Treatment of Abnormal Behavior

treatment of abnormal behavior

treatment is based on psychological, biological and social approaches


drilling holes in skulls to cure mentally ill

Dorothea Dix

humane treatment of the mentally ill; create separate institutions for ill


removal of patients--not considered a threat to themselves--from the community from mental hospitals


systematic statistical method for synthesizing the results of numerous research studies dealing with the same variable

insight therapy

help clients develop insight about the cause of problem which will lead to behavior changes


Sigmund Freud; going back to childhood to discover the root of problems and changing one's misunderstanding

free association

psychoanalysis; therapist is behind the curtain, patient speaks whatever comes to mind (unconscious conflicts access)

dream analysis

ego and superego are relaxed during sleep--threating feelings can be revealed; ask about dreams; manifest and latent will reveal hidden conflicts




blocking of anxiety-provoking feelings and progress of treatment(talking excessively, coming late, hostility toward psychoanalyst)


process by which clients link the psychoanalysts to important figures in their past


release of emotional tension after remembering experience from past

psychodynamic psychotherapy

expect the anxieties are from past but not necessary from infancy or early childhood; client sitting up and talking to the therapist, who actively interprets and links

client-centered therapy

nondirective, unconditional positive regard; believe problems come from incongruence (disparity between self-concept and reality); therapists use active listening by echoing and restating what client has said

Gestalt therapy

humanistic therapy; directive, use dreams and role playing, emphasis on present behavior, feelings, and thoughts

Carl Rogers

client-centered therapy

Fritz Perls

Gestalt therapy

behavior therapy

focuses on the problem itself, rather than the underling symptoms

cognitive-behavior therapy

therapy that behavior therapist use

systematic desensitization

classical conditioning; uses counter-conditioning to decrease anxiety symptoms (tries to teach clients to relax whenever they encounter anxiety-producing stimulus)

Joseph Wolpe

systematic desentization

exposure therapy

classical conditioning; commonly used to treat phobias


classical conditioning exposure therapy; sudden exposure rather than gradual

aversion therapy

classical conditioning therapy; pairing a stimulus that evokes unpleasant response with stimulus that evokes a maladaptive behavior

social skills training

classical conditioning therapy with modeling, behavioral rehearsal, and shaping

behavior modification

operant conditioning; small rewards given for every step closer to the goal

token economy

operant conditioning; ex. money is given to en/discourage a behavior from occurring


operant conditioning

cognitive therapy

aims to change maladaptive thinking patterns

Aaron Beck

cognitive therapy

automatic thoughts

cognitive therapy; self-defeating judgments people make about themselves

rational-emotive therapy

cognitive behavioral therapy; aims to identify catastrophic thinking/belief and change the irrational assumptions; ask challenging questions

Albert Ellis

rational-emotive therapy

psychopharmacotherapy (drug therapy)

treat psychological disorders with medication


anti-anxiety drug; Benzodiazepines;

Benzodiazepine (tranquilizer)

diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax)

effects of Benxodiazepine

reduce activity of central nervous system by increasing activity of GABA; immediate effect, only few hours: for panic disorder and anxiety

side effects of Benxodiazepine

drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, diarrhea, confusion, drug dependence

effects of antidepressant drug

takes few weeks; MAOIs and tricyclics increase the level of neurotransmitters norepinphrine and serotonin in the brain; SSRIs increase the level of serotonin

side effects of antidepressant drug

not addictive; headache, dry mouth, weight gain (MAOI has most side effects, interact negatively with foods like beer and cheese and meat--SSRIs can cause sexual dysfunction and withdrawl symptoms

monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)

phenelzine (Nardil)


amitriptyline (Elavil)

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

paroxetine (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft)

antipsychotic drug

treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorder

effects of antipsychotic drug

takes a few days; limit the activity of neurotransmitter dopamine; helps treat positive schizophrenia

atypical antipsychotic drug

new class of antipsychotic drug; treats negative schizophrenia


atypical antipsychotic drug; clozapine


atypical antipsychotic drug; olanzapine


atypical antispychotic drug; quetiapine

tardive dyskinesia

neurological condition of involuntary movements


treatment for bipolar disorder

effects of lithium

affect action of norepinephrine and lutamate

side effects of lithium

tremors and long-term kidney damage

carbamazepine (Tegretol)

alternative for lithium

divalproex (Depakote)

alternative for lithium; used to treat bipolar disorder

family therapy

therapist meet two or more members of family at same time

couples therapy

help couples identify and resolve conflicts

group therapy

cost-effective and time saving; meets 4~15 people at once

self-help groups

has no therapist; give and receive help: ex. Alcoholics Anonymous