Criminalistics Ch 3

The process of - determines a substance's physical or chemical identity with as near absolute certainty as existing analytical techniques will permit


the number and type of tests needed to identify a substance must be sufficient to - all other substances from consideration


A(n) - analysis subjects a suspect specimen and a stand/reference specimen to the same tests and examination in order to determine whether they have a common origin


- is the frequency of occurrence of an event


evidence that can be traced to a common source with an extremely high degree of probably is said to possess - characteristics


evidence associated with a group and not with a single source is said to possess - characteristics


true or false: one of the major deficiencies of forensic science is the inability of the examiner to assign exact or approximate probability values to the comparison of most class physical evidence


The value of class physical evidence lies in its ability to - events with data in a manner that is, as nearly as possible, free of human error and bias


the - accorded physical evidence during a trial is left entirely to the trier of fact


true or false: physical evidence cannot be used to exclude or exonerate a person from suspicion of committing a crime


true or false: the distinction between individual and class evidence is always easy to make


modern analytical techniques have become so sensitive that the forensic examiner must be aware of the - among materials when interpreting the significance of comparative data.

natural variation

True or false: a fingerprint can be positively identified through the IAFIS database


A database applicable to DNA profiling is


When - sets in after death, the skin appears dark blue or purple in the areas closest to the ground

livor mortis

True or False: one method for approximating the time of death is to determine body temperature


- involves the study of medicine as it relates to the application of the law, most often pertaining to the investigation of sudden, unnatural, unexplained, or violent deaths

forensic pathology

the cause of death, whether natural, homicide, suicide, accident, or undetermined, is normally determined by performing a(n) - and investigating the circumstances surrounding the death


in determining time of death, - occurs after death and results in the stiffening of body parts int he position they are in when death occurs, - occurs after death and results int he settling of blood in areas of the body closest to the ground, and - refer

rigor mortis, livor mortis, algor mortis

another approach for estimating the time of death is to determine potassium levels in the - fluid


the field of - takes advantage of the durable nature of bones over long periods of time to examine and identify human skeletal remains through a multitude of individual characteristics

forensic anthropology

female bone structure differs form male bone structure within the - area because of a woman's childbearing capabilities


a forensic anthropologist may also help create a(n) - of the decedent from which a composite drawing of the victim can be drawn and advertised in a attempt to identify the victim

facial reconstruction

True or False: definite identification of remains cannot be made through the analysis of the decedent's DNA profile, fingerprints, or medical records


True or False: Sites where human remains are found must be treated as a crime scene, and the site and surrounding areas should be secured, searched, and carefully processes


Once all bones and other evidence are found at a "tomb" site, a(n) - should be made to show the exact location of each item

scene sketch

the study of insects and their relation to a criminal investigation, known as -, is commonly used to estimate the time of death when the circumstances surrounding the crime are unknown

forensic entomology

By determining the oldest stage of fly found not he body and taking environmental factors into consideration, entomologists can approximate the - interval


entomological evidence collected at a scene should include samples from every area where insects are found and - measurements


True or False: Another method to determine PMI is by observing the schedule of arrival of different insect species on the body
