatedly when he was an infant. Justin was born prematurely and suffered from a lack of oxygen at birth. The cause of inte

Nongenetic biological factors

Which cause of mental retardation is 100 percent preventable?

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Jed has been diagnosed with ADHD, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type. As he matures into adulthood, ____.

he may continue to experience symptoms�such as inattention, fidgeting, and impulsiveness

The communication skill level associated with a severe impairment of autism spectrum disorder would be ____.

Minimal or absent social communication

Which appears to be most effective for treatment of conduct disorders?

Treatment for conduct disorder is most effective when implemented before patterns of disruptive behavior are firmly established.

Oscar is diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorder. When his mother says, "Here's your cereal," Oscar says, "Here's your cereal." What symptom does this illustrate?


Which statement concerning oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is true?

It involves negativistic, argumentative, and hostile behavior but not serious violations of the rights of others.

Lakisha is 11 and still urinates into her clothes or in her bed. Her father also wet the bed when he was a youth. The prognosis is good that Lakisha's problems will end without treatment. The disorder she best illustrates is ____.


Which of the following is NOT one of the behaviors described by Kanner as an essential feature of autism?

A severe inability to focus attention

Research suggests that which neurotransmitter is particularly important in the development of autism?


Charles was diagnosed with autistic disorder. He is extremely unresponsive to adults and does not speak. He first showed these abnormalities around the age of 6. What aspect of Charles's case is unusual for autistic disorder?

It is unusual for a person with autistic disorder to show abnormalities first at age 6.

Wesley is eight and has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. His symptoms include an extreme unresponsiveness to adults and a lack of meaningful speech. If Wesley has the typical pattern of autism symptoms, which other symptom can we expect?

Repetitive, self-absorbed activities

Which statement is correct about the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder?

It is more common among boys than among girls.

Natalie has many of the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder but speaks normally and is does not have intellectual disability. Since she seems to have a "mild" case of autistic disorder, another DSM-IV diagnosis she might get is ____.

Asperger's syndrome

Which statement about the predisposing and etiological factors associated with intellectual disabilities is accurate?

In a large majority of cases (80 percent), the cause of intellectual disabilities is not known.

Dr. Travis says, "People with intellectual disabilities have an IQ below 90 and must be diagnosed before age 18. Prevalence figures for the United States are 2-3%. People with intellectual disabilities have deficiencies in adaptive behavior that are lower

It is accurate to say that people with intellectual disabilities have deficiencies in adaptive behavior that are lower than expected based on age or cultural background.

Which statement about psychopathology among children and adolescents in the United States is accurate?

Approximately 20 percent of the children in the United States suffer from a serious emotional or behavioral problem

Dr. Henry is correct in recommending that treatment for Jos�'s hyperactivity include ____.

comprehensive psychosocial and behavioral treatment combined with medications

____ involves the induction of bleeding, bruising or pain by means of intentional self-inflicted injury in order to improve mood or experience respite from painful feelings.

Non-suicidal self injury

Milton gets into fights, steals, and has vandalized his school. Melissa has been apprehended for truancy many times, and she often runs away from home, uses drugs, and engages in prostitution. What can be said about these two teenagers?

They both have conduct disorder

Etiology of intellectual disabilities (ID) differ depending on the level of intellectual impairment. Mild ID is often ____ and more severe ID is ____.

Idiopathic; related to genetic factors, brain abnormalities, or brain injury

Ms. Ribner has several students in her class with neurodevelopmental disorder. The best help and support she can offer them is to ____.

teach them skills and develop their potential to the fullest extent possible

Which of the following is one of the assumptions about diagnosis and intervention for those with intellectual disabilities as established by the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)?

Given ongoing, individualized support, the overall functioning of individuals with intellectual disabilities will improve.

Professor Waddell's class discusses the controversy of medicating children. Professor Waddell says, "The controversy continues about the 'quick fix' nature of the medication prescribed to children and the tendency to use medication without first attemptin

the 'quick fix' nature of the medication and prescribed to children and the tendency to use medication without first attempting psychotherapy or home/academic interventions

Your neighbor, whose daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, asks your opinion of an article she just read in a popular magazine. According to the article, her daughter's ADHD symptoms are attributable to diet, and if chemical additives were cut out of her

You should tell your neighbor that the result of recent research is confounding and that the FDA recently agreed to respond to public concerns and hold a hearing about the affect of chemical additives.

Adults with intellectual disabilities are at higher risk of developing ____ than are members of the general population.

A depressive disorder

Matthew is eight years old and defecates inappropriately almost daily. He has a history of constipation that has not been helped with laxatives, high-fiber diets, or other suggested remedies. Matthew would be diagnosed with ____.


Tyrel was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and has an IQ below 70. Despite this, he can remember the name of every all-star baseball player for the past 30 years and can tell which day of the week December 3, 1908, fell on. Tyrel's behavior illustr

The term autistic savant

Kazdin, Whitley, and Marciano (2006) assert that the most important factor for a positive outcome in children with oppositional, aggressive, or antisocial behaviors is ____.

for parents and/or mentors to develop a therapeutic relationship with the children that involves empathy, warmth, and acceptance

Based on the fact that stimulant medications have been used effectively to treat ADHD, it is believed that the disorder may be caused by ____.

inadequate dopamine and associated neurotransmitters that affect sign-flow to and from the frontal lobes

Naomi is a child of poverty. She has inadequate nutrition, housing, and educational opportunities. Naomi has a mild intellectual disability. Her intellectual disability could possibly be considered ____.

a result of environmental factors such as socioeconomic disadvantage

Bud, age 10, was born with short fingers, slanted eyes, and a protruding tongue. He is moderately intellectually disabled. His parents were both in their forties when he was born. He probably has the form of intellectual disability called ____ and he has

Down syndrome; heart problems

Which childhood disorder has the lowest prevalence?

Autism spectrum disorder

Children who develop autism spectrum disorder have an innate vulnerability that is triggered by ____.

Environmental toxins