Chapter 41: Intraoral Imaging -Recall Questions-

What is the difference between a bite wing and a periapical image

bitewing image - shows the upper and lower teeth in occlusion.
periapical image - shows the entire tooth from occlusal surface or incisal edge to about 2 to 3 mm beyond the apex.

What are two techniques that can be used for exposing images

Bisecting and parallel technique

Why is an exposure sequence important

without a planned exposure sequence, you are more likely to omit an area or to expose the same area twice

When exposing images, in which area of the mouth should you begin

Maxillary anterior right

Which projection should be the first for posterior exposures


Why is it not recommended to have the patient hold the film or sensor during exposure

Unnecessary radiation

What type of film or sensor holders can be used in the bisecting technique

EeZee - grip holder

What error occurs when the horizontal angulation is incorrect

Overlapped or unopened contact areas

What two error occurs when the horizontal angulation is incorrect

enlongated or foreshortened images

In the bisecting technique, how is the film or sensor placed in relation to the teeth

close to the crowns of the teeth

What is the purpose of bitewing images

to detect interproximal caries and exam crestal bone level between teeth

What horizontal angulation should be used for bitewing images


What size film is used for adults in the occlusal technique


When are occlusal radiographs indicated

To show a wide view of the arch of the upper and lower jaws

What physical disabilities may affect dental patients

vision, hearing, and mobility

Under what circumstances would you hold a film sensor for a patient


For partially edentulous patients, how can you modify the technique for using a bite-block

With a cotton roll

When exposing images on a pediatric patient, how can you best deceive the tube head for the patient

as a camera

What changed must be made in exposure factors when one is exposing dental images on a pediatric patient

milliamperage, kilovoltage, and exposure time

What size of film is recommended for a pediatric patient with all primary dentition


Why is the exposure sequence especially important when one is taking x-rags on a patient with a severe gag reflex

in preventing gag reflex and keep track of expose areas

What is the definition of a diagnostic-quality image

those that have been properly placed, exposed, and processed

When mounting radiographs, what is the ADA's recommendation concerning placement of the raised dog

to use the labial method with the dot facing up

Why is it important for the dental assistant to recognize an anatomic landmarks

to mount dental radiographs correctly

Why is it important to avoid retakes

to prevent additional exposure of the patient to ionizing radiation