multiphase flow

What are the 3 pressue loss components

elevation, friction, acceleration

What is a continuous film model

liquid moves along tubing walls, gas must move fast enough that drag keeps liquid moving

What is entrained drop model

liquid is suspended as drops in the gas stream where each droplet has terminal veloicty and are held together by surface tension

What is terminal velocity dependent on?

size, shape, and density

What is holdup?

the fraction of the total volume in the pipe occupied by liquid (VL+Vg)/VL

For Poettman and Carpenter out of the 49 wells they studied how many were flowing vs gas-lift wells?

34 flowing, 15 gas-lift

What are the three Wellbore correlations for Oil early Empirical Models?

Poettman and Carpenter, baxendell and thomas, and facher and brown

Most gas wells produce some liquids in forms of

vaporized in the reservoir gas, or free liquid in the reservoir

what does critical (minimum) velocity yield

the terminal velocity of a liquid droplet