Book Practice Test

The earth's core is _______ its mantle.

denser than

Which of the following is NOT located in the upper mantle?


_______ is the second-most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere


The ________ is the coldest later in the atmosphere.


When gases in the _______ emit light energy after being excited by solar radiation, the Aurora Borealis occurs in the northern hemisphere.


____________ is natural mountain building


When lava cools, _____ rock is formed.


Which of the following is true about the three rock types?

Metamorphic rock results from its parent rock undergoing chemical change

We are currently living in the ______ era.


Which of the following is NOT true about fossils?

a fossilized cast of a bone is composed of bone

The _____ the time period an index fossil could have been deposited the more precise geologic dating will be.


There are ______ established planets in the solar system.


Earth's galaxy is called the ______.

Milky way

When the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth, observers on Earth perceive a ______

full moon

Which of the following is NOT true about the sun?

The chromosphere produces sunspots

Which of the following is NOT true about the earth's seasons?

During the summer solstice the southern hemisphere leans towards the sun, and that part of the world experiences the summer season

Mitochondria are on the ______ scale in size while the animal cell that contains them is on the _______ scale in size.

nanometer; micron

The mitotic division of one somatic cell results in what number of diploid/haploid cells?

2 cells, diploid

What is a hetertozygote?

a person having one dominant and one recessibe allele for a gene

___________ is the change in a populations heritable traits over time.

Biological evolution

Which of the following does NOT reproduce sexually


Which of the following is NOT one of the give kingdoms of living organisms?


Which of the following is NOT the correct match of an Animalia phylum with examples of organisms found within the phylym?

Annelida - crustaceans ..... annelida is the animals that includes segmented worms

Which of the following shows level of biomes in increasing complexity from left-to-right?

species - population- community - biomes

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an environment's carrying capacity?

the carrying capacity of an environment increases as populations of species increase

Which of the following is NOT a communicable disease?

Diabetes Mellitus

All of the following are primary sources of funding for scientific research in the US except?

private citizens

Which of the following is true when a new theory is developed regarding a topic?

the existing theories on the topic could be altered/adjusted upon proof

In which stage of the scientific inquiry process can a researcher be required to include geographical representations of the information they gathered?

Data analysis

Which of the following are online databases that scientists use to search for journal articles?

all of the above

which of the following is NOT a type of equillibrium?

Biological evolution

Which property of matter is NOt matched with its correct unit of measurement?

Specific gravity - gram / cubic centimeter

__________ properties cannot be observed without changing the identity of a substance


Which process is NOT matched with its correct state of matter conversion?

sublimation; sublimation is a process by which a substance changes from a solid to a gaseous state

Which particle is correctly matched with its charge?

Proton- positive, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons have no charge

Which of the following terms is NOT correctly matched with its definition?

An elements mass number is its number of protons and neutrons, not electrons

Which of the following is not an example of a mixture? (Soil, Air, Ocean water, H2O)


If an object is moving it can be said to have __________

velocity, acceleration, kinetic energy

Force is measure in


What is newton's 3rd law?

that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

The law of conservation of energy states that ________

energy is neither created nor destroyed, energy changes form, energy is conserved over time

What is the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that no machine can be 100% efficient because there will always be some amount of heat lost to the environment as the machine does its work

________ are the atomic particles primarily responsible for electricity


Do chemical reactions involve changes in the structure of atomic nuclei?

No they do not change structure, energy OR composition

Which is true about magnets?

Magnetic fields are invisible to the human eye