Chapter 13: Schizophrenia And other Psychotic Disorders

Explain the epidemiology of schizophrenia as well as the origins of its construct.

_________________ occurs in all people from all walks of life and cultures. The disorder is characterized by an array of diverse symptoms, including extreme oddities in perception, thinking, action, sense of self, and manner of relating to others. The hal

Describe the clinical picture of schizophrenia including the diagnostic signs of both positive and negative symptoms.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia include:
: an erroneous belief that is fixed and firmly held despite the clear contradictory evidence. Tricks are played in the mind. the believe things that others in their same cultural background do not. It involves

Compare and contrast the subtypes of schizophrenia.

What we call schizophrenia encompasses a variety of disordered processes of varied etiology, developmental patterns, and outcomes. As a result, meaningful subtypes have been identified of less severe but potentially related conditions.
Schizoaffective Dis

Summarize the biological, psychosocial and sociocultural causal influences in schizophrenia.

The cause of Schizophrenia is still not toally known. Some factors include:
Schizophrenia type disorders run in the family. There is overwhelming evidence for higher than expected rates of schizophrenia among biological relatives. Blood relations


early onset or very early signs of schizophrenia.

Prenatal Exposure to Schizophrenia

Environmental factors, such as maternal exposure to different factors, can influence the patterns of genes expressed int he development of offspring.
1) Viral Infection passed along from mother to child has been a studied possibility.
2) Rh Incompatibilit

Psychosocial and Cultural Factors leading to Schizophrenia

Years ago, parents were routinely assumed to have caused the children's disorders through hostility, deliberate rejection, or gross parental ineptitude. Today things are very different. You've learned from past research that disturbances and conflict in f

Evaluate the various biological and psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia.

There are relatively strong favorable outcome 15 to 25 years after diagnosis for recovery. This does not mean they're fully recovered. Rather, it means that with the help of therapy and medication patient can function quite well. Unfortunately, only 16% o

Explain the difficulties associated with trying to prevent schizophrenia.

Once schizophrenia is developed, most patients are likely to experience recuring positive and negative symptoms as well as persistent impairment. At the societal level, some public health changes could be considered. Because brain damage is implicated in