Abnormal Psychology Chapter 2

Systematic Desensitization

Relaxation plus exposure. Important for anxiety disorders.


A mental process which includes: Perceiving, judging, reasoning, conceiving, & recognizing

Behavioral Therapies

Systematic desensitization, flooding, aversion conditioning.


Organized network of previously accumulated knowledge. We actively interpret new information.

Beck's Cognitive Therapy

Initially developed for depression. Depression caused by distorted thoughts. Help patients recognize and change maladaptive thought patterns.

Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy

Irrational beliefs: Internal, repetitive thoughts that reflect assumptions about self. Musts or shoulds: Unrealistic demands we place on self, others, and the world

Humanistic Approach

Theorists argue we are driven to self-actualize, that is, to fulfill our potential for goodness and growth. Carl Rogers.

Factors Common to Paradigms

Emotion (Expressive, Experiential, Physiological) Most psychopathology includes disturbances of one or more component. Sociocultural Factors: Culture, ethnicity, gender, & social relationships (May increase vulnerability to psychopathology: e.g., women mo


Goal: Study abnormal behavior scientifically. Science aims for objectivity. "Perspective or conceptual framework from within which a scientist operates

List the Paradigms

Genetic, Neuroscience, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral

Genetic Paradigm

Heredity plays a role in most behavior. Relationship between genes and environment is bidirectional (Nature via Nurture)

Gene Expression

Proteins influence whether the action of a specific gene will occur


Extent to which variability in behavior is due to genetic factors. Heritability estimate ranges from 0.00 to 1.00. Group, rather than, individual indicator

Shared Environment

Events and experiences that family members have in common

Non-Shared Environment

Events and experiences that are unique to each family member

Behavior Genetics

Study of the degree to which genes and environmental factors influence behavior

Molecular Genetics

Identifies particular genes and their functions (by studying alleles and polymorphism)

Diathesis-Stress Model

Inherit vulnerability tendency ("diathesis"). Tendencies activated by life events ("stress") (Eg: Schizophrenia, substance abuse, blood-injection injury phobia)

Knockout Studies

Removing specific genes in animals to observe effect on behavior


Study of how the environment can alter gene expression or function (eg. Cross-fostering adoptee method: Rats born to mothers with low parenting skills who were raised by mothers with high parenting skills showed lower levels of stress reactivity)

Reciprocal Gene-Environment Interaction

Genes predispose individuals to seek out situations that increase the likelihood of developing a disorder. (eg. Adolescent girls with genetic vulnerability for depression more likely to experience events that can trigger depression)

Linkage Analysis

Uses DNA blood testing to examine the influence of genetics in mental disorders.

Neuroscience Paradigm

Examines the contribution of brain structure and function to psychopathology. Mental disorders are linked to aberrant processes in the brain.

Neurochemistry behind mental disorders

Too much or too little of a specific neurotransmitter owing to changes in synthesis of the transmitter. Too much of a specific neurotransmitter owing to changes in reuptake of the transmitter. Too many or too few receptors on the postsynaptic neuron membr


Reabsorption of leftover neurotransmitter by presynaptic neuron


Chemicals that allow neurons to send a signal across the synapse (gap) to another neuron.

Serotonin & Dopamine

Depression, mania, and schizophrenia


Anxiety and other stress related disorders



Frontal Lobe

used for reasoning and other higher mental processes

Parietal Lobe

Receiving center for sensations of the skin and bodily positions

Temporal Lobe

Primary auditory and general association areas

Occipital Lobe

Reception and analysis of visual information

HPA Axis

Involved in stress, hypothalamus

Sympathetic Nervous System

Excitatory. Heartbeat acceleration, pupil dilation, gastrointestinal inhibition, electrodermal activity increases. Part of Autonomic nervous system (involved in anxiety like panic and PTSD)

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Quiescent. Heartbeat deceleration, pupil constriction, gastrointestinal activation. Part of Autonomic nervous system

Psychodynamic Paradigm

Greatest contribution to psychology is treatment. Doesn't help with empirical understanding of the causes of psychopathology. Abnormal behavior reflects unconscious conflicts within the person. Developed by Freud.

Ego Analysis

Views the ego as capable of controlling id impulses and the external environment. Form of psychoanalysis.

Brief Therapy

Focuses on a few specific problems and involves few sessions. Form of psychoanalysis.

Interpersonal Therapy

Focuses on current personal problems. Therapist uses empathic listening and makes suggestions for improvement. Form of psychoanalysis.

Pathogenic Beliefs

Beliefs that occur outside of conscious awareness. Trigger maladaptive thoughts and emotions

Implicit Memory

Cognitive neuroscience paradigm. The unconscious may reflect efficient information processing rather than a repository for troubling material

Object Relations Theory

Longstanding patterns of relating to others

Attachment Theory

Type and style of infant's attachment to caregivers can influence later psychological functioning.

Relational Self

Individuals will describe themselves differently depending upon which close relationships are told to think about.

Problems with Freud's paradigm and theories

Freud had no scientific data to support his theories. Freud's theories (unconscious, libido, etc.) cannot be observed. Theory explains behavior (post-hoc) after the fact. Observations not representative of population.

Cognitive Behavioral Paradigm

Roots in learning principles and cognitive science. Behavior is reinforced by consequences (Attention, Escape or avoidance, Sensory stimulation, Access to desirable objects or events). Focuses on observable behaviors.