Psychology - Personality - Chapter 2: Freud - Psychoanalysis (connect)

According to Sigmund Freud, ____ can take many forms, including narcissism, love, sadism, and masochism.


During puberty, adolescents often redirect their libido back to the ego and become preoccupied with personal appearance and other self-interests. This condition is known as ____.

secondary narcissism

A manifestation of Eros is ___, which develops when people invest their libido on an object or person other than themselves.


___ refers to the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person.


Sigmund Freud defined ____ as a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger.


___ anxiety is defined as apprehension about an unknown danger.


Identify the type of anxiety that stems from the conflict between the ego and the superego.

Moral anxiety

___ anxiety is defined as an unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger.

Realistic anxiety

IN the context of the sexual drive, Sigmund Freud believed that the entire body is invested with _____.


According to Freud, identify the major headings under which the various drives can be grouped.

sex and aggression

____ means that the dream image is replaced by some other idea only remotely related to it.


Manifest Content

surface meaning or the conscious description given by the dreamer

Latent Content

The unconscious material of a dream

Sigmund Freud believed that ____ ____ is often expressed by pre-Oedipal girls as a wish to be a boy or a desire to have a man.

penis envy

Psychological Maturity

1. Their ego-ideal is realistic and congruent with their ego.
2. Their ego controls their id and superego.
3. Their superego moves beyond parental identification and control

Perceptual Conscious

perceived through sense organs, if not too threatening, enters into consciousness

Mental Structure

nonthreatening ideas from the preconscious as well as menacing but well-disguised images from the unconscious

____ is the only level of mental life which is directly available to individuals.


Sigmund Freud believed that a portion of the unconscious originates from the experiences of people's early ancestors that have been passed on through hundreds of generations of repetition. He called these inherited unconscious images people's ____ ____.

Phylogenetic Endowment

The contents of the preconscious come from two sources, namely, ____ and the ____.

conscious perception; unconscious

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following statements are true of a drive?

1. Its source is the region of the body in a state of excitation or tension
2. Its aim is to seek pleasure by removing an excitation or reducing a tension

Sigmund Freud objected to the term ___ complex, sometimes used by others when referring to the female Oedipus complex, because it suggests a direct parallel between male and female development during the phallic stage.


The ego is governed by the ____ principle, which it tries to substitute for the pleasure principle of the id.


The ___, or above-I, represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality.


The ____ results from experiences with punishments for improper behavior and tells people what they should not do.


According to Sigmund Freud, the ____ is that province of the mind which strives blindly and unrealistically toward perfection.


Sigmund Freud hypothesized that people who grow into anal characters, develop anal eroticism which then transforms in to the ____ ____ of orderliness, stinginess, and obstinacy that typifies the adult anal character.

anal triad

Sigmund Freud defined ____ as the condition of rivalry toward the father and incestuous feelings toward the mother.

Oedipus complex

Positive Transference

permits patients to more or less relive childhood experiences within the nonthreatening climate of analytic treatment

Negative Transference

Must be recognized by the therapist and explained to patients so that they can overcome any resistance to treatment

In the context of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, identify the true statements about the theory.
