Abnormal Psych Chapter 1

Abnormal psychology is

understanding the nature, causes, and treatment of mental disorders.

Monique has a drinking problem, as do other members of her family. When a disorder runs in families, it is known as

family aggregation.

Coleen is an anorexic and has become so emaciated that she requires hospitalization. She has difficulties in which of the following areas?


At one time, homosexuality was considered abnormal behavior, but it no longer is. This demonstrates the fact that decisions about abnormal behavior involve

social judgments.

In an effort to address problems with the definition found in the DSM, Wakefield proposed the idea of mental disorder as

harmful dysfunction.

People tend to be more comfortable disclosing a physical illness than a mental disorder because

there can be a stigma associated with a psychiatric diagnosis.

Taijin kyofusho, in Japan, refers to an anxiety disorder relating to the fear of

offending others by one's gaze, facial expression, or body odor.

________ figures are lower than ________ figures because they exclude preexisting cases.

Incidence; prevalence

The lifetime prevalence of having any DSM-IV disorder is about


Garcia has depression and an anxiety disorder. The term that describes having two or more disorders is


Which of these is NOT one of the three general categories of mental disorders as defined by Hippocrates?


The Swiss physician Paracelsus was convinced that ___________ exerted a supernatural influence over the brain.

the moon.

Emil Kraepelin's most important contribution to the study of mental disorders was his

system of classification of the disorders.

Physicians who belonged to the Nancy School believed that there was a relationship between hysteria and


A disorder that is short in duration, such as temporary depression over the loss of a loved one, is


Two ways to collect ________ are questionnaires and interviews.

self-report data

A procedure called ________ generates a magnetic field on the surface of the head through which underlying brain tissue is stimulated so researchers can evaluate the behavioral consequences.


When a psychologist does a research study, they can't include everyone in the world with a particular abnormality, so they use ________, in which they select people who are representative of that group.


From a research perspective, the more ________ a sample is, the easier it is to extend the findings from the study.


To test his hypothesis, Dr. Grant used a control group, also called a(n) ________ group.


What type of research design is being utilized in the study of differences between individuals who have a particular disorder and those who do not?


Which of the following correlations has the strongest association?


Jia followed a group of people with schizophrenia for ten years to determine what factors may have occurred before the onset of the illness. Jia's research employed a(n) ________ design.


The factor that is manipulated is called the

independent variable.

For the pharmaceutical study, Parul was told that neither the researcher nor the subjects would know who is taking the drug and who is taking the placebo. This type of study is called


If a researcher wanted to be sure to have a representative group from a specific population, he or she would use a technique called


Derrick was in a study on the effects of depression on other members of the family. He did not actually have depression, but was otherwise comparable in all other major respects to the people with the disorder. Derrick was in the ________ group.


Camille's research study was designed to identify individuals who had a higher-than-average likelihood of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder and to focus on them before the disorder manifested itself. This is known as ______ research.


ABAB design is typically used in

single-case research.

The doctrine of the four humors is best associated with


__________ was known for making a number of original contributions concerning the anatomy of the nervous system.


The ________________ focused almost exclusively on the physical well-being of hospitalized mental patients.

mental hygiene movement

For many years, treatment of mental health patients was often harsh, punitive and inhumane. This all changed in ______________ with the publication of The Snake Pit.


If a researcher wants to know how many new cases of a disorder have occurred during a given period of time, he or she would be measuring


__________ is the study of the distribution of diseases, disorders and health-related behaviors in a given population.


Monique conducted a study and found that 24% of the population suffered from schizophrenia on January 1st of last year. This statistic reflects

point prevalence.

Comorbidity is

used to describe the presence of two or more disorders in the same person.

Hannah has suffered from depression for years. Her disorder would be considered


One problem with case studies is that their conclusions are often relevant only to the person being studied, which means they have

low generalizability.

A brain-imaging technique that allows us to study the working brain is called


Transcranial magnetic stimulation

generates a magnetic field on the surface of the head through which underlying brain tissue is stimulated so researchers can evaluate the behavioral consequences.

Emil Kraepelin is well-known for his contribution to the study of mental disorders. His initial work was the forerunner to the

development of the DSM.

Physicians who believed there was a correlation between hysteria and hypnosis were known as

the Nancy School.

Freud used two related methods to understand a patient's conscious and unconscious thought processes. Which of these is one of the methods he used?

dream analysis

Another name for instrumental conditioning is ___________ conditioning.


Evan works in the field of abnormal psychology, which is also called


Decisions about abnormal behavior are based on

the values and expectations of society.

The text of the DSM-IV is careful to note that mental disorders reside within a(n)


Martin has been diagnosed with manic depressive disorder and feels disgraced. He is being affected by the _____ associated with mental illness.


