Human Behavior Test 3

(Blank) is the ability to conclude patterns and orders


What are signs to determine ADHD?

Inattentive, impulsive, overactive

ToF The ability to concentrate on 1 stimulus while ignoring all others is called selective attention


What percent of kids 6-9 years old are in the category of obese?


What would be a primary intervention for obesity?

Limit Ads on tv

What are some potential risks of physical activity?

Loss of self-esteem, injuries, reinforced prejudices, increased stress

At what age does transitive inference become apparent?

7 Years Old

What are the main signs of an Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Inadequate social skills, impaired communication, unusual play

What is a self-concept?

Being more concerned of what peers think of you rather than parents

ToF Girls generally start puberty and reach maturity before boys


What is the ability to regulate one's emotions and actions through effort, not naturally?

Effortful Control

What is the capacity to adapt well to significant adversity and to overcome stress?


Which eating disorder is characterized with binge eating, purging, usually including vomiting/laxatives?

Bulimia Nervosa

The two glands located above the kidneys that produce hormones are called...

Adrenal Glands

What type of family is a family that consists of one parent and his or her biological children under the age of 18?

Single-Parent Family

What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?

Anorexia= self starvation, over exercising
Bulimia= overeating and purging

When does puberty begin for males and females?

Between 8 and 14 years olds

What gland in the brain responds to a signal from the hypothalamus by producing hormones?

Pituitary Gland

What is a growth spurt?

Sudden and rapid physical growth during puberty

What term is used to describe thinking about thinking, or "thought thought?


At what age do children have the lowest BMI?

6 Years old

Transitive inference is linked to what part of the brain?


The stage of Preoperational Thought was proposed by whom?


What is the difference between aptitude and achievement testing?

Aptitude= potential to master
Achievement= testing learned skill

What is the difference between dyslexia and dyscalculia?

Dyslexia= difficulty with reading
Dyscalculia= difficulty with math

What is the age range that is considered middle childhood?

6-11 Years old

ToF Piaget was spot on with the idea that there is a sudden shift between preoperational thought and concrete operational thought.


ToF The average IQ is around 100.


What is the ability to concentrate on some stimuli and not others?

Selective attention

What refers to the presence of two or more unrelated disease conditions at the same time in the same person?


Children are considered obese based on having a weight in or above what percentile?


What does long term memory allow?

People to store and retrieve memories for a period of time

What is sensory memory?

Incoming stimuli are stored for a split second to process

ToF Aptitude testing measures the mastery of a skill.


When is a child considered overweight?

BMI is above 85th percentile

What is the difference between multifinality and equifinality?

Multifinality= one cause leads to many manifestations
Equifinality= one manifestation leads to many causes

What is the Flynn Effect?

The rise is IQ scores over the decades

ToF Weight spurt follows height spurt.


What type of family includes a father, mother, and their child under the age of 18?

Nuclear family

What hormone affects appetite and is believed to affect puberty onset?


What is the difference between menarche and spermarche?

Menarche= girls first period
Spermarche= boys first ejaculation

What is the name of Erickson's 4th psychosocial crisis, which characterizes middle childhood?

Industry vs. Inferiority

What is the situation called where an adolescent does not seem to know or care what his or her identity is?


What is hidden curriculum?

Unofficial rules that influence curriculum

ToF The US leads in rates of divorce and remarriage.


ToF In early adolescence, conflict with parents typically is an indication of a previous successful attachment between the parent and child.


What are 4 ways adolescents may cope with tasks associated with identity formation?

Role Confusion, Foreclosure, Moratorium, Identity Achievement

ToF On average, adolescents tend to follow their parents political positions.


What is the difference between a clique and crowd?

Clique= group of 5-7 members who resemble each other
Crowd= formation of several cliques

ToF First romances typically occur in high school and rarely last more than a year.


What is peer pressure?

Encouragement to conform to friends behavior

ToF Most adolescents do not stray far from the religious identity that they grew up with.


ToF Teens are more likely to engage in risk-taking Behavior.


ToF Research has shown that abstinence only sex Ed is the most effective strategy to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.


ToF Peers and peer pressure can be beneficial or harmful, depending on particular friends, cliques, and crowds.


ToF Foreclosure is when adolescents postpone finding out who they are.


What is rumination?

Repeatedly thinking and talking about past experiences

ToF Girls are more likely to commit suicide than boys, but boys are more likely to have suicidal thoughts.


Where do kids learn most of their sex education?


ToF Cluster suicides are several suicides committed by members of a group within a brief period of time.


How many times higher is the completed suicide rate for teen boys than teen girls?

4 times

ToF 36% of adolescent girls experience feelings of hopelessness.


What are signs and symptoms of clinical depression?

Feelings of hopelessness, lethargy, and worthlessness

What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity?

Orientation= gay, straight, or bi
Identity= acceptance of what society thinks

What is any potential lethal action against the self that does not result in death?


ToF Early onset of puberty in females increases risks of psychosocial problems such as depression and low self-esteem.


ToF Emotional dependency is more prevalent in girls than boys.


ToF An "adolescent-limited offender" is a person whose criminal activity typically begins in early adolescence and continues throughout life.


What is working memory?

Current conscious mental activity