abnormal final

What type of behaviors are classified as "normal"?

being different, defiant behavior, behaving dangerously

What does it mean for someone to behave differently, deviantly, dangerously, or dysfunctionally?

dysfunctionally is an abnormal behavior. everything else is a weird quirky thing, but considered normal

What are the three most commonly diagnosed disorder categories?

substance abuse, depression, anxiety

What is the association between psychological disorders and SES?

low SES tends to have more disorders because high SES can afford better health care

Know the four current views on abnormal behavior?

psychoanalytic, behaviorism, cognitive, huamistic

Which of the four current views would I advocate for when conceptualizing psychological disorders?


What levels of research design do most psychologists utilize?

clinical interviews

How can anxiety be functional?

if you have a lower level of anxiety, you can still function

How does our body respond to anxiety? What are the effects if our body is always "experiencing" anxiety?

with an adrenaline rush-heart pounding, nausea, dizzy, feeling faint

What do individuals commonly mistake a panic attack for? How can the two be differentiated?

Heart Attack- panic attacks only last for 10 minutes

What is necessary for a diagnosis of OCD?

need obsessions OR compulsions

Which criterion of OCD diagnosis best differentiates normal from abnormal obsessions and compulsions?

they're extremely time consuming and cause lots of distress

What are the obsessive components of Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

repetitive behaviors and mental acts

How does an individual develop PTSD?

experiencing something traumatic, and being affected by it to where it causes you to not function

What are the key/standard/stereotypical symptoms of PTSD?

avoidance, exaggerated startle reflex

What role does the "observer" play in Dissociative Identity Disorder?

sits back and lets other alters take over, but is present

What are some beliefs about the causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder?

developes after a traumatic event as a way of coping (usually abuse)

What are the different types of Dissociative Amnesia? How can they be differentiated?

localized (forgets everything from one time period), generalized (forgets all info about themselves)and selective (forgets some, but not all info from a time period)

Why do individuals with somatoform disorder impact our health care system so much?

take 15-30% of GP appointments and doctor shopping

What is the outcome of 6 to 22 percent of child victims of factitious disorder?

die from hands of perpetrator.

What is the difference between MDD and Persistent Depressive Disorder?

PDD is less severe and needs low self esteem and feelings of hopelessness

What are the differences between Bipolar I and Bipolar II?

BP2 is hypomanic with depression, BP1 is manic

Know what "IS PATH WARM" stands for.

ideation, substance abuse, purposeless, anxiety, trapped, hopelessness, withdrawal, anger, recklessness, mood changes

What is the significance of "IS PATH WARM"?

warning signs for suicide

What are some different ways to self-harm?

cutting, head banging, hair pulling, branding, biting

How can one tell the severity of the self-harm?

on extremities isn't as severe, on trunk of body is bad

What constitutes a binge?

consuming a significant amount of calories in one sitting

Which disorder has the highest mortality rate?


What are the stages in the Diet-Binge-Purge-Cycle?

diet->slip->abstinence violation->binge eating-> guilt, -> purge-> diet

What role does dieting play in Bulimia Nervosa Disorder?

diet for a while, then binge every once in a while

How can we differentiate people who are more likely to develop anorexia compared to those that have bulimia?

lack of control

What are some tell-tale signs of Binge Eating Disorder?

eating large amounts of food, lack of control, no compensatory behaviors

How do the three eating disorders we talked about in lecture differ in regards to weight?

people with bulimia tend to be slightly overweight

Know the different sexual orientations.

heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual

Is homosexuality at least partially genetically determined?

no way

Why are paraphilias hard to diagnose?

people don't like to talk about them

How can we differentiate someone with exhibitionism from someone with frotteuristic from someone with voyeurism?

ex=in front of people, frott=in public on a non consenting person, voy=watches people

Be able to differentiate between tolerance and withdrawal.

tolerance=increased use for the same effect. withdrawal=having symptoms when the substance isn't being used anymore

What are the two most frequently used drugs?

caffeine and nicotine

What is the equal opportunity drug?


How is behaviorism involved with substance use disorders?

they affect how you behave and how you adjust your functioning to behave that way

Be familiar with the "Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders".

schizotypal personality disorder, delusional disorder, brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizoptrenia and schizoaffective disorder

How and why do males and females differ in the development of schizophrenia?

less in women because of less lateralization in brain and estrogen is an anti-psychotic

Does early or late onset schizophrenia have a worse prognosis?

late onset

What symptoms would help differentiate schizophrenia from delusions disorder?


How can we differentiate personality from a personality disorder?

pattern of thoughts, emotions, behaviors don't match environment; can't function very well in society.

What is the main difference between schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders?

schizotypal wants relationships (but is bad at them), schizoid avoids relationships

Know the characteristics of the four types of psychopaths.

corporate, con artist, serial killer, chronic offender

Why are children and adolescents typically not diagnosed with personality disorders.

don't know if its a real disorder or just kids being weird

Which personality disorder has the worst perception with therapists?

boarderline personality disorder

What disorder could possible be mistaken for OCD and why?

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder-very similar symptoms

What are the three biological causes of intellectual disability? Which can be "treated"?

down syndrome, PKU and fragile X syndrome. PKU can be treated

What are some causes of Autistic Spectrum Disorder?

genetics, older parents, unusually accelerated head brain growth, structural and organizational abnormalities.

Should parents who are concerned about their child developing autistic spectrum disorder get their children vaccinated?

yes- vaccines do not cause it

Know the three different courses of ADHD and possible explanations for them.

hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention

What is the association between ADHD and unintentional injuries?

there are more unintentional injuries in a person with ADHD

How do we differentiate ODD from ADHD?

ODD is angry and mean, ADHD can't focus

What are the main differences between the two elimination disorders?

enuresis is urine, encopresis is feces

What are the causes of delirium?

long hospital stays, complications after surgery, poor post hospitalization functioning

How are psychologists most likely to treat delirium?

environmental minipulations

What is the most common type of dementia?

Alzheimer's disease

What are the risk and protective factors for Alzheimer's Disease?

risk-increasing age, family history, APOE gene. Protective-dietary factors, moderate alcohol use, mental activities, NSAIDS, advanced education

What kind of treatment can we provide for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease?

support and changing the environment