Abnormal Psych Chap 7


Shaun Boyden's Axis I diagnosis included ________ and sexual attraction to males

normal, criminal history

As with many individuals diagnosed with pedophilia, Shaun presented as a ______ individual with no ________ ________.

cognitive behavioral, anti-androgen

Shaun Boyden's treatment plan included weekly psychotherapy sessions using _______ ___________ techniques and _____________ medication to reduce sexual urges.


a disorder in which an individual has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving (1) nonhuman objects, (2) children or other non-consenting persons, or (3) the suffering or humiliations of self or partner

sexual arousal

Previous to the proposed addition to the DSM-5, the term _____ ___________ was not included in any of the criteria for the paraphilic disorders.

paraphilic disorder

diagnosis in which a paraphilia causes distress and impairment

sexual arousal, 6 months

The essential feature of a paraphilic disorder is that people with the disorder are so psychologically dependent on the target of desire that they are unable to experience ______ _______ unless the target is present in some form. Additionally, the person


paraphilic disorders begin during this stage of life and tend to be chronic, although they diminish in people over 60 years

exhibitionistic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which a person has intense sexual urges and arousing fantasies involving the exposure of genitals to a stranger

voyeuristic disorder

a paraphilia in which the individual has a compulsion to derive sexual gratification from observing the nudity or sexual activity of others

fetishistic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which the individual is preoccupied with an object and depends on this object rather than sexual intimacy with a partner for achieving sexual gratification


a paraphilia in which the person is interested solely in sexual gratification from a specific body part, such as feet

frotteuristic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which the individual has intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies of rubbing against or fondling an unsuspecting stranger

sexual masochism disorder

a paraphilia marked by an attraction to achieving sexual gratification by having painful stimulation applied to one's own body

sexual sadism disorder

a paraphilia in which sexual gratification is derived from activities that harm, or from urges to harm, another person

transvestic fetishism

a paraphilia (most commonly refers to men - the large majority of individuals who show this behavior) in which a man has uncontrollable craving to dress in women's clothing in order to derive sexual gratification

transvestic disorder

diagnosis applied to individuals who engage in transvestic behavior and have the symptoms of a paraphilic disorder


the representations of an individual's sexual fantasies and preferred practices

John Money

(1973/1996) believed paraphilias are the expression of "misprints" in the process of forming lovemaps; argued that lovemaps are formed during a critical period of development when an individual first begins to discover and test ideas regarding sexuality (

pedophilic disorder

The majority of psychological literature on paraphilic disorders focuses on _______ _________.

pedophilic disorder

sexual arousal for children or adolescents

sexual arousal, 18, 5

The key feature of pedophilic disorder is that the individual experiences ______ ________ that is equal to or greater than that which he/she experiences with physically mature individuals. Additionally adults must be at least _____ years of age and at lea

sexual dysfunction

an abnormality in an individual's sexual responsiveness and reactions

hypoactive sexual desire disorder

a sexual dysfunction in which the individual has an abnormally low level of interest in sexual activity; proposed in the DSM-5 to be diagnosed only for men

hypoactive interest/arousal

the diagnosis proposed to replace hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women in the DSM-5

female sexual arousal disorder

a sexual dysfunction characterized by a persistent or recurrent inability to attain or maintain normal physiological and psychological arousal responses during sexual activity

sexual aversion disorder

a sexual dysfunction characterized by an active dislike of intercourse or related sexual activities

erectile disorder

sexual dysfunction in which a man cannot attain or maintain an erection during sexual activity that is sufficient to allow him to initiate or maintain sexual activity

female orgasmic disorder

a sexual dysfunction in which a woman experiences problems having an orgasm during sexual activity

male orgasmic disorder

a sexual dysfunction in which a man experiences problems having an orgasm during sexual activity; also known as inhibited male orgasm

premature ejaculation

a sexual dysfunction in which a man reaches orgasm well before he wishes to, perhaps even prior to penetration


a sexual dysfunction affecting both males and females that involves recurrent or persistent genital pain before, during, or after sexual intercourse


a sexual dysfunction that involves recurrent or persistent involuntary spasms of the musculature of the outer part of the vagina

sensate focus

method of treating sexual dysfunction in which the interaction is not intended to lead to orgasm but to experience pleasurable sensations during the phases prior to orgasm

biological sex

the sex determined by a person's chromosomes

gender identity

a person's inner sense of maleness or femaleness

gender identity disorder

a condition in which there is a discrepancy between an individual's assigned sex and gender identity, involving a strong and persistent identification with the other gender


a term sometimes used to refer to gender identity disorder, specifically pertaining to individuals choosing to undergo sex reassignment surgery

gender dysphoria

distress associated with feeling that a person has the wrong gender

Masters, Johnson

_________ and __________ (1966,1970) systematically observed the sexual responses of men and women under controlled laboratory conditions and identified three phases of the sexual response cycle.

desire, excitement, orgasm

the three phases of the sexual response cycle, as proposed by Masters and Johnson


denoting aspects of a person's thoughts, impulses, and behavior that are felt to be repugnant, distressing, unacceptable, or inconsistent with the self-conception


One goal of psychotherapy in the treatment of pedophilia is to make the disorder _____________, making it difficult for the individual to deny the problems caused by his/her pedophilia.

Alfred Kinsley

This man (1948; 1953) pioneered a revolutionary study about sexual behaviors that changed the way Americans viewed norms about human sexuality. His was the first large-scale survey of sexual behavior in the United States.

Psychopathia Sexualis

A comprehensive treatise - written in 1886 by the Austro-German psychiatrist Richard Freihurr von Krafft-Ebing - that documented a variety of forms of "sexual perversity" and linked sexual fantasy and the compulsion to kill.

distress, impairment

The most significant change proposed for the DSM-5 is declaring that clinicians do not consider paraphilias disorders unless they involve _____ or __________.

pedohebephilic disorder

the new name for pedophilia proposed for the DSM-5; acknowledges that erotic preferences for prepubescents and pubescents are similar because they both involve attraction to physically immature individuals