Jakob Christian Final Exam Vocabulary Jezewak


The biblical event in which the angel Gabriel visits the Virgin Mary and announces that she is to be the mother of the savior.

Blessed Trinity

The three persons in one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The central mystery of our faith.


The name given to the assembly of God's people, called together and united through Baptism in a common profession of faith. The word is used in three contexts: the people that God gathers together from the ends of the earth, the local church (diocese), an


God's bringing forth the universe and all its inhabitants into being out of nothing. The beginning of all that exists as the result of an act of God. Creation is told in the Book of Genesis.


A formal statement of religious belief or confession of faith. Based on the Latin credo meaning "I believe" - 2 most familiar are the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.


a follower of Christ who helps to spread His teachings. Based on a word for pupil or student used both to designate those who learned from and followed Jesus in the New Testament times (the disciples) and those who commit themselves to follow him today.


The movement to restore unity among all Christian Churches and ultimately of all humans int he world.


A person who proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ - spread the Gospel of Jesus. "The four Evangelists" refers to the authors of the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


Belief in the existence of God. The gift of God which you freely accept his full Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is a matter of the head (acceptance of the Church's teachings regarding hte Revelation of God) and the heart (love of God and neighbor as respo


The "Good News," the story of the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and the inauguration of God's Kingdom. Proclaimed initially by the Apostles and now by the Church - refers to the four books of the New Testament that focus on the person, life, teachin


Based on the words meaning "in flesh" - the mystery of the Son of God becoming man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. The Incarnation means that Jesus, the Son of God and second Person of the Trinity, is both fully God and fully man.

Kingdom of God

The reign or rule of God over the hearts of people and, as a consequence of that, the development of a new social order based on unconditional love. Also called the Reign of God.


Hebrew word for "anointed one". The equivalent Greek term is Christos. Jesus is the Christ and the Messiah because his is the Anointed One.


Based on a word for "service" in a general sense any service offered to help the Church fulfill her mission, more narrowly, particular expressions of such service (eg. the ministry of catechesis and liturgical ministries)

Original Sin

The sin by which the first humans disobeyed God and thereby lost their original holiness and became subject to death. Original Sin is transmitted to every person born into the world.


A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson through metaphors - a central feature of Jesus teaching ministry.

Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his life, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.


liberation from sin and eternal union with God in Heaven. Salvation is accomplished by God alone through the Paschal Mystery


An attitude that we do not own the gifts God has given us but are trustees of these gifts. We have an obligation to share our time, talents, and material treasures with everybody.


Greek for "God Bearer". The name given to Mary after an Ecumenical council in the fifth century to affirm that she is the Mother of the human Jesus and the Mother of God


Based on a word for "overseer," one who has received the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, is a member of the College of Bishops, and is recognized as a successor of the Apostles. When he serves ass head of a diocese, he is often referred to as th

Body of Christ

A term that, when capitalized, designates Jesus' Body in the Eucharist, or the entire Church, which is also referred to as the Mystical Body of Christ.

Catholic Church

The name given to the universal group of Christian communities that are in communion with the Pope, the successor of Peter. It was established by Christ on the foundation of his Apostles.


A special gift or grace of the Holy Spirit given to an individual Christian or a community, commonly for the benefit and building up of the entire Church.

Communion of Saints

The spiritual union of all those who believe in Christ and have been redeemed, including those who have died and those who are still living.

consecrated life

A state of life recognized by the official Church in which a person publicly professes vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.


Also known as a "particular" or "local" Church, the regional community of believers, who commonly gather in parishes, under the leadership of a bishop. At times, a diocese is determined not on the basis of geography but on the basis of language or culture


An official teaching of the Church based on the Revelation of God by and through Christ

Final Judgment

The judgement of the human race by Jesus Christ at his second coming, as noted in the Nicene Creed. It is also called the Last Judgment.

fruits of the Holy Spirit

The characteristics and qualities of those who allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit. They are listed in Galatians 5:22-23.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Special graces given to us by the Holy Spirit to help us respond to God's call to holiness. The list of seven gifts is derived from Isaiah 11:1-3.


All members of the Church, with the exception of those who are ordained. The laity share in Christ's role as priest, prophet, and king, witnessing to God's love and power in the world.

