Pattern Recognition (ID)

35 yo from UP presents c/o epigastric discomfort and diarrhea. Fecal Leuks negative.


50 yo alchy presents w/ fatigue, inc. SOB, fevers. CXR shows pleural fluid, doesn't layer on decubitus film.

Asp. Pneumonia; think anaerobes, empyema

18 yo w/ new onset hematuria and rising creatinine 2 weeks post URI

Post-infectious glomerulonephritis; Check ASO titer

21 yo presents w/ LUQ discomfort, pharyngitis, fatigue, posterior chain cervical lymphadenopathy

EBV (Mono)

Parasitic cause of B12 deficiency

Diphyllobothrium Latum

Ixodes tick vector infections

Lyme's disease, babesiosis (tx w/ clinda)

40 yo w/ severe R flank pain. UA shows RBCs, ph 9.0. What is the organism?

Proteus mirabilis (think stones, +/- struvite)

35 yo HIV+ man w/ fever, chills, rigors. CXR shows LLL infiltrate. Most likely cause?

S. Pneumo (inpt tx. Cef + azithro)

55 yo HIV+ woman w/ CD4 <100 presents with sudden onset SOB, CXR showing Pneumothorax

PCP - can cause the PMNTX

65 yo w/ CRC develops fevers, chills. CPC in chains grow in bloox cx. Organism?

Strep Bovis

20 yo man presents with interstitial infiltrates, fever, nonproductive cough


40 yo man with h/o exposure to prostitutes presents with maculopapular rash on skin. Hx of penile sore.

Syphilis (2ndary)

Parasite which may be implicated in development of portal HTN as well as bladder carcinomas


35 yo man w/ sepsis, purpura, DIC, adrenal insufficiency

Waterhouse Fredricks syndrome (N. Mening)

40 yo IMCP man w/ respiratory complaints, skin lesions; sputum shows yeast w/ broad-budding base


65 yo woman w/p bone marrow TxPx develops new hemoptysis. CXR shows cavitary lesion w/ fungal ball


60 yo man treated in a hospital with a 2 week course of antibiotics develops watery diarrhea

C diff

45 yo man with duadenal ulcer has bipsy showing this organism

H pylori

55 yo homeless man w/ B symptoms, UA shows sterile pyuria, which persists despite bactrim/augmentin

Disseminated TB

35 yo man develops rash, arthralgias after vacationing in Cape Cod

Lyme Disease