Social Psychology Quiz 5

According to the text, self-perception theory is most closely related to which other theory in social psychology?

attribution theory

Recall that Dutton and Aron (1974) had an attractive confederate approach men either on a high, narrow, swaying suspension bridge, or else on the other side of the bridge where they were sitting. More men called the woman after she approached them on the

Men misattributed their fear as sexual attraction.

Misattribution of arousal can best be defined as the process by which people make

mistaken inferences about what is causing them to feel as they do.

Thought suppression is much like self-control in that they both

take up mental resources.

According to self-perception theory, we infer the kind of person we are and what our attitudes are by

observing our own behaviors, just as we would observe others' behavior.

If you are using the misattribution of arousal principle to plan a first date and you really want your partner to be attracted to you, which of the following activities would you choose?

ride the rollercoasters at an amusement park

To summarize the information about "telling more than we can know," often factors that seem like they should affect us ________ and factors that seem like they should have no impact ________.

do not; do

Psychologists who have studied the development of self-concept over the lifespan have found that the self-concept starts out ________ and gradually becomes ________ with increasing age.

concrete; more abstract and complex

According to the authors of your text, extrinsic rewards are most likely to diminish intrinsic motivation when

intrinsic motivation was initially high.

Complete the analogy about mindsets: fixed mindset: ________ :: growth mindset: ________.

unchangeable; malleable

Why are women more critical of people who self-handicap? Women, more than men,

value putting in effort.

Schachter's (1964) two-factor theory of emotion suggests that we first experience ________ and then subsequently seek to ________.

physiological arousal; label the emotion appropriately

Because they convey information to people that they are good at an activity, ________ are not likely to reduce intrinsic interest in that activity.

performance-contingent rewards

When people in Western cultures learn about the interdependent view of the self and people in Asian cultures learn of the independent view of the self, what is the typical reaction?

Many have difficulty understanding how the others could view the world in such a way.

One evening after work, Barbara arrives home in a very bad mood. Noticing this, her husband James asks her why she seems so angry and upset. Barbara hadn't thought about her mood before James mentioned it, and now she thinks hard about what has caused her

constructing a causal theory about

According to the authors of your text, introspection may not be an especially useful source of information about the self because people

may not be consciously aware of the reasons for our behavior.

Based on the information in your text about intrinsic motivation, who would be most likely to lose their enthusiasm for reading if a "Read for Cash" program were implemented in their school?

children who enjoy reading to begin with

Michelle is going to be rewarded for completing a task, no matter how well (or poorly) it is done. This is the best definition of

task-contingent rewards.

The two factors necessary to experience an emotion according to Schachter's two-factor theory of emotion are

physiological arousal and appropriate explanation.

Mariana wonders whether she has the potential to become a first-rate social psychologist. To assess her potential, she would most likely compare herself to

other psychology majors she knows.