Midterm Applied logic

What is logic?

Logic is the study of argument

What makes it a science?

It is a science because of the relationship between parts of an idea and a whole idea, scientific method

What makes it a liberal art?

It is a liberal art b/c we get better understanding of our nature and helps free us from ignorant thoughts and actions

What is an arguement?

A piece of of reasoning in which one or more statements are offered as support for some other statement.

What is a deductive argument?

Are arguments in which the conclusion is presented as following from the premises with necessity.

What is a inductive argument?

Are arguments in which the conclusion is presented as following from the premises only with probability

What makes an argument valid?

Correctness with which a conclusion has been inferred from its premises- whether the conclusion follows from them

What makes an argument sound?

Results when the premises of an argument are true and its conclusion is validly derived from them.

What makes an inductive argument strong or weak?

An argument that is strong would have solid evidence and a weak argument does not have evidence

What are common indicator words for a premise?

Since, because and for

What are common indicator words for a conclusion?

Therefore, hence, consequently

If we lack indicator words, how can we go about finding a conclusion?

Determine the point the argument is trying to establish (conclusion) and. the rest would be supporting grounds or premises

How can we find the missing premises or conclusion syllogistically?

Looking for the major premise, minor premise and the conclusion

When we are looking at syllogisms, what is a major premise?

The major premise is the first premise in an argument

When we are looking at syllogisms, what is a minor premise?

The minor premise is the second premise in an argument

What is the major term?

The term that appears as the predicate term of the conclusion

What is the minor term?

The minor term appears as the subject of the conclusion

What is the difference between an explanation and an argument?

An argument is setup with at least 1 premise and a conclusion. In an explanation you are making a statement about a topic and not arguing for or against it

informative language

propositions that declare something to be the case and thus can be true or false and can factor into premises and conclusions of an argument

What is corresponding theory of truth?


Justified True Belief (JTB)

An account of knowledge in knowing that something is no more of a justified belief that its true

linguistic symbols

made by humans; symbols are not naturally tied to certain objects


natural and not man-made