Business Law (EXAM III) Chapter 32: Agency Formation and Duties


fiduciary relation that results from manifestation of conesent by one person to another that theo thershall act in his/her behalf and subject to his/her control, and consent by the other so to act.
principal-agent relationship: parties agree agent will ac


noun: person having duty created by his/her undertaking to act primarily for another's benefit in matters connected w/ undertaking
adj: relationship involves trust and confidence

agency relationships: employer-employee relationships

all employees who deal w/ third parties are agents
ex: salesperson
agency law can exist outside of employment law --> broader reach
agency law based on common law
employment law based on statutory law

agency relationships: employer-independent contractor relationships

independent contractor: person who contracts w/ another to do something for him but who is not controlled by the other nor subject to the other's right to control w/ respect to his physical conduct in performance of the undertaking.
An independent contrac

agency relationships: determination of employee status

is a worker an employee or independent contractor?
1. How much control does employer exercise over details of the work?
2. Is worker engaged in occupation/business distinct from that of employer?
3. Is work usually done under employer

agency relationships: employee status and "works for hire

any copyrighted work created y employee within scope of employment at request of the employer is a "work for hire" --> company owns copyright to work
independent contractors owns copyright UNLESS parties agree in writing work is a "work for hire" and work

formation of the agency relationship

voluntary consent and agreement by both parties, writing and consideration not required
agency relatinoship can be created for any legal purpose
can arise 4 ways:
1. agreement of the parties
2. ratification
3. estoppel
4. operation of law

agency by agreement

express or implied agreement that agent will act for the principal and that the principal agrees to have the agent so act.
-can be express written contract or oral agreement
-can also be implied by conduct

agency by ratification

a person who is not an agent (or is an agent acting outside scope of her authority) makes a contract on behalf of another (principal). If principal approves/affirms contract by word or action, an agency relationship is created by ratification.

agency by estoppel

when principal causes a third person to believe that another person is the principal's agent, and the third person acts to his detriment in reasonable reliance on the belief, the principal cannot deny the agency relationship.
Principal's actions have crea

agency by operation of law

agency relationship can exist in the absence of a formal agreement
ex: family relationships (spouses), emergency situations

agent's duties to the principal

1. performance: use reasonable diligence and skill in performing the work
-standarde of care = ordinary care unless agent claims special skills as otherwise
-gratuitous agents (w/o payment) have no contract so cannot e liable for breach of contract, only

principal's duties to agent

1. compensation: timely payment for services rendered UNLESS agency relationship is gratuitous
-if no agreed upon amount, principal owes agent customary compensation
2. reimbursement and indemnification: reimbursement of agent for funds disbursed at reque

exclusive agency

principal cannot compete with agent or appoint or allow another agent to compete

agent's rights and remedies against principal

agent has right to be compensated, reimbursed and indemnified, to have safe working environment, and not be interfered by principal.
-agent's breach of duty follows normal contract and tort remedies

principal's rights and remedies against the agent

principal has contract remedies for agent breach - principal also has tort remedies for agent's misrepresentation, negligence, deceit, libel, slander, or trespass
-may result in termination of agency
-an equitable trust imposed for reas