Radiology Ch 9 questions

The first step in manual film processing is


In manual film processing the rinsing step is necessary because

rinsing removes the developer from the film and stops the development process

The film emulsion is hardened during


The hydroquinone in the developer brings out the _____ tones, whereas the Elon in the developer brings out the _______ tones on a dental radiograph.

black; gray

In manual film processing, the optimal temperature for the developer solution is:

68 F

The size of a darkroom is determine by all the following factors except:

humidity level of the room

Any leaks of white light into the darkroom will cause:

film fogging

The safelight must be placed a minimum of what distance from the film and the work area?

4 feet

The GBX-2 safelight filter by Kodak is recommended for;

intraoral and extraoral films

Unopened boxes of radiographic film should not be stored in the darkroom because;

chemical fumes from processing solutions may fog the film

The thermometer for manual processing should be placed in the;

developer solution

At 68 F, what is the optimal development time for manual film processing?

5 minutes

All the following factors affect the life of the processing solutions except;

type of safelight filter used

A replenisher is added to the processing solution to:

compensate for the loss of solution strength
ensure uniform results between solution changes
compensate for the loss of volume of solution
compensate for oxidation

How often should the processing tank be cleaned?

whenever solutions are changed

Which of the following can be used to clean the processing tank?

commercial tank cleaner and hydrochloric acid and water solution

A breakdown of chemicals in the processing solution that results from exposure to air is termed:


The superconcentrated solution that is added to the processing solution to compensate for the effects of oxidation is termed the;


processor housing

encases component parts of automatic processor

film/feed slot

opening used to insert films

roller film transporter

moves the film through the automatic processor

film recovery slot

opening where processed films emerge

drying chamber

heated air is used to dry wet films

water compartment

holds circulating water

fixer compartment

holds fixer solution

developer compartment

holds developer solution

replenisher solutions

solutions used to maintain proper concentration and levels of developer and fixer

replenisher pump

delivers developer and fixer solution to compartments

List two equipment requirements for film duplications

film duplicator and duplicating film

Discuss how exposure time affects the density of duplicating film

underdeveloped film will appear lighter, over developed film will appear darker

fogged film


overdeveloped film


underdeveloped film


light leak


developer cutoff


fixer cutoff


Black spots

developer comes in contact with film before processing

white spots

fixer comes in contact with film before processing

Yellow brown stains

Exhausted developer or fixer

Cracked appearance

Sudden temperature change between developer and water bath

straight white border

underdeveloped portion of film due to low level of developer

straight black border

unfixed portion of film due to low level of fixer

Black crescent shaped marks

film emulsion damaged by operators fingernail during rough handling

think, black branching lines

occurs when a film packet is opened quickly, occurs when a film pack is opened before radiographer touches a conductive object

White lines

soft emulsion removed from film by a sharp object

Film fogging results from improper safelighting


Yellow brown stains result from insufficient development time


Developer cutoff appears as a straight black border across the film


To avoid static electricity, touch a conductor object before unwrapping a film


Torn or defective film packets may allow a portion of the film to be exposed to light