Chap 7 cont, Chapter 7: Middle Childhood- Body and Mind

Avhievement test

Measure tof madtry or proficiency in reading, writing, math, science and some other subjects

Flynn effect

Rise in avg IQ score that has occurred over the decades in many nations

Multiple intelligences

Howard Gardner
Logical- mathematical
Bodily-kinesthrtic (movement)
Interpersonal - understand others
Interpersonal- understand self
* naturalistic- nature, biology, zoology
* spiritual/existential
*were added later
Each one of t


Basic principle of developmental psychopathology which holds that one cause can have many final manifestation


Basic principle of developmental psychopathology that holds that one symptom can have many causes

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ADHD

Condition on which a person not only has difficulty concentrating but also is inattentive, impulsive, and overactive

ADHD incidence worries

Drug abuse
Normal behavior considered pathological

Specific learning disorder

Marked by deficit in a particular area of learning that is not caused by an apparent physical disability or by unusually stressful home environment


Unusual difficulty with reading


Unusual difficulty with math

Autism spectrum disorder

ASD. Any of several conditions characterized by inadequate social skills, impaired communication, and unusual play.


The idea that people with special needs have diverse brain structures, with each person having neurological strengths and weaknesses that should be appreciated in much the same way diverse cultures and ethnicities are welcomed

Response to intervention


middle childhood


embodied cognition

idea that human thoughts are affected by body health, comfort, position, and so on.

exercise advances....

physical, emotional, and mental health

childhood overweight

BMI above 85th percentile

childhood obesity

BMI above 95th percentile


chronic respiratory disease. inflammation narrows the airways from the nose and mouth to the lungs causing difficulty breathing

concrete operational thought

ability to reason logically about direct experiences and perceptions


logical principles that things can be organized intro groups or categories. according to some characteristic they have in common


concept that things can be arranged in logical series such as the number series or the alaphabet

selective attention

ability to concentrate on some stimuli while ignoring others

information processing perspective

like computers people can access large amounts of info.
- select relevant units of info
- analyze and connect
- express conclusion

sensory memory

sensory register
incoming stimulus info is stored for a split second to allow it to be processed

working memory

short term memory...
CURRENT conscious mental activity occurs

long term memory

virtually limitless amount of info can be stored indefinitely

knowledge base

body of knowledge that makes it easier to leran new info in particular area

control processes

mechanism that combine memory, processing speed, and knowledge to regulate the analysis and flow of information
includes: selective attention, metacognition, emotional regulation
executive processes


thinking about thinking
ability to evaluate a cognitive task in order to determine how best to accomplish it and then to monitor and adjust one's performance on that task

reaction time

time it takes to respond to a stimulus


process in which repetition of a sequence of thoughts and actions makes sequence routine so no longer requires conscious thought

English language learners

ELL children in the US whose proficiency in english is low


instruction in all school subjects occurs in the second (usually the majority) language that child is learning

bilingual education

school subjects are taught in both the learner's originial language and the second (majority) language

English as a second language

ESL teaching english to all children who do not speak it

hidden curiculum

unofficial, unstated, or implicit rules and priorities that influence the curriculum, organiztion, and setting in school.

trends in math and science study

international assessment of math and science skills of fourth and eighth graders

progress in international reading literacy study

planned 5 year cycle of international trend studies in the reading ability

national assessment of educational progress

ongoing and nationally representative measure of the US children's achievement in reading, math, and other subjects
nation's report card

charter schools

public schools with their own set of standards funded and licensed by the state or local district in which they are located

private schools

schools funded by parents an dsponsoring institutions. have control over admissions and hiring and specifics of curriculum.


monetary commitment by govt to pay for the edu of child

home schooling

children taught at home usually by parents

developmental psychopathology

insights into typical development to understand and remediate developmental disorders

developmental psychopathology general principles

abnormality is normal
disability changes year by year
life may get better or worse
diagnosis and treatment reflect the social context


potential to master a specific skill or to learn a certain body of knowledge