Sexual Dysfunction

Persistent inability to function normally in some area of the sexual response cycle

Desire Phase

The phase of the sexual response cycle consisting of:
- an urge to have sex
- sexual fantasies
- sexual attraction

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

- male dysfunction
- a persistent reduction or lack of interest in sex & hence a low level of sexual activity

Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

- female dysfunction
- persistent reduction or lack of interest in sex & low level of sexual activity
- in some cases, limited excitement & few sexual sensations during sexual activity

Biological Causes of Low Sexual Desire

- high prolactin
- low testosterone
- high estrogen (BCP)/low estrogen (menopause)
- high seretonin
- high dopamine
- pain meds
- psychotropic/illegal drugs
- high levels of alcohol

Psychological Causes of Low Sexual Desire

Mental Illness:
- high anxiety
- high depression
- high anger
Fears, Attitudes, memories where sex = bad

Sociocultural Causes of Low Sexual Desire

Situational Pressure:
- divorce
- death
- job stress
- infertility issues
- having a baby
Relationship Problems:
- unhappy
- loss of attraction
- unskilled/unenthusiastic lover
- double standard for women
- equating sexual attractiveness w/ yout

Excitement Phase

The phase of the sexual response cycle marked by:
- changes in the pelvic region
- generally physical arousal
- increases in heart rate
- muscle tension
- blood pressure
- rate of breathing

Erectile Disorder

A dysfunction in which a man repeatedly fails to attain or maintain an erection during sexual activity

Biological Causes of Erectile Disorder

Vascular Problems:
- problems w/ the body's blood vessels
- heart disease
- clogged arteries
Nervous System Problems:
- damage to spine/nerves
- diabetes
- nocturnal penile tumescence
- erection during sleep, normally during REM sleep

Psychological Causes of Erectile Disorder

Mental Illness:
- high anxiety
- high depression
- high anger
Fears, Attitudes, memories where sex = bad
Performance anxiety
Spectator role

Performance Anxiety

The fear of performing inadequately & a related tension experienced during sex

Spectator Role

A state of mind that some people experience during sex, focusing on their sexual performance to such an extent that their performance & enjoyment are reduced

Sociocultural Causes of Erectile Disorder

Situational Pressure:
- divorce
- death
- job/financial stress
- infertility issues
- having a baby
Relationship Problems:
- unhappy
- loss of attraction
- unskilled/unenthusiastic lover
- double standard for women
- equating sexual attractivene

Treatments for Erectile Disorder

- reducing a man's performance anxiety
- increasing his stimulation
Tease technique:
- sensate-focus exercise
- partner caresses a man until he achieves an erection, then stops until it disappears
- sildenafil (Viagra)
- tadalafil (Cial

Orgasm Phase

The phase of the sexual response cycle during which a person's sexual pleasure peaks & sexual tension is released as muscles in the pelvic region contract rhythmically

Premature Ejactulation

- A.K.A. early/rapid ejaculation
- male dysfunction
- persistently reaches orgams & ejaculates w/in 1 minute of beginning sexual activity w/ a partner
- before he wishes to

Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

Behavioral techniques:
- Stop-start method

Delayed Ejactulation

- male dysfunction
- persistent inability to ejaculate or very delayed ejaculations during sexual activity w/ a partner

Treatments for Delayed Ejaculation

- reduce performance anxiety
- increase stimulation
Behavioral techniques:
- masturbate just short of orgasm before inserting penis for intercourse/ejaculation
Medical treatment
- mainly for use in cases of neurological damage/injury

Female Orgasmic Disorder

- female dysfunction
- persistently fails to reach orgasm, has very low intensity orgasms, or has very delayed orgasms

Biological Causes of Female Orgasmic Disorder

Nervous System:
- diabetes damage
- MS
Postmenopausal changes

Psychological Causes of Female Orgasmic Disorder

Mental Illness:
- high anxiety
- high depression
- high anger
Fears, Attitudes, memories where sex = bad
Memories of childhood traumas & relationships

