Chapter 1

The feature of an experiment that is not changed from one treatment to the next is referred to as a(n):


Which of the following scientists tested the hypothesis that microorganisms can arise by spontaneous generation?


Which one by itself does not possess the ability to synthesize its own proteins?

a virus

A tourist is admiring the diversity of plant and animal life in the Amazon rainforest. This diversity is the result of which of the following?

the interactions between plants and herbivores, the interactions between plants of different species, the interactions between plants of the same species, the interactions between herbivores and carnivores

Which species is endangered by human activity but not yet extinct?

the African white rhinoceros

A boy observes a robin outside of his window. He notices the robin repeatedly cocks its head to one side before pecking the ground. The boy suspects that when the robin cocks its head it is actually listening for worms or insects underground. If the boy n

No, this observation would only support the boy's hypothesis, but not prove it.

The language of DNA is converted to the language of RNA during the process known as:


Imagine that you are looking at the tree of life. The majority of branches on this diagram would represent which type of organisms?


Given that people typically don't eat fruit seeds, humans have played only a minor role in plant dispersal.


Recall that humans have drastically increased the amount of ammonia (NH3) that is generated from nitrogen gas (N2), and NH3 can be utilized by organisms to build organic compounds. What may be a result of excess human-produced NH3?

Excess NH3-based fertilizers can accumulate in lakes and rivers, disrupting aquatic habitats, Excess NH3-based fertilizers can cause an overgrowth of plants and algae in bodies of water, With NH3-based fertilizers, humans can increase crop yields.

A boy observes a robin outside of his window. He notices the robin repeatedly cocks its head to one side before pecking the ground. The boy suspects that when the robin cocks its head it is actually listening for worms or insects underground. How could th

He could observe several robins and see if they all exhibit the same head-cocking and worm-catching behavior, He could count how many times a single robin catches a worm after it cocks its head and pecks the ground, He could catch a robin and place it in

The language of nucleic acids is converted to the language of amino acids during the process known as:


Most of the diversity of life on this planet is seen among the microbes.


Which type of scientist would specifically study the interactions between flies, frogs, fish, and water lilies in a pond?

An ecologist

Scientists cannot fully understand how to overcome human diseases without a solid understanding of the biology of the organisms, their ecology, and their evolution.


If you were to analyze the composition of a living human body, which of the following elements are more than 50 times more abundant in the human body than in the Earth's crust?

carbon and hydrogen

A scientist is able to isolate a single, intact nerve cell from a human cadaver. Assume the human in life was 6 feet tall. If the neuron isolated extended from the spinal cord to the tip of the cadaver's toe, how long would it be?

a meter or more

Why are bacteria a useful model in which to study evolution?

Bacteria can be grown rather easily in certain culture media, Bacteria can produce large populations on a very small growth area, Bacteria have a short generation time, Random mutations can arise in bacteria populations.

Which of the species-species interactions is most likely to be mutually beneficial?

honeybee and apple flower

If humans never existed on Earth, which organism would likely still be found?

Rats, cockroaches, wheat, passenger pigeons

Suppose that a researcher claimed to have created a genetically modified plant that produces twice as much energy as it harnesses from its environment. How could this be possible?

This is impossible because such a plant would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

There are many different types of bacteria able to grow in a human host, and they are all disease-causing organisms


Which statement is true regarding Bacteria, Eukarya, and Archaea?

Eukarya and Archaea share a more recent common ancestor compared to Bacteria and Eukarya.

A researcher carries out an experiment during the summertime in New England. He plants cacti on two adjacent pieces of land that are identical, except for the fact that one piece of land has been cleared of all other vegetation. He notices that cacti plan

Other plants likely compete with cacti for resources on the uncleared land

If you were to compare the entropy of a dog to that of a bucket of water, which statement would be true?

The entropy of the bucket of water would be greater.

Entropy can be thought of as the amount of _____ in a system.


The language of DNA is converted to the language of RNA during the process known as:


All of the chemical reactions in a cell that are required to sustain life are referred to as:


Given the high degree of order living organisms demonstrate, the second law of thermodynamics does not apply to life.


Imagine that an owl acquires energy by eating a mouse. What happens to this energy?

Some of this energy is released as heat, The owl uses a portion of this energy to fly, The owl uses a portion of this energy to catch additional prey.

At some point in their life cycle, all cells have a _____, whereas not all cells have a(n) _____.

plasma membrane; nuclear membrane

You have learned that mutations can occur in DNA sequences. Are all mutations deadly?

No, some mutations can have no effect or can be beneficial.

Which of the following statements regarding living organisms versus nonliving things is/are true?

Living organisms, for example a single celled organism, generally contain more different kinds of chemical compounds than do nonliving things, for example, rock

Which statement is true regarding Louis Pasteur?

His work demonstrated that life cannot arise spontaneously, that is, living organisms only arise from living organisms.

One of your friends is arguing that viruses are alive. What information would you provide to convince him that viruses can't be considered alive?

Viruses cannot carry out metabolic reactions on their own

Which one of the following elements is found in nonliving systems but not found in more than trace amounts in living systems?


In Pasteur's experiment showing that living microorganisms arise from other living microorganisms, which one of the following statements most accurately describes Pasteur's hypothesis?

If microbes arise from nonliving matter, they should appear spontaneously in both sterile and nonsterile broth.

Prokaryotic cells found in extreme, harsh environments often belong to the domain:


Most of life's diversity is:


Which one of the statements explains a characteristic of both all living organisms and all nonliving material?

They both conform to the basic laws of chemistry and physics.

Humans have affected different organismal populations in which ways?

agriculture, habitat destruction, overfishing

In which of the examples is the entropy definitely increasing?

melting ice in a glass of soda

Nucleic acids are important information storage molecules present in virtually every cell. Which of the processes is carried out by a cell when it accesses that information in the DNA of the genes?

transcription and translation

Some plants are dependent on animals for:

pollination and seed dispersion.

When carrying out a controlled experiment, it is important to:

change only one variable at a time