Marks of the Church

The four characteristics of the true Church of Jesus Christ: One, Holy, Catholic (universal), and Apostolic. These Marks are recited at Mass as a part of the Nicene Creed.


A person who voluntarily suffers death because of her or his beliefs. The Church has canonized many martyrs as saints.


A specific community of believers, commonly but not always defined geographically, whose pastoral and spiritual care is guided by a priest or other leader appointed by a bishop.

Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

the Passion

The suffering and death of Jesus.


The biblical event following the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus at which the Holy Spirit was poured out on his disciples. In the Liturgical Year, the feast fifty days after Easter on which the biblical event of Pentecost is recalled and celebrated.


Based on a word for "father," the successor of Saint Peter and Bishop of Rome, who holds the office of the papacy. Often called the Holy Father.

the Resurrection

The passage of Jesus from death to life on the third day after his Crucifixion; the heart of the Paschal Mystery and the basis of our hope in the resurrection of the dead.


Sacred scpipture, collection of sacred christian writings accepted by the church, composed of new and old testaments.

Biblical Inspiration

The guidance of the Holy Spirit during the development of Scripture, the guidance given to the biblical writers by the Holy Spirit to teach without error.


The official body of laws for the Catholics, Church's list of books in the Bible, Eucharistic prayer.


A solemn agreement between us and God.

Deposit of faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

Divine Revelation

God's self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan

Ecumenical Council

A worldwide gathering of all the bishops called by the pope or approved by him.


The good news


The fact that the books of Scripture are free from error


Chosen people of God, descendants of the twelve tribes of Jacob

The law

Another name for the ten commandments


Teaching authority of the Church

Natural Revelation

The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world.


The second coming of christ


The natural ability human beings have to know and understand truth

Sacred Scripture

The term for any scared writing

Sacred Tradition

Passing on of the gospel message

Salvation History

The story of God's saving action in human history

New Testament

The twenty-seven books of the bible written during the early years of the church in response to the life, mission, death, and resurrection of Jesus; also, another name for the New Covenant established between God and he people of Israel in God's encounter

Old Testament

The forty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from creation, through the story of ancient Israel, and up to the time of Jesus; also refers to the Old Covenant established between God and the people of Israel in God's encounter with


The prayerful acknowledgement that God is God and the creator of all that is.


A prayer asking that God care for a particular person, place, or activity. A simple blessing is usually made with the sign of the cross.


A form of wordless prayer and which one is fully focused on the presence of God; sometimes defined as "resting in God," a deep sense of loving adoration of God.


From a Latin word meaning, "to separate or to distinguish between," it is the practice of listening for gods call in our lives in distinguishing between good and bad choices.

Domestic church

Another name for the first and most fundamental community of faith: the family.


A prayer of glory and praise to one God in three divine persons. Two examples of the doxologies from the mass are the glory to God and the words that precede the Great Amen.


As part of Eucharistic adoration, exposition is the custom of taking the Eucharist from the Tabernacle and placing it in a special vessel called a monstrance, designed to hold a host and "expose" it - that is, to make it visible - so people can pay before


A prayer on behalf of another person or group.

Liturgy of the hours

The official, none sacramental daily prayer of the Catholic Church. The prayer provides standard prayers, Scripture readings, and reflections at regular hours throughout the day.

Lord's prayer

Another name for the our father


A form of prayer involving a variety of methods and techniques, and which one engages the mind, imagination, an emotions to focus on a particular truth, Biblical theme, or other spiritual matter.


An intense experience of the presence and power of God, resulting in a deeper sense of union with God; those who regular experience such unions are called mystics.


From the Latin word for "nine," it is a public or private devotion that extends for a period of nine days. In some cases a novena is offered on a designated day for nine weeks or nine months.


A prayer form in which one asks God for help and forgiveness.


A prayer of acknowledgment that God is God, giving God glory not for what he does, but simply because he is.

Prayer the listing of mind and heart to God in praise,

The lifting of mind and heart to God in praise, petition, Thanksgiving, and intercession; communication with God in a relationship of love.


A prayer of gratitude for the gift of life and the gifts of life.

Vocal prayer

A prayer that is spoken aloud or silently, such as the Lord's prayer. It is one of the three expressions of prayer, the two other being meditation and contemplation.