Sociocultural Causes of Female Orgasmic Disorder

Repression/denial of sexuality:
- overly strict religious upbringing
- punished for childhood masturbation
- no preparation for menstruation
- restricted dating as teens
- "nice girls don't"
Stressful events:
- past trauma
- relationships

Treatments for Female Orgasmic Disorder

Directed masturbation training:
- sex therapy approach
- teaches women who suffer from arousal/orgasmic problems how to masturbate effectively
- eventually able to reach orgasm during sexual intercourse

Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder

A sexual dysfunction characterized by significant physical discomfort during intercourse

Treatments for Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder

Behavioral techniques:
- kegel exercises
- inserting increasingly larger dilators inside the vagina to overcome fear of penetration
- specific intercourse positions to avoid putting pressure on injured area

Modern Sex Therapy

1. Assessing & conceptualizing the problem
2. Mutual responsibility
3. Education about sexuality
4. Emotion identification
5. Attitude change
6. Elimination of performance anxiety & the spectator role
7. Increasing sexual & general communication skills

Treatments for Disorders of Desire

Affectual awareness:
- patients visualize sexual scenes in order to discover any feelings of anxiety, vulnerability, & other negative emotions
Self-instruction training:
- cognitive instruction to change negative reactions to sex


Patterns in which a person has recurring & intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving:
- nonhuman objects
- children
- nonconsenting adults
- experiences of suffering
- experiences of humiliation

Paraphilic Disorder

A disorder in which a person's paraphilia:
- causes great distress
- interferes w/ social or occupational activities
- places the person or others @ risk of harm--either currently or in the past

Fetishistic Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- the use of a nonliving object or nongenital part, often to the exclusion of all other stimuli
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Masturbatory Satiation

- a behavioral treatment in which a client masturbates for a long period of time while fantasizing in detail about a paraphilic object
- the procedure is expected to produce a feeling of boredom that becomes linked to the object

Orgasmic Reorientation

A procedure for treating certain paraphilias by teaching clients to respond to new, more appropriate sources of sexual stimulation

Transvestic Disorder

- A.K.A transvestism/cross-dressing
- a paraphilic disorder
- involves dressing in clothes of the opposite sex
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Exhibitionistic Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- involves exposing their genitals to others
- act on these urges w/ nonconsenting individuals
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Voyeuristic Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- involves observing unsuspecting people in secret as they undress or to spy on couples having intercourse
- acts on these urges w/ nonconsenting people
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Frotteuristic Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- involves touching/rubbing against nonconsenting persons
- acts on these urges w/ nonconsenting persons
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Pedophilic Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- involves watching, touching, or engaging in sexual acts w/ children
- acts on these urges
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Sexual Masochiosm Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- involve being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer
- clinically significant distress/impairment

Sexual Sadism Disorder

- a paraphilic disorder
- involve inflicting suffering on others
- acts on these urges w/ nonconsenting adults
- clinically significant distress/impairment


A state in which a person loses contact w/ reality in key ways


- psychotic disorder
- personal, social, & occupational functioning deteriorates as a result of:
- unusual perceptions
- odd thoughts
- disturbed emotions
- motor abnormalities
- previously functioned well

Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia

- a strange or false belief firmly held despite evidence to the contrary
Disorganized thinking/speech:
- formal thought disorders--a disturbance in the production & organization of thought
- loose associations (A.K.A derailment)--a common think

Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Poverty of speech (A.K.A alogia):
- a decrease in speech or speech content
Blunted & flat affect:
- a marked lack of apparent emotion
Loss of volition:
- apathy
- inability to start or complete a course of action
Social withdrawal

Progression of Schizophrenia

Prodromal phase:
- symptoms are not yet obvious, but the person is beginning to deteriorate
Active phase:
- symptoms become apparent
Residual phase:
- person returns to a prodromal-like level of functioning

