Unit 1 Test

Did God create the angels?

Yes, God created everything.

When we say that God is the Creator of heaven and earth we mean that he created everything out of ___________?


When we say the Creed, we are standing up for what?

Our Catholic believe

The word Almighty means:

God can do anything.

The word eternal means:

God had no beginning and will never end.

The word creature means:

Anything created by God.

Are angels pure spirits?


What do we call the angels that God has given to each of us to protect us?

Guardian Angels

Which angel brought to Mary the news that God had chosen her to be the mother of the Savior?


The three Divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

What is Faith?

Faith is a gift from God that enable us to believe in Him and all He has revealed.

The Apostles' Creed contains the most important truths of our Catholic Faith.

True. It starts right at the beginning with our belief that there is a God, and this he is the almighty Creator of heaven and earth.

What is Grace?

God's life in us.

Who were the first man and woman that God created?

Adam and Eve.

Who is the Bishop of the Diocese of Gary?

Bishop Robert McClory