PTA Exam 8

ES wound healing, (ulcers)

- monophasic
- puksed
- direct current

inspect skin

before using new orthosis

mitral valve

listen over the 5th intercostal space medial to clivivular line

aortic vavlve

second right intercostal space near the sterna border

pulmonic valve

second L intercostal space near the sternal border

tricuspid vavle

over the left sternal border in the 4th or 5th intercostal space

Berg Balance sore

- below a 36 have a fall risk of close to 100%
- above 26 means decrease risk of falls


- increases strength of bones
- Decreases blood triglycerides
- increase tensile strength of tendons
- exercise taining will increase long volume and diffusion

cardiace rehab leveL I

- will be able to suprevides self-moitred walking for 5-10 minute period
- isometeics
- UE exercises

L3-$ disc protrusion

- numbness in ateriomedial thigh and knee
- quad weakness

L4, L5, S1 sisc

numbness in the back of the clad
- DF and PF weakness


0 numbness and wealnes in thighs lest feet and perimenu,


numbness and gastrac oand solues atrphy

partial thickness burn

aal help address scar contacture

scar contractures

- lotion, compression (only hypotrphic scarring), and allograft will not help scar contractures

NWB twith good strength and balance

axillary scrutches

spinal stenosis with weak abs

- do posterior pelvic tilts
- dont do gin l�ve abdominal core like double leg lifts

accessory nerve 11

- trapeziius

Hypoglossal 12

- responsible for tongue muscles

glossopharengeal 9

gag refelx

absucens 6

lateral rectus of the eyes


tstin in prone

post setl

prion shoulder and to 90 and elbow flexed to 90

missle elt

test in stting poisont

what is target HR for

- HR and oxygen intake have a liner relationshop
- exec rose can be exorcise as ocygent irate activity and have a linear relationship know into is ratlin can enussr proper exercise intensity in being acgoeived


o exicess blodd i n lbloe veells

arteria l insuffucency

- elevating leg for less than 2 mint produce a noticall pall fool out a a reactive hyperemia when leg is returned into a dependent position\
remia ais a vsiodialiton isn respinese to sischemau

metateiarsl stress fx

dur to ivre use

tarsal tunnel syndrom is associate with rauma, inflammation, fluid rent ion and boabioimt food biomechanix


morton neuroma


turf toe

hyperdorsifelxion to 1 matotho MTP

pt feels pain in hold -relax stretch techniqe

- is feels pin then reice the cmuskt contraction to sumac and decrease the stretch force

lumbar traction

- pelvic belt just above iliac crest
- thoracic belt over the lower rib cage


- redness
- edema
- streakikng
- cam be a medical emergent is reaches th lymph nodes

herpes zoster

- rash in a dermatolam aptterl


- rashe
NO edema or streaking

quiret balnce

- limtiation in the ankles

hip stratget -

large petuburations

spestic synergy of CVAs

- leg IR, adduction, ext
- knee ext
- Foot - inversion

minimize tone of spastic CVAs

or hi p IR and ankle inv

Pneumatic intemittent comprsssion setting

- Make sure it is a least than he diastolic pressure
- Ratio is 3 on, 1 off

high predictive validity

- validity concer an thinstuments ability to mease with is is inter to measure
- lakiklhgoow of fallen is that the glance nest is intended to measure. the sencin psiecifiall decries the predictive valsitntin whifjhc ouan sitcom o a test can be used to pre


address the consistently or preodiucablity of a mesurement

powe id rge abilti tof

abiti to test stiatiit to fin tth e statitwstica dinnfetent that does uxrtotef realted to the noym bee if subjects need for a sutdy


the exactness if a meanseure and usually refers to the number if decimal place ti which a number si taejen when reporting a measurement and is a function to the senstictivit of the measuring instrument

spinal shock

- flaccid paralysis,
- loss of reflex activity
- loss wow eel and bladder control

continuous exercise

constant without rest or tansition

interval rtaining

exercise interval followed by a relief interval. relief can be a reduced workload

circuit training

series of exercises

circuit interval trininga


going down dtep

walker , weak let then strong leg

grade I sperins

strong yet painful isometirc contraction

grade II psiran

weak and painful isometric contraction

venous insufficency

limb would have edema, suprifiacil veins would be dilates
- oain is worsened in dpednedncy, symptoms are relived by elvation

hemosiderin staining

redness in chroic cinssuffucney

venous indufuurngin

ulcers can develop

arteria lisndufucnet

trophic changes, diminsheis or absence pulse

id patetn has intemrittent claiduatuin

ask the m habout their cariacd symtpmtoms
- keep walk ing then rest til symptoms come back


do leg squeeze

restrict lung disease

reducced vida; capacity tolat big in , big out
- rediudcal volue will be the same
- decrease functiona redicual cpacitt
0 epiratoryt flow rates are the same

vital capacity

big in big out

dyspnea with COPD

- do pursed lip brathing

hand washin

- when hand s are visibly soiled with blood or bodily fluid
- after expose to bacterilanthracis
- after using th e restroom

alcohl rimb rub

good after using gloves are not visilee isoiled

C6 still have

- wrist extensors
- pec major,
-teres maor
- can use rim proectin wx
- can also d o independent slide board transfer

