Psych Final: Test 1

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

All mental disorders involve personal distress, but mental health professionals are reluctant to define mental disorders based on this subjective criterion

DSM-5 takes a_____ approach to classification, treating disorders as if they are_____from normal behavior

Categorical; qualitatively different

Communication between neurons occurs when ______ are released from the _____ of one neuron into the ______ and received at the receptors of another neuron

Neurotransmitters; axon terminal; synapse

In his blog, Allen Frances (who directed the DSM-IV) criticized DSM-5 primarily for

Including too many "fads" in its list of diagnoses

Roger's client-centered therapy is closely associated with the concept of


________ is especially important to recognize in psychotherapy outcome research because it is impossible to conduct ______

The allegiance effect; double blind studies

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

DSM-5 classifies mental disorders based on their cause

Active, directive, nonjudgmental, teacher" best describes which kind of therapist?


Mental disorders appear to be polygenic. This means that:

You can still be "a little bit" depressed, ADHD, etc even if genes contribute substantially to mental disorders

I will use case studies in your Abnormal Psychology class this semester because:

Case studies can provide informative descriptions and help you to generate hypotheses

Random assignment is essential to an experiment to ensure that

Any difference between the groups is caused by the independent variable

Research on the cause of mental disorders almost always must use the _____ because ______

Correlational study; factors thought to cause disorders can't be manipulated practically or ethically

Your roommate tells you that he saw a mental health professional who prescribed him the medication, Prozac, for his depression. Because you are in Psych 3410, you know that he almost certainly saw a:


Which of the following is an argument against dualism

All experience involves the brain, just like all computer software involves computer hardware

What is the best no treatment control group in psychotherapy outcome research?

This is a tricky question with no clear answer, because people will in a "no treatment" group seek "treatment" in the form of talking to friends or family, asking advice, and so on

According to Emery, which of the following is the most accurate statement about the classification of mental disorders?

Classification is basic to science, but the DSM-5 is still a work in progress

Suppose a trait is entirely determined by the shared environment. Which of the following could be expected in a twin study of monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins?

MZ and DZ twins would both have one hundred percent concordance

You argue that an 89.9 really should be an "A" not a "B." Your argument (even though you lose) illustrates an important point about the diagnosis of mental disorders:

The cutoff for diagnosing a mental disorder can be rather arbitrary

In a cartoon in the text, a doe rejects a buck with ordinary antlers for another buck with a real rack. She says, "It's not you. It's natural selection." Not having much of a sense of humor, you say (accurately):

Hey. She's talking about sexual selection not natural selection.

Mental disorders are currently classified on the basis of

Descriptive features

The diagnosis of many mental disorders has low levels of reliability. This means that:

Two different mental health professionals often disagree about whether an individual has a disorder

Current understanding of the causes of most mental disorders is best described by the principle of equifinality. Yet, Emery has hope that scientists still may discover single, identifiable causes for some mental disorders if:

New, narrow subtypes of current disorders are identified, as has occurred with intellectual disabilities

I conduct a study where I randomly assign 100 people with depression either to work with Albert Ellis doing Rational Emotive Therapy or Carl Rogers doing Humanistic Therapy. Half of the people drop out of the Ellis group, while everyone completes therapy

People are more likely to drop out of Ellis/Rational Emotive than Rogers/Humanistic Therapy

A resolution on the website of the American Psychological Association (required reading) stated, "In contrast to large differences in outcome between those treated with psychotherapy and those not treated, different forms of psychotherapy typically produc

The "Dodo Bird" verdict

I'm really mad at you, but I can't admit this to myself. So instead I think you're really mad at me. This is an example of:


Does the diagnosis tell me anything about the cause, course, or best treatment of this disorder? This question is a concern about:


These are the notes of a therapist who is treating Frances, whose case of depression was described in the text: "Client uses denial to protect herself from inner rage at family members." The theoretical orientation of this therapist is most likely:


If getting a steroid injection reduces pain in my shoulder beyond chance levels, but I still hurt a lot and can't play tennis, you would say that the treatment produces results that are:

Statistically significant but not clinically significant

Which of the following statements is true about medications used to treat psychological problems?

Medication can improve the symptoms of many mental disorders, but people often must stay on the medication for long periods of time to maintain the benefit

In what way does the heat sensitive picture of earth from space (found in Chapter 4) teach us to appreciate basic limitations in brain imagining techniques?

While impressive, the image illustrates limitations in meaning and degree of resolution

Girls who reach menarche at a younger age attract boys who are older and more interested in their physical appearance/sexuality compared to girls who reach menarche at an older age. This is an example of:

A gene-environment correlation

Using your new language from Psych 3410, you tell your girlfriend. "You're all _____ (sex and agression)!" Turns out she's taking psych too. She retorts, "You're all ____ (guilt)!

Id; superego

One theory (that you will soon learn about) is that anxiety is maintained by avoidance. You get anxious about doing something, avoid it, and avoidance lowers your anxiety. In operant conditioning terms, this is an example of:

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following is an incorrect pairing

All of the above are correct pairings: Personality inventory; MMPI, Projective test; Rorschach inkblot, Brain imaging; MRI

Intellectual disabilities (formerly mental retardation) are some of the best diagnosed and understood mental disorders. Still, the terms for the disorder often are changed, as old terms come to carry a stigma. Which concept best describes this phenomenon?

Labelling theory

The textbook and lecture indicated which of the following about psychotherapy and placebo effects?

Since both placebos and psychotherapy produce change through psychological means, psychotherapy researchers need to study how placebos work

Compared with physical illnesses, mental disorders rank where in terms of disease burden?

#2 following cardiovascular disease and ahead of cancer

Scientists are now convinced that vaccines do not cause autism, but it is important to revisit this controversy because:

All of the above

A required extra reading from The Guardian reported on a comparison of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and psychoanalytic therapy (PT) in the treatment of bulimia. Which of the following is the most accurate summary of the findings reported in this artic

CBT produced more improvements than PT even though CBT included only 20 sessions over 5 months while PT included weekly sessions for 2 years

The future of psychotherapy is to:

Develop and offer different treatments that work for different disorders

Ten years ago, in the middle of the panic over vaccines and autism, The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development offered this cautiously worded statement despite several studies showing no link between vaccines and autism, "There is no evi

You can never accept the null hypothesis.

The "objects from Emery's desk drawer" demonstration was intended to illustrate

there are different ways to classify things for different purposes

The most commonly used method for assessing psychological disorders is:

The clinical interview

In a cartoon in the textbook, a tearful dog patient says angrily to a cat psychotherapist, "You haven't a clue what I'm talking about do you?" The main quality that the dog is complaining that the cat lacks is:


Which of the following is the best analogy for how the DSM-5 classifies mental disorders in terms of quantitative and qualitative differences?

Deciding what heights we call "short" versus "average or tall

Freud and Erikson's theories emphasize what essential feature that is overlooked by most other views of the cause of normal and abnormal behavior?

Both underscore the importance of developmental stagess

Why are brain imaging procedures not widely used for the diagnosis of mental disorders?

There is no evidence that these procedures can be used to identify mental disorders

Which of the following most accurately represents the relationship between culture and the diagnosis of mental disorders?

Cultural values and beliefs influence what behaviors are considered to be abnormal

I find that people in unhappy close relationships are more likely to be depressed. I conclude that troubled relationships cause depression. Which of the follow is true about my conclusion?

All of the above are true.

Based on lecture, the text, and outside readings, which of the following is most accurate?

Mental health professionals disagree about the most effective treatments, whether they produce lasting change, and whether the success of psychotherapy is due to common factors or active ingredients