Abnormal Psychology Test 2 Guest Lecture

Inherited, avoid effort and challenges, mistakes are threatening

Fixed mind set

Talent is just the starting point, learning, value effort, engage in challenges, use mistakes as opportunity

Growth Mindset

praise for personal attributes

Person praise

Praise for effort and work put into it

Process praise

Growth mindset

More attention to TASK Stimulus is for....

Fixed mindset

More attention to RESPONSES is for....


Growth mindset relate to (faster or slower responses)

Fixed amount of anxiety and there is not much we can do to change that, more maladaptive responses over time

Anxiety mindset

More cognitive reappraisal
Less Expressive and though supression

Emotional Regulation Strategies

Less drug, alch use, and self harm
Might act as a buffer

Growth mindset of anxiety leads to...

1. Recognize fixed mindset voice
2. Recognize the choice
3. Talk back with growth mindset
4. Take growth mindset action

4 steps to adopting growth mind set