Diagnosing Schizophrenia

Type I:
- thought to be dominated by positive symptoms
- seem to have been better adjusted prior to the disorder
- linked more closely to biochemical abnormalities
Type II:
- thought to be dominated by negative symptoms
- structural abnormalities in the b

Downward Drift

Mental illness causes one to have a downward shift in social class

Dopamine Hypothesis

The theory that schizophrenia results from excessive activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine

Treatments for Schizophrenia

Institutional care:
- Milieu therapy--institutions can help patients recover by creating a climate that promotes self-respect, responsible behavior, & meaningful activity
Antipsychotic drugs:
- drugs that help correct grossly confused/distorted thinking

Personality Disorder

An enduring, rigid pattern of inner experience & outward behavior that repeatedly impairs:
- a person's sense of self
- emotional experiences
- goals
- capacity for empathy
- capacity for intimacy

Odd" Personality Disorders

Consists of paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal personality disorders

Paranoid Personality Disorder

A pattern of distrust & suspiciousness of others

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Persistent avoidance of social relationships & little expression of emotions

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

- extreme discomfort in close relationships
- very odd patterns of thinking & perceiving
- behavioral eccentricities

Dramatic" Personality Disorders

Consists of antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders

Antisocial Personality Disorder

A general pattern of disregard for & violation of other people's rights

Borderline Personality Disorder

Repeated instability in:
- interpersonal relationships
- self-image
- mood
- impulsive behavior

Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT):
- developed by Marsha Linehan
- combination of contemporary psychoanalytic & humanistic approaches
- similar to CBT

Histrionic Personality Disorder

- A.K.A hysterical personality disorder
- a pattern of excessive emotionality & attention seeking

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A broad pattern of:
- grandiosity
- need for admiration
- lack of empathy

Anxious" Personality Disorders

Consists of avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder

- discomfort & restraint in social situations
- overwhelming feelings of inadequacy
- extreme sensitivity to negative evaluations

Dependent Personality Disorder

A pattern of:
- clinging & obedience
- fear of separation
- ongoing need to be taken care of

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

An intense focus on:
- orderliness
- perfectionism
- control
that the person loses:
- flexibility
- openness
- efficiency

Conduct Disorder

- a childhood disorder
- repeatedly violates:
- the basic rights of others
- displays aggression
- characterized by symptoms such as:
- physical cruelty to people or animals
- the deliberate destruction of other people's property
- the commission of vario

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

- a childhood disorder
- repeatedly argumentative & defiant, angry & irritable, & in some cases, vindictive

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The inability to:
- focus attention
- overactive & impulsive behavior
- both

Autism Spectrum Disorder

- extreme unresponsiveness to others
- severe communication deficits
- highly repetitive & rigid behaviors/interests/activities

Mental Deficiency

- A.K.A. intellectual disability or "mental retardation"
- intellectual functioning & adaptive behavior that are well below average


A rapidly developing, acute disturbance in attention & orientation that makes it very difficult to concentrate & think in a clear & organized manner


A progressive loss of cognitive function, marked by memory problems & confused thinking

Alzheimer's Disease

- form of dementia
- the most common type of neurocognitive disorder
- usually occurring after the age of 65, marked most prominently by memory impairment


Mental illness of such a severe nature that a person:
- cannot distinguish fantasy from reality
- cannot conduct their affairs due to psychosis
- subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior

M'Naghten Rule

A legal test for insanity that hold people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if:
- because of a mental disorder
- they did not know the nature of the act
- they did not know right from wrong

Civil Commitment

A legal process by which a person can be forced to undergo mental health treatment

Two-Physician Certificates

Emergency commitment:
- states give clinicians the right to certify that certain patients need temporary commitment & medication
- require certification from two PHYSICIANS (not necessarily psychiatrists)
- normally lasts three (3) days