C6 don't have iti lato


stop treat meant if all the goals are met


ulnar deviation

- 0-30

whats most important for peripheral neuropathy

- proper footwear
othehtiso to walwign ceigorimgeorgimno

radioactive iodine is used to treat



- treated with carbs


0 manged pharmaacoclgicall with calcium and phosphate


increawed K
tX: with increased ca, durtietci ir thoer rx

the MCL

has good vascular supple and anatomical potion the prevents undue stress

pcl and acle hekl wile with grade I and II


ACL - not good vausclat supply


transparent film

- red wound base
- moist
- scant exudatye

hydrogel dressing

- non adgerent
- some absoprbaitvoe qualities
- when a wound needs moisture
-can see through

Hydrocolloid dressing

-molable wafe
- wterfprrof backing
- for minimum to moderate drainiage

Alginate dressing

- from seaweed
- absiorb excessive exudate
- promote autolytic debridement

transparent film

- clear
- adherent
- nonabosoribing
- partial thinkness wount
- promost autolytive devridement

flexion compsensation

through thoracic of extension

abduction compentation

ahoulder abduction

medial rotation compenstaion

scap prtraction

hypertentsion comeinaito

scapular elevationq

sever spasticity

CONTRAINDIATNO for an aFO with sping dorsiflexion assit

AFO with sping dorsiflexion assist

- Muscualr dystrophy
- poliomyelitisis
- Fibualr (peroneal nerve palsy)

radial nerve innervation

- radial nerve
- extenaosr carpi radialis
- extensor carpi ulnaris
- supinator, exors poilicliis

median nerve

pronator teres

musclaitanemsous nerve


after execs in crdaic level 3

- carbon dioxide elimination increase
- cardiac output wil increase with max work
- stroke volume would increase with sumac work
- Resting He will decrease

ankylosing spondylitis

will have kyphosis
- nned to maximize back extensor and ROM exerivses

sensation monfilamtent stest

good indicator for people with DM and are conned about ulcers on their feet- contact press use AGB is four wound healing


- diast to prox, hyporefelixno

lateral leg

- common fibular peroneal nerve

common peroneal nerve innervation


tibial nerve innervation


epigastric area

diaphragm weaknenss

-upper chest rises,
- epigastrci are doen not

forcd epiration

rectus abdomoins

corpulmaonse aka r side heater failire

decreased bp , increased HR
decerease stoke vole in in R horeo
pulmonayry hypertionaoin
-decrease caridai cout mpallo hdiemeorifmergopaltghoptomaoktok4t im markg ecetiomal dypsone sefskefk
Hr in crease but carida out pout put decreases
-sroekf voireokrgpo

lytic lesion

bankart lesion

- avulsion injur due to anterori dislcoation
- eafftes gthe gleonid labirm

Hills sachs lesion

- bony defect on the humeral head is clued a hills sachs lesionposterl ioamn taoifwe

SLAP lesion

- superior labral anterior posterior tear that involves the labrum and bicipital tendon

carpal tunnel syndrom

paresthesia of the lateral three digits
0weakness in abiitkotgh oposllicsie bre not oiwisoeit or finger iectensors


- tranfer patient to stronger side
- let pat do as much work as possible

edema grade

Pitting edema 1+ - depression that is barely detectable
2+ remain s less than 5 seconds
- 3+ pistting efem. takes 15- 30 seconds to resolve
4+ depression that let greater than 30 seconds

girth measurements

use cirumferentails measurement

hot packs


cleele 4 Pitting edema

cusine intermitt compression pumps
- cryo can be be used to relief pain andedeam
estim can be used withemdea

abdnomra lsnyer gy of UE with CVA

- scarp retaction and elevation
- should er abductin and ER
- eb io flectionfore armi suoination wilst and finger flexion

for GERD

lat on left side

finklestein test

- tests abductor policies and longus
- extensor policis and brevis


- rcoenginition widen its in our hanve

poor poropiroit - take over hi

thake overt iwalith vusiuall watch their extrimiuters

systemic symptoms

- fever, diapheroris, night sweats, nausea, vomiiting, diarrehea, pallor, dizziness/syncope, and weigh loss

contitiintal symotim


HI saou
