Abnormal Psychology Chapter 14

Emotional or behavioral disorders

Developmentally inappropriate behavior

Different types of characteristics in childhood emotional or behavioral disorders

Externalizing, internalizing, cognitive, academic

Symptoms of ADHD

Excessive levels of activity (fidgeting, squirming, incessant talking), distractibility and difficulty concentrating (makes careless mistakes, cant follow instructions, forgetful), must be severe and persistent (at least 6 months), more common in boys

Genetic factors of ADHD

Genetic link to connect ADHD throughout family members

Treatment of ADHD

Stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera), behavioral treatment, parental involvement in treatment

Conduct Disorder

Pattern of engaging in behaviors that violate social norms, the rights of others and are often illegal. Much more common in boys

Conduct Disorder behaviors

Aggression, lying, stealing, vandalism, lack of remorse, callousness, bullies, threatens, physically aggressive, lies

Heritability of Conduct Disorder

Heritability likely plays a part

Treatment of Conduct Disorders

Family interventions, cognitive therapy

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Child doesn't meet criteria for Conduct Disorder but displays patterns of defiant behavior, not as physically aggressive as CD children

Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Frequent angry outbursts, noncompliant and argumentative, easily annoyed, deliberately annoys and provokes others

Treatment of Conduct Disorder

SSRIs, antipsychotics, lithium

Social Phobia and mutism

Refusal to speak in unfamiliar social situations


Reading disability (more common in boys)

Learning disability traits

Usually of average or above average intelligence

Learning disability treatments

Train the child in their specific area of deficit

Mental Retardation

Significantly below average intellectual functioning (IQ <70), deficits in adaptive functioning (self-care etc)

Treatment of mental retardation

Residential treatment, behavioral treatments, cognitive treatments (problem solving strategies), computer-assisted instruction

Characteristics of Autism

Impairments in social interactions (deficient use and comprehension of nonverbal behaviors), impairment in communication

Treatment for autism

Behavioral interventions, attention intervention, symbolic play

Asperger's Disorder

Less severe form of autism, language and intelligence intact, poor social relationships

Externalizing disorders characteristics

Characterized by outward behaviors, non-compliance, aggressiveness, overactivity, impulsiveness, more common in boys

Types of externalizing disorders

ADHD, conduct disorder, oppositional deficit disorder

Characteristics of internalizing disorders

Inward behaviors, more common in girls

Types of Internalizing disorders

Depression (mood disorders), anxiety disorders