Business Law (EXAM III) Chapter 33: Agency Liablility and Termination

scope of agent's authority

liablity of principal to third parties w/ whom agent contracts depends on agent's authority to enter into legally binding contracts on principal's behalf
Authority can be
1. actual (express or implied), arises from what principal makes clear to the agent,

actual authority: express authority

authority declared in clear, direct, and definite terms. can be given orally or in writing

express authority: equal dignity rule

requires that if contract being executed is or ust be in writing, then agent's authority must also be in writing
--> failure to cokply can make contract voidable at option of the principal
1. executive officer of corporation normally can condu

express authority: power of attorney

written doc, usually notarized (signature, date, imprints by notary public) that conveys express authority

actual authority: implied authority

agent has implied authority to do what is reasonably necessary to carry out express authority and accomplish objectives of agency, can also be implied by custom or inferred from agent's position

apparent authority

agent has apparent authority when the principal, either by word or action, causes third party reasonably to believe the agent has authority to act, even though agent has no express/implied authority
can occur via
1. principal's pattern of conduct over tim

emergency powers

when unforseen emergency demands action by agent to protect/preserve property and rights of priincipal, but agent unable to communicate w/ principal, agent has emergency power


when principal affirms/accepts responsibility for an agent's unauthorized act --> principal bound to agent's act, act treated as authorized by principal from the outset.
either express or implied
If principal does not ratify contract, principal is not bou

liability for contracts

liability for contracts formed by agent depends on 1) how principal is classified, 2) whether actions of agent were authorized/unauthorized

disclosed principal

principal whose identity is known by third party at time contract made by agent

partially disclosed principal

third party knows agent is/may be acting for principal at time contract is made, but principal identity is unknown

undisclosed principal

principal whose identity is totally unknown by third party, third party does not know agent is in principal-agent relationship

liability for contracts: authorized acts
