Abnormal Practice

Nature, Nurture

Today's psychologist recognize that all behavior arises from the interaction of _____ and _____


Studies have shown that labeling has (little or a significant) effect on our interpretation of individuals and their behaviors.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity

ADHD, or _____ _____ _____ _____, afflicts children who display one or more of three key symptoms: _____, _____, and _____

Autonomic, Panic Disorder, Panic Attack

In generalizes anxiety disorder, the body reacts psychologically with the arousal of the _____ nervous system In some instances, anxiety may intensify dramatically and unpredictably and be accompanied by chest pain or choking, for example; people with the


People who fear situations in which escape or help might not be possible when panic strikes suffer from _____

Social Phobia

When a person has an intense fear of being scrutinized by others, the diagnosis is a _____


Older people are (more or less) likely to have suffer from OCD

Stimulus generalization

Some fears arises from _____ _____ such as when a person who fear heights after a fall also comes to fear airplanes.

Anterior Cingulate, Amygdala

PET scans of persons with OCD reveal excessive activity in a brain region called _____ _____ cortex. Some antidepressant drugs dampen fear-circuit activity in the _____, thus reducing this behavior


ADHD is diagnosed more often in boys or girls?

dissociative identity

A person who develops two or more distinct personalities is suffering from _____ _____ disorder.

Cognitive extremes, major depression

Mood disorders are psychological disorders characterized by _____ _____. They come in 2 forms; experience of prolonged depression with no discernible cause is called _____ _____


Depressed persons usually (can or cannot) recover without therapy.


Compared with men, women are (more or less) vulnerable to major depression.


Mood disorders (tend or do not tend) run in families.

low, Norepinephrine, serotonin

Depression may be caused by (high or low) levels of 2 neurotransmitters, _____ and _____

Norepinephrine, nerepinephrine, serotonin, reuptake, breakdown

Drugs that alleviate mania reduce _____; drugs that relieve depression increse _____ or _____ supplies by blocking either their _____ or their chemical _____

Disorganized & deluded thinking, inappropriate emotions

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include: _________

Expressionless faces, toneless voices, mute/rigid bodies

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include: _________


schizophrenia, or "split brain", refers to not a split personality, but rather to a split from _____


The distorted, false beliefs of schizophrenic patients are called _____

flat effect, catatonia,

Some schizophrenics lapse into a zombie like state of apparent apathy, or _____ _____; others who exhibit _____, may remain motionless for hours and then become agitated.


When schizophrenia develops slowly, recovery is (more or less) likely than when it develops rapidly.

Dopamine, decrease

Brain tissue pf schizophrenia patients have been found to have an excess of receptors for neurotransmitter _____. Drugs that block these receptors have been found to _____symptoms.

fluid, shrinkage, thalamus, sensory input, attention

Enlarged, _____-filled areas and a corresponding _____ of cerebral tissue is also characteristic of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients also have a smaller-than normal _____ which may account for their difficulty in filter _____ _____ and focusing _____


Twin and adoption studies _____ the content that heredity plays a role in schizophrenia

genetic, psychological

It appears that for schizophrenia to develop there must be both a _____ predisposition and some _____ trigger

antisocial personality

an individual who seems to have no conscience, lies, steals, is generally irresponsible, and may be a criminal is said to have an _____ _____ disorder.

frontal lobe

PET scans of murderers' brains reveal reduced activity in the _____ _____


incidence of serious psychological is _____ among those below the poverty line

early, antisocial personality, phobia

in terms of age of onset, most psychological disorders appear by _____ adulthood. Some such as _____ _____ and ______ appear during childhood.

Dissociative identity disorder

disorder formally called multiple personality disorder


anxiety disorder marked by persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation


neurotransmitter for which there are excess receptors in some schizophrenia patients

dysthymic disorder

disorder marked by chronic low energy and self-esteem

antisocial personality

individual who seems to have no conscience.


neurotransmitter that is overabundant during mania and scarce during depression


neurotransmitter possibly linked to OCD

bipolar disorder

type of mood disorder


false beliefs that may accompany psychological disorders.


fear of situation in which help might not be available during a panick attack.

Dissociative disorder

disorder in which conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, feelings and thought

medical model

approach that considers behavior disorders as illnesses that can be diagnosed, treated, and in most cases cured

mood disorders

psychological disorders marked by emotional extremes

social phobia

intense fear of being scrutinized by others

biopsychosocial approach

approach that considers behavior disorders to be the result of biological, psychological, and socio-cultural influences


extremely elevated mood


disorder characterized by repetitive thoughts and actions


groups of disorders marked by disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions and inappropriate emotions and actions


false sensory experience

panic attack

sudden escalation of anxiety often accompanied by sensation of choking or other physical symptoms