In the clinical case study, it was noted that Donald hears voices and is socially withdrawn. He is eventually diagnosed with


To be considered abnormal, a behavior is typically

statistically rare and undesirable.

Which of the following is NOT an element of the DSM-IV-TR definition of a mental disorder?

a predictable and culturally sanctioned response to a particular event

What scientific theory does Wakefield use in his approach to defining mental disorder?


When Kyle's teacher asked him to provide the nomenclature for the mental health system, he was looking for

the naming system.

Japanese attempt to avoid the number ______ because it is similar to the sound of the word for ________.

four; death

Mental health ________ is the study of the distribution of mental health disorders in a population.


Jason conducted a study which focused on the number of people suffering from a major depressive disorder on January 1, 2009. This is known as a(n) ___________ prevalence study.


Early writings show that Egyptians and Greeks often associated abnormal behavior with

a demon or god.

During the European Middle Ages, outbreaks of lycanthropy occurred in which

people believed they were possessed by wolves.

When asylums were first introduced, they were designed to

remove troublesome individuals from society.

Albrecht von Haller advocated the use of ______________ in order to understand the brain in relation to psychic functions.

post-mortem dissection

_________________ developed a comprehensive theory of psychopathology that is at the heart of the psychoanalytic perspective.

Sigmund Freud

During the hypnosis session, Carla was directed to talk freely about her problems. She talked about her childhood issues and cried considerably during the session and upon awakening felt a significant emotional release. This release is known as a(n)


A disorder that is long in duration is considered


The foundation of psychological knowledge comes from


Mrs. Leverenz's class needed to gather information on what toys were preferred by a group of children. They watched the children and wrote down their toy choices for an hour. This type of research is known as

direct observation.

_______ are efforts to explain, predict, or explore something.


The extent to which findings can be generalized beyond the study itself is called

external validity.

In a research study, the group of people who have the disorder being studied is the ________ group.


Correlational research is also known as ___________ research.


In her study, Mi-Li found that her correlations produced a large absolute value of "r." This means that there is __________ between the two variables.

a strong correlation

The researcher gave half the participants a drug and the other half a sugar pill, but didn't tell them which one they were getting. The sugar pill is the


When case studies are used to develop and test therapy techniques within a scientific framework, the approach is called a(n)

single-case research design.

One current model of depression, known as "hopelessness depression," originated in research conducted on


Carl knew that his father was an alcoholic, as was his grandfather. Now Carl found that he couldn't control his drinking. This is an example of

family aggregation.

The death of her husband is likely the ______ of Julianna's depression.


In a survey of the class, Nala found that most of the students believed that a person with a mental illness would be irresponsible and more dangerous than a person without a mental illness. This is an example of


Dr. Smith wants to know how many new cases of schizophrenia have occurred during the previous 12 months. He is measuring the disorder's


The newspaper article stated that 17% of the population showed signs of schizophrenia. This is an example of


Hippocrates believed that mental disorders were developed from

natural causes.

Which of the following would be an example of the method to treat mental illness used by Roman physicians known as contrariis contrarius?

A patient would drink chilled wine while in a warm tub of water.

Which Greek physician believed that psychological disorders could have either physical or mental causes?


Some asylum patients were treated with a method to rehabilitate their character, rather than their physical or mental disorder. This type of treatment was a part of the

moral management method.

_______________ was a champion for the poor and forgotten people in prisons and mental institutions during the nineteenth century.

Dorothea Dix

Mesmerism was based on the idea that ______________ could be used to effect cures in the mentally ill.

magnetic forces

During the therapy session, Jillian was told to talk about her issues and say whatever came to mind, including her feelings and motives. This is a demonstration of

free association.

Pavlov's demonstration that dogs would gradually begin to salivate in response to a nonfood stimulus such as a bell, is an example of

classical conditioning.

Jane has suffered from rheumatory arthritis for most of her adult life. Her illness is


Janice knew her case study could not be used to determine conclusions about other cases because the conclusions of a case study have low


Which scenario would most likely use direct observation as a research approach?

A student needs to know how many times the pudding was chosen for dessert in the cafeteria.

For sampling to be effective, the sample should

mirror the underlying population.

________ is the extent to which a study is free of confounds or sources of error.

Internal validity

The strength of a correlation is measured by the correlation


There is a positive correlation between ice cream consumption and drowning. What must be taken into account to understand this correlation?

third variable problem

The _________________ strategy involves looking ahead in time to identify people who are most likely to have a mental illness.

prospective research

Dr. Williams collected information from his patient about his earlier life to determine what might have caused his behavior. He was conducting ________ research.


In ABAB research design, what happens in the first B phase?

A treatment is introduced.

Seligman and colleagues determined that human depression is a reaction to uncontrollable stressful events in which one's behavior has no effect on one's environment. This is known as

hopelessness theory.